Friday, December 24, 2010

When health insurance is cancelled, when does coverage end?

I cancelled my health insurance in May and they are trying to tell me that my coverage ended in April, the day before my son was born. Is this possible?
Hi Julie, That depends on the period that your payments covered and when in May you canceled your insurance. Most insurance payments are prepaid, so they cover a set period that follows the payment. If, for example, your regular payments were the first of each month, then your May payment would have covered May 1 - May 31. That means your April payment should have covered April 1 - April 30. If your payment was, for example, on May 15, then your May payment would have covered May 16 - 31. Your April payment, on April 15, would have covered April 16 - May 15. And so on. If you have your contract that the insurance company sends every year with your renewal, it should tell you exactly what was covered and when coverage ends when the insurance is canceled. If you don't have it, call the insurance company and ask them to send you a copy. Insist if you have to. You have rights as a consumer. If you still have questions, contact the insurance commissioner's office in your state. Sometimes, they are hard to reach. If that happens, call your local county commissioner's office, and ask for help. Hope this helps.

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