Friday, March 25, 2011

Health Insurance Question - What should I do?

I have no health insurance. I never go to the doctor but occasionally have sleep problems (and once in awhile, take Ambien CR). I'm *very* poor and I only care about medical insurance enough to cover the enormous cost of this medication. What sort of insurance should I apply for? How should I go about this? I'm only 20 and don't know anything about this stuff.
You can apply for medical assistance though your State or County.

What is your knowledge & understanding on health insurance?

I am studying this in med. assistant class. So to those who work in this field, what is medical insurance in a nutshell?
Health insurance provides health care coverage for individuals ......there is a huge monthly premium that insurers must pay for health benefits.....such as hospital coverage for an illness or accident, regular doctors visits, and for pharmaceutical drugs. The overall costs are astronomical in the United States.......... so many people cannot afford the monthly fees to help them live a normal many people need the insurance to help them pay for maintenance drugs they need to survive. Such as illnesses as simple as Asthma and arthritis.......... people need to have daily medicine....called preventative medicine which is very costly.

How do you set up a medical transportation service to be paid by health insurance company?

i would like to transport patients to and fro' medical appts and get paid thru medical insurance companies.
Sorry, but insurance doesn't pay for transportation in most cases except for emergency ambulance rides or transporting a patient from one hospital to another if the first hospital is unable to treat the patient.

Can health insurance (no dental) cover braces in some cases?

For example, central and lateral incisors are crowded. Both have moved a significant amount, causing a change in the bite (can basically not use the front teeth to bite). In something so extreme, can health insurance cover the braces needed to repair?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Is it true that employer provided health insurance will be taxed as income?

I'm told section 9102 of the HC Law requires cost of employer provided insurance be reflected on employee's W2 form beginning in 2011. Logic suggests that is taxable income. What say you!
No it is NOT true, contrary to what mis-informed GOP trolls on here would like you to believe. Check out the facts:…

How can my boyfriend (who has CF) and I get married and have health insurance while in college?

He has Cystic Fibrosis (mild case, but with expensive medications), and I am healthy. We are both on our parent's insurance plans and would like to get married in the next 2 years (when he and I are juniors in college). Is there a way to do this?
If you are in college, you may want to check out health insurance programs that are written through your school. United Healthcare has a plan available at many US schools. These student injury and illness plans provide wide ranging coverage and are designed to be more affordable than an individual policy. To check if your school is participating, go to and enter your school name at the prompt. Even if your school is not contracted with United Healthcare, you may become eligible by joining the ACSA (American College Student Association) for a minimal fee, and take advantage of the plan that covers college students across the US. If you don't find your school listed, type in ACSA and view the benefits available to their members.

Why do people who oppose the health insurance reform bill think it's socialistic?

It uses privatization, not socialistic principles. The reason why the rest of the world pays half per capita for health care (and get better outcomes) is because EVERYBODY IS COVERED. Don't people understand that for the price to go down, everyone has to be included and contribute. That's why there's the mandate. People are more emotional than logical.
Because they've been parroting everything they "know" for so long that they can't stop themselves.

Do I have to pay my health insurance premiums while off work due to work related injury(workmans comp)Nebraska

I'm on TDD( temp disability) thru workmans comp. my employer just called telling me i have to pay my medical insurance thats due.
If you have medical insurance through your employer, you may need to pay for it to keep it current. What you receive for workman's compensation is not paid out of your health insurance. These are separate entities and, after a certain time on disability, your employer is no longer responsible for paying your health insurance.

My health insurance is canceled, How can I go to a direct operator?

I hate the machines that answer, THERES TOO MANY CHOICES but only 10 "number"buttons on a phone. I tried calling once and that's what happened. Can somebody give me the number for medicare/peach care insurance company and how can i talk to a human instead of the machine? & why was my insurance canceled?
I am guessing that Peach Care is a Medicare plan in Georgia. Check their website for phone numbers. It is possible, they were cancelled by Medicare for fraud, or it is possible they did not renew their contract with Mediare and you might have to enroll in another plan. The open enrollment starts this month through December.

is there taxes on health insurance in Florida ?

taxes on health insurance in west palm beach florida?
Please clarify your question, or better yet, repost. Do you mean to ask if one gets to write off (deduct) money spent paying for Health Insurance Premiums? Or, do you mean does one have to pay tax on reimbursements one gets from an insurance company when they pay for medical procedures? Or, do you mean something else all together? Are you talking state income tax, state sales tax, federal income tax?

What is your deductible on your health insurance?

I read that most people are paying as much of $1000 or more on their medical care before insurance will pay a dime. They have huge deductibles and copayments as high as $75.00. My copayment is only $5 and I have no deductible, which makes me very happy. How about you?
Most people buying their own insurance (not through an employer) go for high deductible plans to save money. As an broker I have my insurance through my wife's job and we pay $400 per month for a family of four with a $1,000 deductible 70/30 co-insurance and no copay. No copay means doctor visits count towards the deductible then we pay 30%. For most people if you calculate your total cost of your insurance the high deductible comes out as a better value. Add your premium + deductible + co-insurance = total cost. 90% of people with insurance get less than $1,000 in benefits per year. Meaning most people don't go to the doctor enough to even meet the high deductible. If this formual does not work for your plan you should check with a few other carriers, some carriers have bad rates for high dedutible plans others have great rates.

Will health insurance pay for a breast reduction?

I have a 36H and I would give anything to get a breast reduction, but I don't have the money for it. I have major back problems because of it, and I was wondering if health insurance covered that or not. I have PPO, blue cross, blue shield. Does anyone know??
The only way to find out is to call BCBS and ask them. Some policies will not cover it no matter what, even if the doctor says it's medically necessary. I have worked in health insurance for 8 years, and I have seen thousands of different types of policies. Other questions to ask: Do I have a deductible? What percentage am I responsible for when the deductible is met? Is there an out of pocket maximum? (An out of pocket max is the most you will have to pay for medical services for that particular year.) Are the doctors and the hospital in the network? What is the coverage for the radiologist, anesthesiologist, and/or pathologist if their services are required? Is prior notification required?

Why do health insurance providers cover penis pumps but not medically necessary procedures?

The Pos-T-Vac commercial is rampant these days and advertises that Medicare and other providers pay 100% of the cost. It's a penis pump and makes no allusion to its intended purpose in the commercial. However, medical insurance won't cover many "necessary" procedures or will only partially provide payment. Since when is the ability to have a hard-on more medically important than the ability to have a healthy heart, fully functional brain, or ability to use your appendages without prosthetics?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

IF you already are paying for your Health insurance or have none?

why would you not want Universal Health Care? Howmany times does your insurance co. not pay for all perscriptions, give you a co-pay, only pay a percentage on treatments, not pay for treatment on exsisting conditions, let conditions that could be cured or treated be denined for egnorent reasons etc....
I want health insurance! I don't have it now. I think everyone deserves to be able to go to a doctor and not fear getting a catastrophic illness.

If you had cancer & no health insurance, would you start a life of crime to get the $ to pay for treatment?

I mean, it's a case of life and death. And the government and the employer you work for do not provide insurance coverage. And you really don't care if you get tossed in prison because your days are numbered anyways and this is your last shot.
This is essentially the story behind Breaking Bad, a critically acclaimed shoe on AMC. The Dad has cancer and wants to leave something to his family. He is a High School Chemistry Teacher and starts cooking meth. I could definitely have empathy.

How does a health insurance tax credit help if you can't afford to pay for insurance up front?

No one seeems to be considering this. I believe that people who are struggling will not be able to eek enouggh out of their budget to pay for heath insurance, credit. Does anyone else see the flaw in this plan from the perspective of the uninsured?
It doesn't. It's a bunch a bull. All McCain wants to do is deregulate the health care industry by removing state restrictions on health care insurance companies. This will be a disaster. Obama's plan is much better in any light.

Why don't health insurance companies improve if they are all competing against each other?

I just saw Michael Moore's film "Sicko." What I don't understand is why health insurance companies don't just improve through the normal competition that exists in a freemarket. If the companies are so greedy, why doesn't a new company simply emerge that is a tiny bit less greedy and makes it a little easier on the consumer? Wouldn't that company steal all the customers away and be more successful? Do the insurance companies have monopolies? Is there some reason why antitrust laws don't apply to them?
One reason is that health insurance is tied to your job, so you as an individual don't have any negotiating power. It's up to your employer to negotiate a group rate. The bigger the employer, unfortunately, the better the rate. That's why small companies either don't offer insurance as a benefit or why they can't cover it 100%. There is just not a lot of incentive for insurance companies to lower prices. The other reason is that Medicare pretty much sets prices for services and all other insurance companies follow suit.

What's wrong with affordable health insurance without a middle man?

We have affordable car insurance and the gov't doesn't get involved in that, do they? Am I the only one who thinks a few of these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be regulated?
Your question is much too logical to be taken seriously here. There are numerous ways to reform healthcare. The German model uses private, for profit health insurers who are subject to government regulations that prohibit them from denying coverage bases on pre-existing conditions. So their system is more of a hybrid than other European single payer systems, ranging from this to the British system of socialized medicine where the doctors work for the government to the French system of private doctors but with a single payer system. The big difference, or course, is that the United States has allowed the medical profession to become a for profit system. The free market zealots think this is just fine but the fact is that by allowing the profit motive into this basic human need they are ruining our economy. Soon the portion of our incomes that the health care system demands of us will exceed our ability to pay and we will essentially be working in exchange for healthcare. Economic slavery anyone? But consider this. If we should end up with a single payer system it will spell the end of our economy unless Obama can muster the courage and ammunition to stop the insane prices that the healthcare profession charges us for their services. A single payer system without removing these criminally high prices will create a Bubble that will dwaft even the housing bubble. Close your eyes and try to imagine just how raped and robbed we will be when every person in the country can get medical care that is subsidized by the government with the greedy sons of dogs in the healthcare business charging $235.00 for an aspirin. And to the free maketers who claim that a single payer system with price controls won't work, I remind them of Vlad Lenin. Vlad pulled a 38 caliber pistol from his pocket and put it to the head of a train conductor refusing to run the train. Vlad ****** the pistol and Mr. Conductor yelled, "All Aboard!" The trains ran on time and so will the appendix operations after a couple of well placed bullets.

How much does a history of smoking affect health insurance rates?

I smoked moderately (1 pack every 3 days) for about ten years. I quit two months ago. I'm 27 now. I've been uninsured for eight years and I want insurance. I feel healthy...but you never know. I might tear my ACL working out or something crazy like that. Do I have a fighting chance, or is the insurance company going to sock it to me because of ol' puffy?
smokers rates a slightly higher and they usually ask if you smoked in the last 12 months. So at this point you would still be considered a smoker. I suggest you use to search for health insurance brokers in your area. Don't call your auto and home agent they specialize in property and causality insurance. You need someone that specializes in health insurance. A Broker represents multiple carriers and can help you sort through all the different insurance companies and plan options in your state Tom Z, in group health insurance everyone gets the same rate. But I write individual health insurance everyday and the rates are certainly higher for smokers.

What could be the reason that Obama sometimes says mandated health insurance is a tax and sometimes he says it?

is not a tax? He initially stated mandated insurance is not a tax but now states (in response to lawsuits) that it is a tax.
It depends who he is talking to. If he is trying to convince the electorate that he isn't breaking is no new taxes on the Middle Class then he claims it isn't a tax. When he is trying to convince a judge that it is Constitutional then it is a tax. He is the most openly dishonest President we have ever had..

Who should pay for health insurance?

I go to school full time and we have 2 children. My husband is self-employed and we have no health insurance. The children do, medicaid. My husband says when I am done with school, I should work full time to provide the family with health insurance. When I am sick and need to go to the doctor, he gives me attitude because we will incur another bill. I say if he wants to be self-employed, he should make enough to pay for it, or get a real job.
First, having health insurance for yourself is important. One way or another you need to get some. At this point, since your husband is the sole breadwinner, he should pay for health insurance. There are plans out there for small businesses. What do you want to do after you finish school? If you desire, you can work part-time or full time. A full time job may provide you with some great insurance. Only work full time if you need the money or you want to. Do what is right for your family. Your children come first.

What type of health insurance plan should I look for?

I don't have insurance at work. I'm buying privately. I don't want to spend more than $80 per month. I'm in my mid-20's. I live in Ohio.
I would like to suggest you get as much information as you could before taking action,here is a good place for that.

Health insurance for my wife at a low rate?

I work but unable to carry my wife do to the rates. Is there any insurance that we can get on at a better than the one offered at my job. So far I have found one with Blue Cross Blue Shield for $70 a month where my job is like $95 a week or so. I do know it was high on a weekly basis.
First ask your work if they offer a higher deductible plan or a plan with higher co-pays. I bet you blue cross has higher of both of these compared to your work. Just about all companies offer different kinds of deductibles and plans. Make an appointment with your HR person. /

Are there any health insurance companies that will not cover abortion under any circumstances?

I'm interested if there are any insurance companies that won't cover abortion - so, if an individual is against abortion on moral/religious grounds, there is an insurer they can use that reflects these values.
Not that I can think of. But when the policy is purchased, like through employer sponsored plans - the purchaser can elect to NOT have abortions covered under that policy. However, in cases of ectopic pregnancy, for example, when an abortion is the standard treatment to protect the life of the mother, most states will STILL require that standard health insurance covers it.