Thursday, April 21, 2011

What will be the fines for not taking health insurance?

Will it be less than what the government charges you for insurance?
I'm British, married, a father of two and am heavily mortgaged. We are also a one wage household. Due to the current economic crisis, I no longer receive a quarterly bonus as I did before, so nearly every penny I earn goes towards bills, there is seldom anything left anymore for niceties or savings. In fact, if it wasn't for our free National Health Service, I'd really be in the brown smelly stuff. I'm sure that there are people in the USA that mirror my own situation exactly, the difference being is that they have no NHS equivalent to help them if they or their kids get sick. This new mandatory Health Insurance ruling that Obama is suggesting, will destroy these people as they would need to spend money they don't have on Health Insurance and face penalties they can't afford to pay if they don't. It worries me that the richest nation in the world who can easily afford a state funded health service, refuse to explore the option, due to some out dated McCarthyist paranoia about state funded medicine being the first rung on the ladder to communism. The rich of America can afford Health Insurance, the poor can't and your government intends to penalize them for it. I'm sure that the main reason for their reluctance is the potential decline of the billion dollar industry of Health Insurance companies. Who cares about them? These companies have been screwing the American people for years, it's about time you all united and screwed them for a change. I think the majority of Americans are now thinking that the bloom is off the rose as far as Obama is concerned.

What are my options for short-term health insurance in NY?

My grad-school insurance runs out tomorrow (8/20), and my work insurance won't kick in until Sept. 1. I figured I could sign up for short-term insurance in the interim, but now, admittedly at the last minute, I discover New York State doesn't offer short-term insurance. Can I sign up in another state? My parents live in Washington State, and my grandma lives in NJ. I could use either of their addresses. Will it work? What are my other options?
Speak with a local agent that is independent and can help you search multiple companies. Be sure that you compare quotes from at least 3 different companies. Here is some more information on New York health insurance:

Can I get health insurance from another state?

I've searched high and low for a decent cheap high deductible health plan in New York (I'm a healthy 27 yr old sole proprieter). For whatever reason, they don't seem to exist. Can I use my mother's Kansas address to get a plan?
Sure you can, but it's only going to cover things that you get done in Kansas. And the providers, will be KANSAS providers. And it will cover you according to KANSAS insurance department regulations. Hell of a drive if you have a broken finger. Are you looking for a major medical insurance policy with high deductible, OR, a health plan? They're two different things. The health insurance plan will cover maintenance things, and the major medical will only cover hospitalizations. With, as you noted, a high deductible. If you're 30 and healthy, the health insurance plan WILL cost $250 a month for just you, the major medical maybe $150 a month. That's just what they cost. There is some variance geographically, but not much. Contact the guy who does your car insurance, and ask them for a MAJOR MEDICAL quote, with high deductible. Or a referral to someone who can do that.

why do i keep getting denied health insurance?

for yrs i have tried to get health insurance and i constanly get told that there is something on my medical record but yet noone will tell me what it is.all i know i s 20 yrs ago i lost a little girl when i was 8 months pregnant and recieved a dnc,well i have had health proplems every since.i ws examined once by a docotr that ask me if i had partial hysterectomy and i said no why and his face turned red..what is going on?also been with my husband for 22 yrs and weve never had children.who could i contact to find out what is on my medical records?thanks
hmm.. this seems weird, go see anyone you have seen in your life and request medical records... the dr that asked you that shoud have told you why he thought that... the insurance companys should tell you what is on there... good luck with all of this..

Do I need to hire a lawyer to fight against health insurance company for denied claims?

I am having problem with my health insurance company who denied coverage. There is $50,000 outstanding balance, which supposed to be covered, but were denied, because of I am also listed under my husband's health insurance. The claims were re-routed to both insurances.... and I haven't contacted the State agency (Dept of Insurance?) yet. On the State agency's web site, it saying "If you have an attorney representing you in this matter or if there is a lawsuit currently ongoing or pending, our ability to mediate this matter is limited, but we will investigate your inquiry for any regulatory issues. However, if a lawsuit is pending, we may defer the regulatory investigation until the finality of the litigation. We ask that you still complete this form so we have a record of your issue." The original service was rendered 6 month ago... and I am losing time. Shoud I file a complaints to State agency first, and wait for what they are come up with? OR hire an attorney now?
Well, what's the TIME FRAME? Will they honor claims filed within 180 days, or 365? I'd be VERY inclined to do the insurance department first - an attorney is going to cost you money up front, and they're not likely to be able to DO anything for you. I'd ALSO be inclined to gather up all the paperwork, INCLUDING COPIES OF BOTH POLICIES, and truck it down to have a meeting with your homeowners insurance agent, and get THEIR opinion - free of charge. Your policy would be primary. Depending on WHY your policy declined to cover, then your husband's should be secondary, covering you. So, the declination from the primary carrier should trigger coverage from the secondary, unless we're talking about an uncovered procedure here (like cosmetic surgery). You need to have both claim EOB's, and both declination letters, to send to the insurance department. Now, they're usually pretty fast, you'll likely have a response within two weeks. And normally, the "180 days" retriggers from the date the claim was denied, so that should buy you a little more time.

What is socialistic about health care reform & govt. run option to private health insurance?

I am not asking if it could lead to a completely nationalize health care system years from now.
There's nothing SOCIALIST about it. Mostly the Giant Insurance Companies don't want any changes to their profits The BILLIONAIRES who own FOX FAKE "News" have teamed up with the Giant Insurance Companies - and they just get the republicans to repeat the "SOCIALIST" lie - and republicans are stupid enough to do it. Getting idiots to vote against their own self interests is the greatest sales job in history for the republican party. .

How much is health insurance with bupa?

Like the insurance that covers ANY treatment how much would it cost? Thanks!
YOu can get a quote on their website. It all depends on how old you are and what level of cover you want, different levels might cover you for everything you want but they may have different limits to how much you can claim. Also it will depend on if yo want any excess on your policy. If you are a young person it might range from £40-£70 a month. X

Should Americans send death certificates of deceased loved ones without health insurance to Blue Dog Democrats?

What if the people who lost loved ones because the insurance companies refused to cover them, should mail copies of the death certificates to the Democrats?
If it was my loved one I might just mail a "ceo" a piece of copper/lead. its the thought that counts and DINO is a gift giver as well as a BLUE DOG DEM.

Best Health Insurance for Young Adults?

I am 21 and a soon-to-be college graduate. What is the best health insurance company/plan for someone in my position? Please include the monthly cost. I've heard alot about Blue Cross Blue Shield but this is a very important decision and I need a little help making it. I am not looking to get on my parents' health insurance. Thanks!
Only you can determine what is the best health insurance plan. I say that because you are the one that has to make the decision of what the right balance is between affordability and policy benefits. For example, if you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as low deductibles, low co-pays and optional vision and dental benefits your monthly premiums will be significant. Is the most comprehensive policy coverage the best health insurance? You have to decide. On the other hand because you are young, presumably healthy and probably use the health care system sparingly you could consider an Health Savings Account plan that covers only the major health catastrophe. If you'd rather have more comprehensive individual health insurance coverage, such as preventive care coverage, consider a PPO or HMO plan with a lower deductible. Consider higher co-pays for doctor's office visits and perhaps not cover prescription drugs. Either of these approaches will result in a lower monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit or prescription and still come out ahead. Is this approach the best health insurance policy? You have to decide. You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. That adviser can answer questions as to what is and is not covered by the policy, explain deductibles and co-pays and show you the hospitals and doctors that participate in the network. Armed with knowledge of the coverage available and the associated costs you can decide what is the "best" policy. Check with the agent that writes your home or auto insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation. Some are going to suggest you go to their web site so that they earn a few pennies on a "click through". Some may suggest going on line to get a quote but you already know that there is more to a good health insurance policy than price. Use the Internet to educate yourself but use an agent to purchase the coverage.

what kind of health insurance does oklahoma carry?

I am moving to oklahoma from minnesota, in december. Does anyone know what kind of health/dental plans they have? and anything for low income families? And where I could go to find out. thank you!
They have soonercare for children/ aka medicaid that covers medical and dental for low income families. For adults they have the same, but dental only covers emergency extractions for adults.

Does an employer legally obliged to pay for my wife's health insurance?

My indian employer only pays for my health insurance and is cutting 423 dollars for my wife insurance. Legally, does he has the right to do so ? or he has to pay for my wife/family insurance too legally? 423 is too much and hard to pay. he cuts from my paycheck. My wife is also pregnent. please advice! thanks
i stopped reading after " my indian" sigh....

My husband had health insurance through his company. His company just dropped him from their health insurance

His company just dropped him from their insurance coverage, and never told him. They never sent him a letter regarding COBRA coverage. Is this legal? BTW, we live in FL. We just got a letter from his health insurance company today stating he is not longer covered. My husband is out of work on Worker's comp. Please help.
First of all, is your husband's company obligated to provide COBRA? As others have mentioned, not all employers fall under COBRA requirements. If your husband's company is required to offer COBRA, frankly I'd be quite surprised if a notice wasn't sent to you. Your husband should be able to confirm with the human resources person at his former employer to confirm whether or not he's COBRA eligible. As far as getting dropped from the insurance...have you guys been paying the premiums? The employer isn't obligated to pay the premiums on your family's behalf if your husband isn't actively working. If you haven't been paying premiums, then that would explain the cancellation. If you find out that your husband should have been eligible for COBRA or if you were paying insurance premiums out of your pocket but got canceled anyhow, I'd contact an attorney.

I am under my mother's health insurance, but I also have insurance at work?

I use her insurance card because the copays are substantially lower. What happens if i don't include my work insurance with my medical office when receiving treatment?
Nothing. It's up to you which insurance you choose to use. It's like having 2 credit cards ....its your personal decision if you choose to use the Visa instead of the Mastercard. You could ask the person that does the billing in that office if it would benefit you to include a second health insurance but don't tell them you actually have one. Just ask "what if" questions.

I have health insurance through my job for my family. If I quit tomorrow, how long will I have it?

We;re getting health insurance through my husband.
If you work for a company with 20 or more employees then by Federal law they must offer you a COBRA group health insurance continuation plan that will last for at least 18 months. COBRA plans are group plans so they will be much more expensive than an individual health insurance plan. Here is some more information on COBRA health insurance:

Don't we need to end health insurance and start national health care?

If corporations and individuals didn't need to pay for health insurance, but rather our taxes went into a fund to pay for each individual when necessary.. then employers and individuals wouldn't have to bear this burden. This allows corporations to increase their profits and employ more people to grow. The losers in this plan are the insurance companies, but the employees could be hired to work for the new national health care plan. Think about it.. Insurance is completely unnecessary if your treatment is automatically paid by a national health care fund. The rest of the free world has similar health care systems... Why do we seem so concerned with "insurance" which is completely unnecessary?
I have this argument all the time with my father. Whether you like it or not we WILL have universal healthcare one day. The current system is a disaster of wasted money and inefficiency that I doubt even our Government can top, and on top of that 40+ million aren't even covered right now. Our current system gets more expensive and less effective by the day and is destined to completely collapse. There are plenty of facts and comparisons out there that prove that universal healthcare will not only be cheaper but it will be more efficient.

If you have a brain tumor (malignant) and no health insurance, do you wait to die?

or what happens? no outisde church or fundraising and no health insurance what happens?
i hope everyone will read this and i agree with the other answers but cancer is our government's dirty little secret-a cruel decieving way to get your money. our health care system insurance companies hospitals clinics pharmacutical companies make billions monthly from us- praying on our desperation and emotions to help a loved one through this wicked disease. they advertise on t.v. newspapers radio magazines etc. why to help pay government taxes and make profit. the cancer surgery weakens an already desperately weak body and fighting immune system,the radiation is more dangerous than the prevents the tissue from healing properly(it's a one time treatment only because of that) the chemo administered is deadly toxic poison that rots your organs veins and brain and patients suffer more from that than the actual cancer.the idea is to take your money house before you die so there is nothing left in the will for your kids and grand children.. that's why there is only 1% of money going to cancer research ..whats more your cancer is not cured only treated and will come back with a vengence leaving family members desperate to spend(invest more) .....please understand i worked in this industry for 20 years, and if and when i get cancer i'd rather have hospice take care of me naturally-they care and will keep you comfortable with dignity- please watch the farrah fawcett story-she wanted to live so much-she spent her fortune traveling to germany for excrutiating treatments because the usa doesn't cure cancer it only treats.she suffered in vein with only a faint ray a hope to keep her going-it doesn't work. our government needs to regulate the toxins in our atmosphere and environment-they don't care but until they do chances are we will as a majority of americans die of cancer. so more and more people are catching on not to go for the treatments but live with cancer a few months shorter but with quality of life, and a little more money for other things so don't let the industry manipulate you into thinking you will die without paying for these treatments-they don't work

What Health Insurance can I get in NY state if I am unemployed?

Besides Cobra, what other options do I have? I ma looking for cheap insurance.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Is health insurance a commodity on the free market?

I'm relatively sure that is not but I haven't the slightest how it works in those regards. I am currently a dependent and my insurance is through my father's employer. It's a hot topic at the moment and I'd like to know what's wrong with it?
No, insurance is not a commodity. Gold is a commodity and no matter where you buy gold or in what form it comes, it's still gold. Granted there are different grades of gold, oil, wheat, etc...but insurance is not a commodity. Insurance is a contract and a promise to pay under certain circumstances.

when choosing health insurance what factors matters most to you.?

im looking for health insurance for me and my wife but i dont want to get something that is going to be a waste of my hard earned money give a little detail on it as im not to good on all the ppo and hmo and the likes thanks. best anser scores 10 good points.
first,you should collect some resource by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you got good luck there ,then your problem solved.however,if you are not able to find the ideal answer by doing that,here is the resource i recommend.

Which health insurance do you think would be better: Humana One, or through my university?

I'm currently enrolled with HumanaOne, but I'm going back to school and am offered their insurance at a similar cost. Does anyone have experience with either of these, or have an idea which coverage would be better? I'm going to do a close comparison, but I also though it would help to get any other opinions out there. Thanks.
Humana, because you will own the policy, not the university. As long as you continue to pay the premiums you cannot be canceled, or singled out for a rate increase. Besides, most college plans are "limited benefit" policies. Don

Where can I find a medicare health insurance supplement in OK for prexisiting conditions and for under age 65?

Oklahoma is hard to find this type of health supplement.
You will want to contact an independent agent that works with Medicare Advantage plans in OK. Pre-existing conditions are not an issue unless you have ESRD (kidney failure). Each plan is county specific but there are 23 plans available in Oklahoma City and range in price from $0 to $218 per month. Many of these plans include prescription drug coverage. You can get on a plan that doesn't include the drug coverage and get a separate stand alone Part D plan, of which there are 56 plans available state-wide. You must have both medicare parts A and B to get on a Medicare Advantage plan or either medicare parts A or B to get on a stand alone Part D plan.

Does anyone else think health insurance networks are a bad thing?

My father had a rare condition and one of the few places in the country that was experienced in treating it wasn't in our network. The insurance said they wouldn't cover it if we took him there, so we couldn't afford it and so we had to take him elsewhere and they didn't know what they were doing and he died. I think everyone should be able to go to whatever hospital or doctor they choose. Goodness knows we pay enough for the stupid insurance!
Honestly, I think Health Insurance is a scam, for the most part. Even if you do have health insurance, you've still gotta pay the premiums, co-payments and deductibles. God forbid something does happen, the insurance company only covers a small fraction on the costs, if the illness is covered under the contract. Otherwise, your claim will be DENIED. Don't forget about all of the medication you'll have to spend hundreds on dollars on. You said that the caretaker(s) "didn't know what they were doing..." and as a result of that your father passed away. I would talk to an attorney and sue the hospital for negligence. My condolences to you and your family. If you haven't already, go see the movie Sicko, directed by Micheal Moore. (yes he is bias, but theres still truth in what he says)

Dems seem to like the idea that the government can make everyone buy health insurance. What would?

happen if the government passes a law that all home owners have a firearm? It would cut down on burglary and home invasion, would be their reason to do it. Arent we giving the government the right to do this if we let them force insurance on us?
The government cannot make you do anything. I am sure someone will file a suite that will end up at The Supreme Court. Peace