Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Does a health insurance bill list what medications have been purchased?

I have Tufts insurance, and am filling a prescription... and I'm on my aunts insurance plan, so she gets the bill. Does medication affect insurance costs? I don't want the bill to go up because I'm filling this. Also, if not, will the bill actually list what medications have been purchased under the particular insurance? Thanks!
The HEALTH insurance won't list prescriptions purchased. Medication doesn't affect insurance costs. HOWEVER. If she itemizes her medical deductions, she can request a list of all prescriptions filled, and then she'd get it.

Can anyone explain the copay option in my health insurance?

My United Healthcare insurance policy states that i have to pay a Copay of $35 for History and Exam for my primary and specialist doctor. Does it mean that i only have to pay that amount every time i visit the doctor?
yes, more than likely the $35 is your standard co-pay for any dr visit. emergency room visits are usually more like $100. as long as any blood work, xrays, stress tests, etc are done in office that should be all you have to pay for the visit. the copay usually does not go toward your deductible though,so if you have to have surgery you will have to meet your full deductible.

are health insurance companies held responsible to anyone?

I have child health plus for my child and they canceled without any notification, this doesn't seem right.
Yes. Contact your state Insurance Commission. They are unbelievably thorough in every state, and they have to follow up on all complaints, requiring the insurance company to spend time and money answering to an investigation. Sometimes just telling an insurance carrier that you are going to contact the commission will change their behavior very quickly.

Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?

I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
Offering health insurance or any other type of employee benefits such as 401k plans, profit sharing, life insurance, disability, etc. is entirely optional for the employer unless they are a "union shop". The companies that usually offer these benefits do so to increase retention (a high turnover rate can lead to poor profits), increase morale among employees, increased production and an overall better work environment because employees feel more valued and respected which is worth more to them than say an extra 25 cents per hour. While most companies that offer the benefits do so only for full time employees, some companies do offer the benefits to part time employees. In addition some companies do have a waiting period (which can vary from 30 days to ......) after your initial hire date before you become eligible for the benefits. In addition the amount the companies expect the employees to contribute to the plans varies widely among clients which means to get coverage under group health insurance you might have to contribute anywhere from 10 to 50% of the cost. You should probably ask someone in the Human Resources Department or the Office Manager or look in the Employee Manual if you were given one since many times it is listed there. If they do not offer health insurance, you will need to either purchase your own or try to find another job that offers it. I do wish you the best of luck at this new job.

Is it legal for a company to refuse to put a spouse on health insurance?

Is it legal for a company that you work for to refuse to put your spouse on your insurance if they are able to get their own insurance at the company they work for?
A company can require the spouse to take their employers insurance if the company self funds their own insurance. They can even charge a surcharge if your spouse elects your coverage when they can get their own coverage through their own employer. If however it is a fully insured plan then it is not legal. Self funded insurance does not have to follow the same guidelines as fully insured groups.

Is it up to the Federal gov't, or each state, as to how many Health Insurance Companies are allowed to compete?

in that state? I remember during an Obama speech he said that in Alabama, one insurance company has like 70% of the people insured. If the people of Alabama, or any other state, want MORE competition among their health insurers, isn't that THEIR right and responsibility? Thanks!
Your viewpoint is in conflict with both the Democratic and the Republican thinking on this subject. Democrats want competition based on a common minimum set of standards that apply to all Americans and Republicans want insurance to be sold across state lines. The Republican proposal would leave the choice of state regulations to the insurance companies based on their domiciles but would affect people who live in other states. That of course would lead to insurance companies choosing states with few regulations but selling to people who live in highly regulated states. The Democrats are establishing a standard set of insurance requirements that would apply to all health insurance purchases. The current system of piecemeal state regulation is not working well. The current proposals are to offer more choices to the businesses and people who purchase health insurance rather than limiting health insurance choices based on state residence. More competition will help to lower cost.

Should employers offer optional health insurance for pets?

A group insurance policy might be less expensive than an individual policy. Probably cap the maximun yearly payout at $3000. per employee irregardless of the number of pets a person has. Maybe add a $20. co-pay per vet. visit.
Employers won't do that become legally animals aren't a co-dependant so they won't offer insurance for them. Unless they are listed on your tax forms (which isn't possible), you won't be getting insurance for your pet anytime soon.

Does it matter to you that required health insurance premiums would not be called a tax?

They would still be very large payments government will force people to make. People will be forced to make those payment even if they object to mainstream medicine and never use it themselves. How is this unlike a regressive tax?
Not to ones standard of living.. *ANY* mandate by the Government has a negative effect on ones total disposable income. Environmental mandates are among the worst offenders... The "Cape and Trade" scam will cost the average household more than $1500 a year just in electricity bills, with additional cost in transportation. (driving to work, etc) Supposedly it won't be a "regressive tax" because lower incomes will be subsidized. Of coarse *someone* has to pay for it and the actual effect will be *more* low income workers due to the loss of jobs in the economy caused by increased cost (the result of the "subsidy")

Who is the best/cheapest short term health insurance provider?

I'll soon be on unemployment and need to have something in place while job searching. I am on a limited income and will only want the bare essentials of coverage.
Hi Veda, To say this or that company is the best I would have to be crazy it is impossible to know all of the companies out there offering short term health Ins. What I can do is give you a name of a company that I know does offer it which is UNICARE. You can look on line at their website you will be able to get an instant quote there. I'm sure you can find other companies that offer this service on line as. Get quotes from different companies, ask them to e-mail /fax you the information and compare them. Make sure you ask for their rating. You don't only have to worry about the premium but also the quality of their business.

Health insurance carriers that start with the letter P?

Please name as many as possible. Only with the letter P though.
Premera Blue Cross (www.premera.com) PacifiCare Parkland Community Health Plan Physician's Health Plan of Northern Indiana Private Healthcare Systems, Inc. Providence Health Plans

Can I get my Health insurance to pay for a breast reduction? ?

I am 5 foot 4 and have 32DDD breast. I have a petite frame but my boobs weigh too much and I am always in alot of back pain and alot of shoulder pain. Will my insurance company cover this or do I have to pay for it myself?
maybe since it's causing you so much pain it sucks i know, i dont have DDD's, but i have DD's

What is the best Pregnancy Insurance Available to a already expecting Mom w/no health coverage at the moment?

Health Insurance for Pregnant Women!
If you don't qualify for Medicaid, there's a company out there that helps people who do not have and need affordable health benefits. It includes regular office visits, any specialists and even pre-existing conditions including pregnancy. It basically includes everything you need help paying for. Their medical plan includes dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic benefits as well. There's no high premiums, deductibles, co-pays, waiting periods, claims forms or anything like that at all. They can save you up to 80% on your out of pocket expenses for a very small fee every month. It could end up saving you a lot of $$ over traditional insurance. Try this website and you can check out the specifics and providers in your area. http://www.everyonebenefits.com/40424269… If your provider isn't on there, he can be added. They are a wonderful company and are members of the BBB. I have benefits through them as well. Another option is a midwife. I think it's about $1000 for a home delivery depending on the midewife. My mom had her twins through one and was very pleased. Hope you find what you need. Please email me if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to help you if I can. Best of luck.

Can my fiancee be considered "spouse" for health insurance?

My fiancee recently got laid off and will be without health insurance soon. Am I allowed to add her to my company insurance plan as "spouse"? Or do we need to be legally married? (we won't be able to do get married for at least a year for personal reasons)
not unless you live in one of the few states that recognize domestic partnerships...if not- you'll have to wait

How much will it cost to visit a doctor under COBRA health insurance? How much of bill will be covered byCobra

My boyfriend quit his job a month ago, and I believe he can continue his health coverage through COBRA. How much would a doctor visit cost for a single person? How much will COBRA cover for a visit and a skin biopsy? We know that he will be paying 280 per month for continuing coverage.
COBRA is the extension of the health benefits your boyfriend received from their former employer, so the cost of the doctor's visit is the same as it was when your boyfriend was with his employer. The part that changes the most when someone goes on COBRA is that he/she is paying 102% of the health plan's premium, which includes the entire premium plus 2% for the administration of the plan. When your boyfriend worked for his former employer, he was probably only paid a fraction of his health premium. Has your boyfriend explored other health options? COBRA is a valuable option for many (especially those who have pre-existing health conditions), but the premiums can be very expensive - often more than employees can afford. At eHealthInsurance.com, where I work, you can get free instant quotes and compare benefits for a broad range of health insurance plans available in your area. We even have a site for people to learn about their options outside COBRA, called www.COBRAlearning.com. If you have any questions about the switch from COBRA to an individual plan, you can reach one of our licensed agents at 1-800-977-8860. Amir M, licensed agent.

If you have a brain tumor (malignant) and no health insurance, do you wait to die?

or what happens? no outisde help..no church or fundraising and no health insurance what happens?
i hope everyone will read this and i agree with the other answers but cancer is our government's dirty little secret-a cruel decieving way to get your money. our health care system insurance companies hospitals clinics pharmacutical companies make billions monthly from us- praying on our desperation and emotions to help a loved one through this wicked disease. they advertise on t.v. newspapers radio magazines etc. why to help pay government taxes and make profit. the cancer surgery weakens an already desperately weak body and fighting immune system,the radiation is more dangerous than the disease.it prevents the tissue from healing properly(it's a one time treatment only because of that) the chemo administered is deadly toxic poison that rots your organs veins and brain and patients suffer more from that than the actual cancer.the idea is to take your money house before you die so there is nothing left in the will for your kids and grand children.. that's why there is only 1% of money going to cancer research ..whats more your cancer is not cured only treated and will come back with a vengence leaving family members desperate to spend(invest more) .....please understand i worked in this industry for 20 years, and if and when i get cancer i'd rather have hospice take care of me naturally-they care and will keep you comfortable with dignity- please watch the farrah fawcett story-she wanted to live so much-she spent her fortune traveling to germany for excrutiating treatments because the usa doesn't cure cancer it only treats.she suffered in vein with only a faint ray a hope to keep her going-it doesn't work. our government needs to regulate the toxins in our atmosphere and environment-they don't care but until they do chances are we will as a majority of americans die of cancer. so more and more people are catching on not to go for the treatments but live with cancer a few months shorter but with quality of life, and a little more money for other things so don't let the industry manipulate you into thinking you will die without paying for these treatments-they don't work

Don't we need to end health insurance and start national health care?

If corporations and individuals didn't need to pay for health insurance, but rather our taxes went into a fund to pay for each individual when necessary.. then employers and individuals wouldn't have to bear this burden. This allows corporations to increase their profits and employ more people to grow. The losers in this plan are the insurance companies, but the employees could be hired to work for the new national health care plan. Think about it.. Insurance is completely unnecessary if your treatment is automatically paid by a national health care fund. The rest of the free world has similar health care systems... Why do we seem so concerned with "insurance" which is completely unnecessary?
I have this argument all the time with my father. Whether you like it or not we WILL have universal healthcare one day. The current system is a disaster of wasted money and inefficiency that I doubt even our Government can top, and on top of that 40+ million aren't even covered right now. Our current system gets more expensive and less effective by the day and is destined to completely collapse. There are plenty of facts and comparisons out there that prove that universal healthcare will not only be cheaper but it will be more efficient.

I have health insurance through my job for my family. If I quit tomorrow, how long will I have it?

We;re getting health insurance through my husband.
If you work for a company with 20 or more employees then by Federal law they must offer you a COBRA group health insurance continuation plan that will last for at least 18 months. COBRA plans are group plans so they will be much more expensive than an individual health insurance plan. Here is some more information on COBRA health insurance:

Should I get health insurance with maternity coverage?

i'm 21 years old and married. I'm looking into getting health insurance. I can pay $24.00 a month for the basic plan but it cost $154.00 a month for a plan that covers maternity. I am not pregnant but who knows what can happen in the future. Should I just go ahead and get the insurance that covers maternity? or go with the basic?
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.

Does the State of Iowa have good health insurance for employees?

I am considering a job for the state of Iowa. They offer 4 plans. 2 of the plans are HMO plans with no monthly premium and I believe a $1500 out of pocket max. The PPO plan is $300/mo. Is anyone knowledgeable in a personal sense in terms of whether the state of Iowa has good insurance? Thanks in advance!
There are many things that should be considered here. Do you have a need for a lot of medical care? Is there a doctor that you already see? Is he/she in the network for the HMO-PPO? Are there services that you would need or like to use on one plan that are not available on the other (say chiropractic)? What are the limitations for seeing a specialist in each plan. HMO's usually require you get a referral from your primary care doctor to see a specialist. Many PPO's do not require any authorization. If you use the doctor a lot and the doctor you see (or would like to see)is in the HMO network and you are happy with the types of benefits they offer, the HMO is propbably the way to go. You will have less choices of the doctors you will be able to see, but your out of pocket expenses will be less considering there is no premium payment required from you. If you would like more freedom in choosing your doctor and not having to go through the referral process, then you pay for that through having to pay the premium and extra out of pocket expenses, like yearly deductibles and co-insurances (the 20% that is your responsibility.) In short, you have to weigh how much you use the doctor and for what services against what it will cost you (both in premiums and out of pocket expenses.)

Why do we need these money grubbing health insurance companies?

All they do is add frustration and cost to health care. Even government run single payer would be better than free market greed.
You do not understand economics. If an insurance company was charging too much another one would under cut with the same coverage. Read a little Econ. An opinion is not an informed opinion

Do you know anybody that had their health insurance policy canceled because they filed a claim?

Do you think liberals exaggerate stories like that to further their cause of having a single payer health care system in the US?
Yes they do exaggerate in order to make the people fear for the most basic thing they have, their health. Especially the older people, they are prone to believe the stories coming out of The Obama Factory.

My soon to be ex is trying to kick me and my son off of his health insurance. can he do that?

We are seperated, filing for divorce, not yet done, he sid he is throwing me and my son off of his health insurance. My company states they wont pick me up until I can prove divorce. he wont sign the papers. I dont know what to do.
Can he? Yes. It is your company's insurance I would be irritated with as well, what justification do they have for requiring you to be divorced to be insured?

Is it true that employer provided health insurance will be taxed as income?

I'm told section 9102 of the HC Law requires cost of employer provided insurance be reflected on employee's W2 form beginning in 2011. Logic suggests that is taxable income. What say you!
No it is NOT true, contrary to what mis-informed GOP trolls on here would like you to believe. Check out the facts: http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/hr3…

How is a law requiring car insurance any where near a mandatory health insurance law?

Hear out these two big differences before answering:
Wow, those two big differences you listed were so huge I'm left speechless.