Saturday, August 20, 2011

If you had to choose between losing your health insurance or losing your house, which would you pick?

And why?
Insurance! But that's an unfair question as I lost my insurance about four years ago, due to losing my job because of a condition which prevented my working at the time! I've not had a position since that had a health care plan! So, as long as I have a roof over my head, I'll figure out the health thing as needed!

Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?

After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a "short term" policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Your state should have a program for such things. In california it is called Major Risk Medical Insurance Program. The purpose of this is to cover people that insurance companies consider too high risck to cover. You cannot be denied coverage based on a pre-existing condition. I do not kow what state you are in, but you should look into this. You do have to provide a letter proving that you have been denied or dropped by your insurance company.

If you had to choose between losing your health insurance or losing your house, which would you pick?

And why?
Insurance! But that's an unfair question as I lost my insurance about four years ago, due to losing my job because of a condition which prevented my working at the time! I've not had a position since that had a health care plan! So, as long as I have a roof over my head, I'll figure out the health thing as needed!

Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?

After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a "short term" policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Your state should have a program for such things. In california it is called Major Risk Medical Insurance Program. The purpose of this is to cover people that insurance companies consider too high risck to cover. You cannot be denied coverage based on a pre-existing condition. I do not kow what state you are in, but you should look into this. You do have to provide a letter proving that you have been denied or dropped by your insurance company.

What will the Health Care Insurance Enforcement Police uniforms look like?

What will be the penalties for not having your proof of insurance on you at all times?
Gestapo uniforms. Mandatory organ donation,while your still using it.

Can i still get health insurance, if im emanicapated?

i plan to move to kentucky this summer for school, im from missouri. im 18 and im getting emanicapated so i can get money for financial aid, since my dad makes too much money for me to get any. can i still be covered by my dad?
nope! Once you're emancipated, all parental benefits cease. You will have to get your own health coverage.

do pet rabbits need health insurance?

I want to get a rabbit but i don't know if rabbits. I know they need to go the vet. Answer please.
they don't NEED it it would be good if your rabbit ever got sick tho ex: would you rather pay $5 a month or spend up to $2000 on one sickness but rabbits don't need to get checkups unless they're sick you decide if you need it or not

Can someone tell me how long it takes to get Your health insurance?

I applied for Njfamilycare in a welfare office they said i will recevive a letter with in 30 days but its three months now what should i do i contacted them but they telling me i m on waiting list and they can't do anything about it? so can anyone tell me what else i can do because my delivery in is January and i m unemployed so i don't know what should i do and who to contact?
By google to collect some related information or you may try using answer engines like yahoo answer or to get some related ideas.nonetheless,If you prefer some direct resource,here is a good one from my own experience.

Is anyone familier with Flexable Spending Accounts for health insurance?

I'm thinking about signing up for it but my question is... If you don't use the money you put into it, do you loose it by the end of the year? Is there a way to get it back if the insurance is cancelled?
It's use it or lose it, for sure. We do this. You have to be careful to only take out of your paycheck what you think you're going to use. If the policy is cancelled, you can STILL submit paid receipts against what's in the spending account. If at the end of the year you still have a lot of $$ left, it's time for everyone in the house to buy new glasses!

Just got out the Army, no health insurance, what to do?

I just got out of active Army where I was 100% covered, but had no health problems except for a leg problem which I claimed with the VA. I immediately joined the Reserves so I do not qualify for the 180 days of medical coverage after being discharged. I just received a letter from the VA telling me I had an abnormal PAP smear and I should have a colposcopy with my physician. The problem is I dont have one and it is way too expensive to get one with no insurance. I dont have a job yet so I cant afford it. I also started experiencing back pain just after I got out the army and found out my spine is misaligned. I never experiences this problem in the Army so I have no medical record of it to claim with the VA. What can I do???
If you received hostile fire pay, eminent danger pay while in the Army, then you are qualified to two years of VA medical coverage after your service. the VA also has a means test ( income) to determine other non-service connected veterans benefits. The current means test is income under $27,000 for a single with no dependents. As of janurary 2007, the VA is no longer accepting category 8 veterans, those who's income exceeds the VA means test. So, it sounds like you should be covered. Take your DD-214 and your last LES statement( plus any LES that shows hostile fire or eminient danger pay) to your local VA Hospital or Clinic. Goo luck in your struggles, hope your back isn't serious and gets better soon.

Are the laws about health insurance in Massachusetts going to change after Jan 1, 2007?

I heard a rumor that there is going to be a change going into effect, but I don't know what the details are.
Most states enact laws affecting insurance each year. I'd assume MA does so, as well. Here's contact information for the MA Division of Insurance. Give them a call and ask:… I hope this helps.

do all health insurance cover for braces?

because i have american group health insurance an i want to know if they will cover for my braces
Most dental plans do NOT cover braces. Your parent/guardian will have to check with their plan to see if braces are covered. If not, the dr can set up a payment plan.

If conservatives are allowed to keep their health insurance under HCR, how can they call it a 'take over' ?

It's almost like they spout useless, spiteful, moronic propaganda which isn't even close the truth. Are they mistaken?
It is a talking point. It doesn't mean what is says it is a fear-mongering tactic used on the weak minded and uninformed. Add: As you can see Cpt Crash is one of these. They seem to think that the corporations will make their life better if regulations are stripped and the corporations are allowed to do whatever they please. You and I know this is foolish but watch your other answers they will be just as misinformed and pathetic.

Do illegal immigrants get health insurance?

What insurance and how?
No health insurance. They do no have access to Medicaid in spite of what some of the foes to reform state. They go to the ER like the rest of uninsured America and get help there. They have no access to preventative medicine. Purchasing individual insurance is cost prohibitive

does your health insurance pay for braces?

hey everyone.. so i went to the dentist and he said that it was a good thing if i get braces.. so i wanted to ask, if all the health insurances pay for braces? also instead of getting braces im thinking of getting invisalign, so does your health insurance also pay for invisalign? im 14 by the way
No, sorry you need dental insurance.

Does it make sense to get my health insurance policy now, before I have a preexisting condition? I'm 46yrs old

My company doesn't offer health insurance, once I stop working for them. I am 46yrs old, and I would like to retire at 55. Does it make sense to get my own HMO insurance, before my wife or I come down with a preexisting condition, which will be expensive to get, or not available when I retire in 9 yrs?
Get it now. Even a major medical policy that provides hospital coverage is better than nothing. The cost is less for a man than a woman, primarily because of plumbing differences. Your wife must specify that she doesn't need pregnancy coverage to cut out a huge expense.

How do you know a government-run "public option" will drive out health insurance companies?

when Medicaid didn't?
Insurance companies, who cherry-pick patients and deny coverage to millions due to pre-existing conditions will have to shape up or ship out. If insurance bureaucrats, who earn trillions of our premium dollars, aren't able to compete with non-profit government coverage, it certainly wouldn't be the patient's loss.…

Arkansas health insurance @ good price & low or no deductible????

I am looking for a new insurance company and I am nolt sure that anything I pull up in a web search will not be a scam, Does anyone know of a good company or a reliable search engine for one? thank you :)
Do not try to do this over the internet. It'll take you several days to intelligently compare all the plans available, and that's after weeding out the scams. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy or cause you to be declined or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process. Visit a local independent agent. The agent knows the market in your area and can find the best plan for your situation. The plans and premiums are exactly the same using an agent or buying directly from a company.

will my work health insurance cover me if i fight and as an amateur cage fighter?

i am looking to get into mixed martial arts (cagefighting) and i am curious about whether or not my insurance will cover me if i get hurt in a cage fight
Some providers have "martial arts" and/or "boxing" insurance which covers professional and amateur events and training. I believe some event coordinators will also have medical and liability insurance to cover participants. In most cases, these insurance plans tend to supplement expenses that may not be covered by your primary provider, so it would not be a bad idea to consider getting specialized MA or boxing insurance.

Can someone please recommend a good health insurance?

company for a 57 year old unemployed woman in Virginia? There is toooo much info out there. Thanks for your help!
My top picks for insurance companies is: Blue Cross Blue Shield and United Health Care. Both have excellent coverage but can be pricey if your looking to pay your own premium.

What kind of people would sign up for the Public Option instead of health insurance?

Older - Younger? Unemployeed? The healthy or those with pre-existing conditions?
People of ALL ages who want free health insurance, and people with low incomes, unskilled workers that don't get it with their jobs, the unemployed, and all the people with preexisting conditions that can get them covered cheaper - at least the first year - under government health care. IF it passes, it will be a huge, public lesson in "adverse selection".

What does "deductible" in health insurance services mean?

Please explain clearly.Thanks for helping!
Some health insurance plans or prescription drug plans have an amount set that the patient is responsible to pay before the insurance will start picing up costs. So if you have a $1000 deductible, you are responsible for paying out $1000 from your pocket before the insurance will start paying for your health services.

If you could afford comprehensive private health insurance, would you take it?

Or say if you already have it. Thanks!
It would depend on a person's health. A young healthy person could probably get away without Insurance for a while or a catastrophic insurance policy. While an older person or one with bad health would be wise to get whatever Insurance they can get. Some people may not qualify for Insurance, perhaps due to illness or the high cost of insurance. In that case a Discount Medical Plan could be a good affordable option.

If you could afford comprehensive private health insurance, would you take it?

Or say if you already have it. Thanks!
I've always had health insurance. I've always had money and have been able to set priorities. Priorities means that insurance on my house, car, life and health all come before beer.