Monday, August 29, 2011

Do people who demand the right to be uninsured protest at companies that give health insurance benefits?

if they oppose the government tampering with their rights they must really hate employers.
I doubt it! Great question by the way, have a star! It surprises me that so many Americans seem not to be aware about Obama's healthcare plans [a]. During the election, he campaigned for these changes stating that he felt it was unfair to have a system where insurance companies try to escape paying claims and was elected to bring in changes [b]. First of all, too many people do not know that Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. His system is similar to that which works in Holland, Taiwan [c] and Switzerland. It works there and private healthcare companies provide most the insurance to the people there. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [d]. FACT – insurance companies admit that they push up costs, buy politicians and do not pay out for many claims when they should [e]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [f]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, the Netherlands, Cuba, Switzerland, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage. And no western European nation with universal healthcare has moved away from it. And the sad thing is, that the insurance companies have spent loads of money to fight these reforms [g] and loads of politicians are taking the thirty pieces of silver from them to fight the reforms, rather than fight for the health of the American people. Remember, I back my facts up with evidence. Those who say they are wrong tend not to. If they are wrong, e-mail me with proof and let me know.

Can I stay on health care insurance plan if I'm 19 and not dependent?

I am 19 years old, I live in tennessee. The only insurance I currently have is tenncare. My parents are also covered on tenncare. I am no longer going to be considered dependent though, and I would like to know if I can stay on tenncare because my parents have it under the new healthcare law. I know if you are a child you can stay on your parents insurance until age 26 now, but does that apply to tenncare? If anyone can help, thanks.
TennCare is welfare health insurance. Once you turn 19, you "age off" off it. It's not a "dependent" thing. It's not subject to the same rules as a private insurance plan through your parent's employer. The 26 law, is only for REAL insurance, not welfare insurance. With welfare insurance, once you turn 19 and "age off", you have to apply for yourself.

If Chairman Obama comes to your house to force you to buy a product(health insurance)will you spit in his face?

or will you just laugh at him?
So you think you will never need health insurance in your lifetime and upset that President Obama has passed a health-care reform bill that will cover all people who could not buy health insurance due to pre-existing conditions or have gone bankrupt paying for medical bills that were denied, or had to have fund raisers to pay for. Do you realize that over 40,000 people a year die each year since they don't have health insurance and can't get treatment since they cant afford to pay for it. Since obviously you believe you will never need health insurance in your lifetime, I suggest you go and get a tattoo on your wrist of DNR, (do not resuscitate) which means if you are ever in an accident, or need life sustaining treatment of any kind, that they never treat you and let you die, since obviously you will never ever need it. Granted the bill is not perfect, nor will this be in effect till 2014, or it could be repealed, but this is better than what we currently have. But to say this is a product you will never need, makes no sense, since we all die of something, and when that happens, how do you plan on paying for any treatment to sustain your life or possibly to increase the chances of living a few years longer?

What is everyone's opinion of the Utah Health Insurance Connector, or the Internet Exchange being proposed?

The plan proposed by Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. regarding Utah Health Insurance. Jared Balis
Here is an interesting article on the topic you have asked about...…

is interstate health insurance part of the health care reform bill?

I'm having a heck of a time finding an answer on 'the google'. I know democrats did some stuff to try and make it non-partisan (dropping the "death-panels" and public option) and this simple addition would make sense. But I can't find anything saying whether they did or didn't. PLEASE DON'T TURN THIS INTO AN ARGUMENT! I'M JUST LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER!
Yes. The relevant policy is in Section 1333, which allows the formation of interstate compacts. PS--There were *never* any "death panels," so there was nothing to drop.

Does x navy military recieve life long health insurance?

If so are they covered overseas?
If they are retired, yes and yes.

Do you think we should have universal health insurance, or universal healthcare?

Why or why not?
Both! For those who can afford insurance they can choose what Private doctors and what Private hospitals. For those who cannot afford insurance, they can be seen for free in Public Hospitals, with Public Consultants. Most Countries operate this system. GL

Difference Between Single and Co-Payer Universal Health Insurance?

Or any other forms of Universal healthcare, I have watched the debates and would like to know the major differences between them. And please preferably no Wikipedia articles.
Universal healthcare is a vague term meaning "getting everyone covered" under either private or publicly sponsored plans. It could and probably would involve forcing people to buy insurance either privately or contributing to a government program if private coverage is unavailable. The goal of universal care is simply to eliminate the problem of the uninsured. It is term that "polls well" politically, but tends to bog down when the details on administration are worked out. Nonetheless, it is the main direction we are likely to head in for the next 10 years, so we will hear lots more about it. Single payer is a far more radical proposal that dictates the end of all private insurance companies, in favor of the government taking over all healthcare. Few countries actually have true "single payer", although Canada probably comes closest. Within the US, the Veterans Administration is probably the best example of a single payor system. It is a very appealing concept to those who believe that government is the only entity with the "moral imperative" to provide healthcare for it's citizens. Setting aside the issue of cost for a moment, it is important to point out that, as satisfying as it might sound, the US Government is not prepared to take over all healthcare, and in any case would probably end up delegating its management back to those same big insurance companies, under competitive, massive contracts, just as they do now for Medicare and Tri-Care.

Does anyone know about Fidelis Care NY Health insurance coverage on weight loss surgery?

Is there anyone with any info if fidelis covers this and if so what type of things d they require you to do in order for it to be covered?
I don't know about Fidelis specifically, but you may be required to attend a seminar, get a psychiatric evaluation, and have a medial clearance. Some other things you also may need to have are a sleep apnea study, cardiac evaluation, documentation regarding co-morbidities (obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GE reflux, arthritis or sleep apnea), or documentation regarding failed supervised diet and exercise attempts as well as gym memberships, Weight Watchers receipts, and grocery receipts.

how to get cheep health insurance for 18 year old trying to live on their own?

Im gonna be 18 in September, and i will lose my insurance, how can i get cheep insurnce on my own, PS i don't have a job :[
Although there are many ways for an 18-year-old to obtain inexpensive health insurance, they are each available in only one state. None is available in all states. Post this question again with the name of your state so that we can give the correct answer for your state.

Short Term health care insurance plan in California?

I am looking to get insurance for a short period of time - 2 months. Which plan and provider be appropriate ?
It depends are you a student? State Farm and other big companies do have short term student medical. You can also try Blue Cross or Blue Shield.

do you believe illegal will receive full coverage on the health insurance bill?

will the old people be neglected after it passed? do you believe "death panels" are supported in the bill? do you believe this is the first step to one payer system? what else?
Sure the illegals will receive free tax payer funded health care its the way the Democrats play the game . Besides they need all the votes they can get.

Does anyone know where I can get Health Insurance for that covers pre-existing conditions?

Been looking for awhile and I'd appreciate help. I just moved to TEXAS for my hubby new job and I need health ins. for my son , who was dianosed with a tuberous scelosis Thank ahead of time
There are at least four options available to you: 1) The TX Health Insurance Risk Pool: this is a "high risk pool" established by TX to cover uninsurable Texans. Many states have similar high risk pools. Here's a link: 2) The Texas Childrens Health Insurance Plan: this is NOT Medical Assistance (Medicaid); it's for working families that do not have insurance covering their children.… 3) If you family's income is very low, your child may be enrolled in the Texas Medical Assistance program.… 4) As one answerer pointed out, you may be able to cover your child through your husband's employer plan, if there is one and if it covers dependents (not all do). You may also want to contact the Texas Department of Insurance to see if there are any other options: (800)252-3439. I hope this helps.

Who offers the best animal health insurance??

I'am wondering who has pet insurance? I'am looking for insurance for my dog. I want to pick a good one, there are so many hidden things they dont tell you so any feedback would be great, thanks!!
Hi Kristy First of all, a disclaimer: I work for Embrace Pet Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio. There are many different shapes and sizes of pet insurance plans in the US. Some pet parents look at pet insurance as a way of paying for vaccinations, office visits, spaying/neutering, and other everyday things. Other pet parents though look at pet insurance as a way of protecting against high veterinary bills and "economic euthanasia." The second group - those who look at pet insurance as more like "catastrophic" coverage - are going to get better value out of pet insurance than the first group. To understand why you have to go back to first principles: what is insurance for? Insurance is for the unexpected, expensive things that can happen. Routine care is neither unexpected nor, in most cases, is it expensive. Insurance doesn't work properly when applied to routine care, the economics get out of whack and you - the pet parent - end up paying for this in the form of higher premiums than necessary. Another common thing we find is that pet parents think of pet insurance as a form of savings. No insurance product is a form of savings really. Insurance is just a transfer of risk from you to the insurance company. Looked at in this way you can see that pet insurance is not going to save you money, you buy it because you want peace of mind and because you want to be able to pursue any course of treatment to help your pet if, God forbid, something should happen. So now to your specific question: what is "good" pet insurance? The answer is a plan that protects your pet against all of the nasty, expensive stuff that you can't plan for. Many pet insurance plans offer this to one degree or another but there are some 'gotchas' that you should be aware of. For example, I always recommend that pet parents ask the following questions: 1. Does the plan cover congenital and hereditary diseases? You want these covered, even for mixed breeds, because sometimes it's not clear what is and isn't hereditary and you want to know when you claim that this sort of thing will be covered. Embrace Pet Insurance and other companies cover congenital conditions provided they are not pre-existing when you sign up. 2. Does the plan cover chronic and recurring illnesses? Some plans consider things that happened in your first year of coverage to be pre-existing in the second year. 3. What is and is not covered? Is it clearly stated on the company's website or over the phone? The last thing you want is to make a claim and only later find out that the company considers your condition not covered. 4. Are there per-incident limits that effectively cap the amount you could receive back? For example, some plans have a $3,000 per-incident limit. If you had a claim for $5,000 with one of these plans then the most you would get back would be $3,000. 5. What are the rules around pre-existing conditions? Are they excluded permanently or temporarily? 6. How long does the company take to pay claims? 7. Does the plan reimburse claims based on a benefit schedule or the actual veterinary bill? If you choose a plan with a benefit schedule you should understand that you may not get very much money back as the benefit schedule can cap your reimbursement for certain diagnoses at amounts less than you'll commonly find, especially in metro areas. Try to find a plan that reimburses you based on your actual veterinary bill or a "usual, customary, & reasonable" (UCR) table. One thing I encourage all pet parents who are interested in pet insurance to do is read reviews and testimonials from real customers at . This is a good website to get the skinny on every plan out there. So armed with these questions and by doing some homework of your own, you can make an informed choice and get a plan that's right for you and your pet. Good luck! Alex Embrace Pet Insurance

Question about health insurance copayments?

My insurance company has raised my prescription copayments to approximately 80% of the total cost. I think that this is ridiculous. Especially since I used to pay much less in the recent past. I'd like to hear from people who are knowledgeable about prescriptions and insurance companies who may have suggestions as to how I can go about getting my copayment reduced, if that is possible. Polite, sincere, constructive, relevant answers only please.
Is it private insurance or through an employer? If it is through an employer, I would speak to the Human Resource Dept or whichever department is in charge of health care benefits at your company. They would be able to offer you an explanation to the increase in copays as well as information on how you can go about changing it if it is possible. If it is a private insurance company, I would call the company directly and also ask for an explanation. They will also be able to tell you how to go about changing your policy to lower the copays. Is it Medicare Part D? If so, you can check which will help you find prescription drug coverage that will better meet your needs. You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE . Open enrollment ends soon, so you only have a few more weeks to switch your plan if you have Medicare Part D.

How much does health insurance cost?

Just an estimate please. I'm 15 years old, male, who does some sports.
Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

Any luck with health insurance lead programs?

What has been the most successful lead programs you have used? I have tried web leads, but for the most part the companies do not tell them an agent will call until after they have put in all their information. This just makes the people mad! I have tried some direct mail, but not a lot. Any suggestions with either web leads or tangible leads?
As with most insurance-related topics that "make people mad," it is the consuming public that is to blame. People have determined that the internet makes them all-powerful and privy to all of the information and understanding they need to make just about every life decision. The need for professional advice is apparently obsolete. The only way for the industry to combat the trend is lure the websurfing insurance prospect into the insidious agent-lead lair. If the general public would just concede that they haven't a clue about their insurance needs, or at least that there's a possibility that there's an expert who knows more than they do and is willing to benefit them with that expertise, there would be no need to play these stupid games. Sorry for the rant. In answer to your question, other than referrals (the best source), about the only reliable leads are direct mail systems that make it clear to the consumer that they are requesting contact with an agent.

does your health insurance go up when you get pregnant?

i'm 18 and under my parents insurance will the know by the insurance company if i see an OBGYN, even i f I pay the co-pays myself?
-------------------- - try this one. My sister had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.

Choosing the best health insurance?

This is the first time I've had to find my own health insurance because my insurance will drop from my dad's plan in August. I need help! Does anyone know how to find the best CHEAP plan until I can get on my own feet to find quality? I don't need much, just want to make sure that I never have a lapse in coverage so that people can deny me of "pre-existing condition". Also, any advice would help. Thank you.
u shoudl google it and see their websites.They ussualy havea very good discrition of what they offer.I id the same.

We know about Joe the plumber,what about Smith, a college student who can't afford health insurance & loans?

What will Senator McCain and senator Obama will do to help students with school loans.
Take a look at their economic plans for the answer to that question. If the economy continues with the current downward spiral college students are going to be facing a serious problem. They are going to come out of school with a large debt in student loans and will not be able to get a job to pay them. Their credit ratings are going to take a hit right out of the gate. Aside from their tax plans, I haven't heard much in the way of a working plan to help the economy recover from either candidate to this point.

will repubs stop calling healthcare reform socialist since health insurance companies will still exist?

or will they just continue to yell loud and wrong.
I don't know what republicans will say, but here's a democrat's perspective. Large companies will certainly pay the 8% penalty rather than continue to provide medical benefits. Under the president's plan, that would place most Americans who currently have employer provided health care into the "coop" portion of the plan. But, most insurance companies are unlikely to provide insurance with the regulations proposed by the plan. That will place most Americans into the "5%" Obama spoke about. It takes a couple of steps, but it's clearly socializing the system. But then, you really didn't want the answer, did you?