Wednesday, July 6, 2011

does anyone know an insurance plan for health and dental?

I am in need of health insurance and dental and i a in between jobs does anyone out there know a decent affordable insurance company that offers help to people like me thank you in advance
you could try for medicad or ghi.Both are good.Good luck withe the jobs.

Is Medicare a single payer, government run health insurance system?

If so, do conservatives want to privatize it or get rid of it? If so, why don't they say so? If not, then why are they against anything government run except for Medicare and Social Security?
Yeah, of course it is. Before they were passed, many Republicans screamed that Social Security and Medicare were Communist and Socialist and generally evil. Now the programs are *very* popular, and hardly anyone wants to give them up. Bush made a strong effort to sell us on privatization, but nobody was buying, so he gave it up. If the Republicans were to openly state that they are against these programs, and put this on their platform, it would be decades before they recover from the damage it would cause their party. Yes it's true that the Medicare is facing financial trouble.. This has nothing to do with the fact that it's a single payer system. It's related to the baby boomers starting to collect benefits. This would be a problem for any insurance policy that covers seniors. If it were private insurance, what would they do? Increase the cost of premiums, and/or reduce benefits. That is what Medicare will have to do as well.

Will I still be on my parents health insurance if I become a part tiem student?

I'm debating on dropping one of my classes. I'm currently a full time student, getting A's in all my other classes and failing my Biology class. If I drop it, I'll be a part time student. Is it worth it? It's community college. I'm trying to transfer to a school that requires a high GPA to get into.
Insurance companies are not required to follow the provision in the new law that relates to this question until the next policy renewal date, which is usually January. If the insurance company has not decided to implement the change before it was required to do so, then they can drop you, but will have to let you rejoin and the next policy renewal date, probably January.

How can I go about getting my license for life insurance, health and annuities?

I want to get my life, health and annuities license without being backed by a company. I just think it would be something good to have. I have looked all over the internet but couldn't find an answer. Does anyone know how I go about qualifying or scheduling to take a test to get my license? And help would be great. Thanks in advance!
Here is a link to a website that will help you. They offer online classes and they also offer classroom lessons. They also set-up the test and everything for you. How much time and cost depends on your state. Once you get your license you will want to get contracted with various companies. I sugegest looking at various FMO's/Wholesalers who can help contract you with them. They tend to offer various trainings and support for you as well. You will see their ads in magazines like Broker World and Agent's Sales Journal. Call a few of them and see what they have to offer. Good luck to you.

Why does Obama force americans to have health insurance and exempt Muslims?

All you have to do is type in Obama healthcare Muslims exempt click on to see what i am talking about
This refutes your false premise. :……

My Quebec Health Insurance Card will be effective from 1st March 08?

But I will be receiving the card by 15th March, I was wondering can I go for health cheackup without card? Will health clinic accept if I show the paper which state my card# and effective date?
i dont know why they wouldnt if you have paper showing number and they can call to confirm.

Does an American need to have the health insurance in Canada?

Stay for one year. If so, how much is it?
Yes definitely. You should the check with your insurance company, I'm sure that they can have an offer you some sort of insurance coverage. You only get free Health Care if you're a Canadian citizen. Or landed immigrant status.

What happens when someone doesn't disclose a pre-existing condition on their health insurance?

Is there a statute of limitations for that. Let's say for example it's been ten years they had the policy.
This is what's wrong with the American Medical System and their insurance. In Australia you can be covered for a pre-exsisiting condition, even one that you or your Doctor didn't know about at the time, say something you were born with that develops at age 30. But In the USA they won't cover you for anything pre-excisting. It's all wrong really. From my friends that I have talked ti on the USA with trouble getting insurance, it doesn't make any difference how long you have the condition. ANYTHING that's going to cost THEM money, they will never cover.

Is everyone excited about health insurance reform?

It will be great. People will stop going to the emergency room for stuff that doctor's offices can handle. Hospitals and doctors will have to give the cost of visits before the appointment when possible. For the first time ever you will be able to shop around as currently noone provides prices. Insurance companies will have to approve or deny a claim instantly instead of taking weeks or months.
Yes, it will be a big improvement and everyone will love it once they see what it actually does and the Republican fear tactics fade away.

Will private health insurance companies become more competitive now that the Health Care plan has passed?

Or will they want a bail out, so that they can continue their monopoly?
Maybe the ultra rich? But do they even need insurance? Since almost everybody will be chucked into the same, soon-to-be overburdened health care system, the lack of sufficient medical resources means the ultra rich might pursue other avenues of health care. They kind of do this already through medical-tourism to places like costa rica and india. Put yourself in the insurance company's shoes. How do you compete with another competitor who is subsidized by the very people you're trying to make customers? AND the laws of the country will mandate almost every aspect of your business. Who you can and can not insure, what is or is not covered... Yep, you are soon to be out of business.

Do health insurance companies cover homebirth?

What has been your experience/knowledge? Would the insurance company pay for the midwife or for equipment? Or would they claim it was too much of a risk and only pay for a hospital birth?
I guess you're in the States. I've had two homebirths in Ontario, Canada and our health plan took care of everything. I think to know for sure, you're going to have to contact your insurance company, as I'm sure they all have different policies. It seems ridiculous to me that they would not cover it, as statistically speaking, homebirth is safer then a hospital birth, especially when you get into post-birth complications or infections from being in a foreign germ ridden environment (the hospital that is, not your home). You naturally don't use pain meds, so there's a huge savings right there.

I don't have health insurance...which Presidential candidate will help me the most and why?

We have our own business and I just got the health insurance quotes today. In order to have health insurance it will cost us the same as our mortgage payments. We budgeted in our mortgage payments as if they were to be our largest payment. I guess we were wrong. Is it that way for everyone?
probably hillary clinton, she's really big about universal health care. she likes the idea of making it free for everyone, if she can.

For someone retiring before Medicare eligibility, what is a reasonable amount to budget for health insurance?

This seems to be a missing topic in all the online articles about retiring.
I feel that $900 per month is not a "rational" answer. This really depends on a few things: 1) What state will you be in when you retire? 2) Do you have any medical conditions? 3) What is your risk tolerance? i.e. How much of a deductible can you handle? With the above being said, it is very difficult to just throw a number at you - there are just too many variables. Minimum per person $300 Maximum per person $800 You should also look at getting into a Health Savings Account qualified plan - they keep the premium's reasonable for that age group, plus they give you the ability to open a tax advantaged savings account.

Are health insurance companies making more medical decisions today than in the past?

Do you know anyone who has been short changed on medical care because of an insurance company?
Actually, some suit in a chair is making medical decisions that doctors should be making. In my case, I take medication for blood pressure and my doctor wants me to take an ace inhibitor to help protect my kidneys (i am diabetic also). Well, I had a mild allergic reaction to ace inhibitors about 10 years ago, so my doctor prescribed another class of drugs that works similar to ace inhibitors and protects my kidneys. The insurance company won't pay for it because the next "step"on my drug regimen was the ace inhibitors and I skipped that step. Even though my doctor has written to them that I am allergic to the ace inhibitor, they want me to try a different ace inhibitor before they will pay for the other drug. My doctor is afraid that I will have a worse reaction than before so won't prescribe this drug so I am paying $77 a month for a drug rather than the $10 co pay. Fortunately for me, the doc is writ ting my rx for a high strength and I take 1/2 tablet so the scrip lasts longer.

Information about health insurance please?

Im looking for a cheap but good health insurance. Please let me know what your recommendations are.
There is no "cheap but good", except for scams. GOOD insurance is expensive, cheap insurance has high deductibles and sometimes severe coverage limitations. You can't get a brand new Cadillac, off the lot, for $25 cash. There's no bargain.

If a hospital sends a late bill that your health insurance won't cover because it was past the 90 day period..?

what would/could you do? The hospital forget to mail it out. Now they are mailing it. But my health insurance won't accept bills past the 90 day period after the date of service. It was the hospital's fault for mailing it out late. It's possible that it will arrive just in time, however, if it is not in time, what can I do? Go to court against the hospital or what?
In the event your medical insurance is provided by your employer as a job benefit, the medical provider is required by a rather obscure provision in the federal National Labor Relations Act to submit bills to insurers within a limited amount of time. Failure to do so means that the insurance will not pay, and the patient is not required to pay. Most insurers do not hold providers to that time line, but they are certainly entitled to do so. If push comes to shove, you will need an attorney to fight this one out for you. Best of luck!

If Obama hates the health insurance people so much?

why is he making us all go to them to buy thier insurance policies. This doesn't make sense unless he is getting millions in kickbacks to his Cayman Island bank account.
Can't use reason or logic, it doesn't fit the Democrat agenda. Just repeat over and over, Bush sucks Bush sucks Bush sucks.

Would you be happy to pay for health insurance for 10 years, but only get 6 years worth of services?

Why hasn't the financing of this Ponzi scheme Health Care bill not been addressed?
It has. People have been complaining about it for months, but just get brushed aside as being "teabaggers" and "unamerican". Actually, 60 cents on the dollar for the government is better than average. Usually, you get nothing for taxes paid.

How much should health insurance cost me?

I am 22 years old, male, Student in college, homeowner, single
Well, this is open to debate... The U.S. is about the only industrialized nation where health insurance costs anything out of pocket. Most other advanced nations have implemented universal health insurance a long time ago, so in those countries health insurance per se is free (i.e., the cost of it is paid by the government out of tax revenues)... On a more practical note, your insurance premium will depend on whether you want an HMO or a PPO, as well as on the deductible you choose. The lower the deductible, the higher the premium.

Is it a lot harder to sell health insurance since our economy has gotten worse?

Im an considering pursing this but am terrified by a job that is solely commision based
Selling in the employer-based market is exrtremely competitive, and it always will be. Working solely for commission is always a bit scary, but can also be a great motivator. In this economy, employers are looking for new ideas, new concepts to help them balance the cost to the quality of the benefits. The purpose of employee benefits is to attract and retain quality employees. It is not an entitlement, but rather an incentive to keep the business' clients happy with the quality of their products and service. Good Luck. P.S. I agree with the NASE comment above.

Does Sanate bill exempt illegal immigrants from fines in case they fail to purchase health insurance?

Is it true that only American citizens and legal immigrants will be fined, and then jailed?
Probably - and we pay for them too. Sure, it's doesn't say they are paid for but if they don't check, they are paid for. Obama is a LIAR! Joe Wilson was correct.

Are health insurance companies making more medical decisions today than in the past?

Do you know anyone who has been short changed on medical care because of an insurance company?
Actually, some suit in a chair is making medical decisions that doctors should be making. In my case, I take medication for blood pressure and my doctor wants me to take an ace inhibitor to help protect my kidneys (i am diabetic also). Well, I had a mild allergic reaction to ace inhibitors about 10 years ago, so my doctor prescribed another class of drugs that works similar to ace inhibitors and protects my kidneys. The insurance company won't pay for it because the next "step"on my drug regimen was the ace inhibitors and I skipped that step. Even though my doctor has written to them that I am allergic to the ace inhibitor, they want me to try a different ace inhibitor before they will pay for the other drug. My doctor is afraid that I will have a worse reaction than before so won't prescribe this drug so I am paying $77 a month for a drug rather than the $10 co pay. Fortunately for me, the doc is writ ting my rx for a high strength and I take 1/2 tablet so the scrip lasts longer.

Do health insurance companies cover homebirth?

What has been your experience/knowledge? Would the insurance company pay for the midwife or for equipment? Or would they claim it was too much of a risk and only pay for a hospital birth?
I guess you're in the States. I've had two homebirths in Ontario, Canada and our health plan took care of everything. I think to know for sure, you're going to have to contact your insurance company, as I'm sure they all have different policies. It seems ridiculous to me that they would not cover it, as statistically speaking, homebirth is safer then a hospital birth, especially when you get into post-birth complications or infections from being in a foreign germ ridden environment (the hospital that is, not your home). You naturally don't use pain meds, so there's a huge savings right there.

I don't have health insurance...which Presidential candidate will help me the most and why?

We have our own business and I just got the health insurance quotes today. In order to have health insurance it will cost us the same as our mortgage payments. We budgeted in our mortgage payments as if they were to be our largest payment. I guess we were wrong. Is it that way for everyone?
probably hillary clinton, she's really big about universal health care. she likes the idea of making it free for everyone, if she can.