Sunday, August 7, 2011

How much would health insurance be if we banned fast food and smoking?

50% less??
It would be the same, don't kid yourself. However, government would be forced to start a new law enforcement wing to enforce the ban, so any imagined savings would go, if you'll pardon the expression, up in smoke.

We don't have health insurance, what is our best option?

My husband and I are 25, with no insurance. We are concerned about the new bill, and wonder if we would be better off getting our own insurance before things start to take effect. We don't want to be left without options, or stuck with mediocre care. If something were to happen, I want to know that we are as protected as possible.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Do you need health insurance in order to talk with a psychiatrist? You know, in order to pay the expenses?

How expensive is it any way to get a diagnosis from a psychiatrist?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

I don't have health Insurance, do I have coverage now?

I have a pre-existing condition and I don't have health insurance, does Obama's bill cover me? (Please try to answer my question and not spread your political agenda by screaming "SOCIALISM" or any of that.)
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

How much will health insurance cost ?

I will turn 64 in September and plan on retiring the 1st of October. I get some coverage through the VA, but will need a supplement
I am 65 i have a supplement but i will still have to pay 20% of all health care. $,$,$,$,$,

Favor or Oppose, have you written your Congressman, Representative about Health Insurance Reform this week?

Whatever your opinion, have you written your 'people' in Congress to help them understand your feelings for what they are about to do or not do?
I have written my congressman...but i don't know how much good it will do considering that our president is going to break every rule and regulation on the books in order to get his horrible bill passed.… They are now looking into passing the bill without even taking a vote because they know they don't have enough people willing to say yes on this piece of garbage. I am disgusted and appalled with the corruption going on in washington.

With the new health insurance plan being put into affect when the Democrats gain control?

won't it be nice just to present your social security card to your doctor and the government sends them a check?
Yeah you would think, but that will never happen, boy are you fooled! Why would you want free health care anyway? Don't feel great knowing you WORK for a living and earn your medicare? Get a job that pays it for you, mine does! You will NEVER see the word free... it will come out of tax payers money and the ppl who will benefit from it will most likely not work or will be illegal to this country - it's all a scam ppl, wake up!!

If i get denied for health insurance will i be able yo apply for another one soon?+?

or is the deny of health insurance will be on my recored forever??
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.

I dont have health insurance, is there a plan for me?

I just got out of the emergency room yesterday for a catscan because my brain was acting funny, is there a plan that is out there where I dont have to pay the bill. I have low income and go to school full time.
Enter your zipcode into the provider locator at If there are providers in your area then you are eligible for substancial savings just by having this discount card. A lady I know has this card and just saved $600 on her root canal!! Let me know if you need anymore information.

Are there any health insurance plans in NYS where a 23 year old child can still be on his parent's plan?

The child no longer attends school, but does temporary work.
Your 23 year old is not a child, but an adult. That's why it''s time for your child to purchase an individual plan. Call an agent and get a quote. Best of luck to you both.

Is it true that large numbers of Americans can't afford health insurance?

Or is it more accurate to say that they can't afford health insurance after they've paid for air conditioning, cable tv, and other items and that the issue is a matter of priorities?…
Oh you forgot food and rent.

Health Insurance question, Used to be Obese but not anymore Surgery?

I used to be very obse but had gastric bypass a year ago. I am no longer obese or overweight im in normal range. will health insurance take me on if i used to be overightweight and had surgery ? im 5'1 130 pounds now. age 25 none smoker. Anyone who workds for an insurance people would love to know. THANKS
Even though it will vary from state to state, I'm certain that there are carriers that will accept you. Any complications from the gastric bypass will not be covered for a period of time, but since it has been a year, that should not be an issue any longer. Locate a broker in your area and let them give you a definitive answer and help you get coverage.

Are there any health insurance plans in NYS where a 23 year old child can still be on his parent's plan?

The child no longer attends school, but does temporary work.
Your 23 year old is not a child, but an adult. That's why it''s time for your child to purchase an individual plan. Call an agent and get a quote. Best of luck to you both.

Is it true that large numbers of Americans can't afford health insurance?

Or is it more accurate to say that they can't afford health insurance after they've paid for air conditioning, cable tv, and other items and that the issue is a matter of priorities?…
Oh you forgot food and rent.

Health Insurance question, Used to be Obese but not anymore Surgery?

I used to be very obse but had gastric bypass a year ago. I am no longer obese or overweight im in normal range. will health insurance take me on if i used to be overightweight and had surgery ? im 5'1 130 pounds now. age 25 none smoker. Anyone who workds for an insurance people would love to know. THANKS
Even though it will vary from state to state, I'm certain that there are carriers that will accept you. Any complications from the gastric bypass will not be covered for a period of time, but since it has been a year, that should not be an issue any longer. Locate a broker in your area and let them give you a definitive answer and help you get coverage.

how does health/medical insurance work?

i am 21 and am covered by my moms health plan, she works at hospital, if get a job somewhere else, that offers health insurance, do i have to get it? could i have 2 health insurances? if i dont get it, will i still be covered by my moms coverage?
Yes, you can have two insurances, but one will be primary, and the other secondary. It is unusual for an insurer to continue to cover you at the age of 21 unless you are a full time student, though, so your Mom needs to check on that. If you are still eligible for both, all claims will go to the primary insurance first, and they'll pay whatever they pay (usually 80% after the deductible, but each plan is different). If the primary plan says you still owe money, then the claim is submitted to the secondary plan, which may or may not cover the additional expenses. It's up to the individual plan. Here's an example of how it might work: You are charged $1000 for a procedure. Primary insurance writes of $500 of it (nobody gets that, it's just gone), and pays 80% of the $500 that's left ($400) leaving you with $100 to pay. The secondary insurance also pays 80% ($80), leaving you with $20 to pay out of your pocket. If you have more than one insurance, be prepared for extra paperwork, though, because each insurance will try to get the other to pay. That's called Coordination of Benefits and delays the whole process.

Does a self-employed person have to get an "employer" health insurance plan to be able to write it off...? a business expense? Or can he/she purchase an individual plan and have it paid for by the a health insurance voucher or something?
they can write of 1/2 of the expense of a health plan if they are self employed. Contact your CPA for more info

What is the cost of Canadian Health insurance to Canadian citizens? Are RX covered?

I am looking for out of pocket costs other than taxes.
It varies by province. In Ontario there really aren't much of any pocket costs although many people have supplemental coverage for dental, drugs, private room, physio, etc. The Ontario Health Ins. covers doctors vists and hospital care including drugs given while in the hospital, but not prescriptions.

Question on health insurance in the US?

How does private health insurance work in the US? For example if a woman is pregnant and has no health insurance what happens? I watched that documentry sicko the other day and I'm stunned? Is it really like that or was it just crap? Also how much does insurance cost per month for a family? Will doctors really not treat you if you are not insured?
It's not as bad as it seems on Sicko. Noone takes Michael Moore seriously anymore. 1. We pay a company money so that they can lower the cost of medications/hospital visits/ etc. Sometimes the insurance company pays the total cost (as in emergency room visits for my plan with Horizon Blue Cross). Other times we have to pay "copays" like $1 for antibiotics which usually cost 10 bucks and the insurance company pays the rest. 2. If a woman is pregnant and has no insurance then she has to pay the full amount it costs to give birth. The hospital usually works with the patient to set up a method of payment if necessary. 3. Sicko is the worst case scenario. Sometimes the insurance company does not cover all types of treatment (experimental or weird like Chinese Herbal Medicine for cancer) and will leave you with the bill. 4. Avg $1800 per year for adult individually and $4800 per year for a family depending on health and other factors such as age. 5. There have been some cases in which some patients have been "dumped" by hospitals on the street next to free clinics.

Why are Republicans such jerks when it comes to health insurance for the poor??

"Let them eat cake". Right? I just hope people see through your tricks this November. It is on issues like this that I do hope there is a hell for you.
You got that right, brother. To hear the Republicans, you'd think that anyone who can't afford to pay for his own health insurance is just a parasitic leech. Wrong! Bad health and misfortune can befall anyone - even wealthy Republicans.

What's the most affordable Health Insurance for 55 yr old in California?

Not retired but paying almost 800 a month for Cobra/Kaiser and unemployed for over a year now due to knee replacements. It seems that with my new history of surgery that I am persona non grata at all the local health outlets.
Hi Betty, My cousin went through the same thing as you but his was a hip surgery. It's tough to find insurance which is why she went though a broker. Better to let them do the legwork for you. (no pun intended) She used J.C Lewis. They specialize in California health and dental insurance. Good luck. I hope you find the right coverage soon.

Why do so many Liberals blame insurance companies for the high cost of health care?

The insurance companies fight with health care providers to try to keep costs down because they obviously have an interest in paying less. Why do we hear so little about the crazy prices providers charge? It almost seems like many liberals think the insurance companies ARE the providers. Why has Obama chosen to demonize the insurance companies but not the providers that actually charge the insane prices in the first place?
The White House, Democrats, and MoveOn liberals are spreading health care sob stories to sell a government takeover. But there's one health care policy nightmare you won't hear the Obamas hyping. It's a tale of poor, minority patient-dumping in Chicago — with First Lady Michelle Obama's fingerprints all over it. Both Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush of Chicago have raised red flags about the outsourcing program, run by the University of Chicago Medical Center. The hospital has non-profit status and receives lucrative tax breaks in exchange for providing charity care. Yet, it spent a measly $10 million on charity care for the poor in fiscal 2007 when Mrs. Obama was employed there—1.3 percent of its total hospital expenses, according to an analysis performed for The Washington Post by the non-partisan Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. The figure is below the 2.1 percent average for nonprofit hospitals in surrounding Cook County. o_O…

When will Obama mandate that we buy carbon credits like he did with health insurance?

The question is when will he make us buy carbon credits like he will make us buy insurance, the ultimate goal to be to spread the cost of fixing Global Warming?
Soon Norm, very soon..

Why is it that after health care reform your health insurance is still dependent on you having a job when the?

first thing you lose when you get really sick is your job. To get on Medicaid you would first have to have a fire sale of you home, car and all of your assets. You cannot have more than 300 dollars in assets.
Employers will be required to subsidize the health insurance costs not only of their employees but also of their employees' children up to age 26. I guess the insurance companies prefer large corporations as their customers rather than the insured employees. Many people do not know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Some states do have some onerous requirements for qualifying for Medicaid. Nursing home patients who are forced to go on Medicaid to pay their bills have to first divest themselves of their assets. They may be able to keep about $2000. If they have a life insurance policy, they have to cash that in and use up that money first. If it is likely they could return home, they may be able to hang on to that for a while, but more often it has to be sold, and when someone has to sell under those circumstances, the price is low,