Monday, December 20, 2010

Can you purchase health insurance for a baby only?

I'm expecting my first baby in October and I already have health insurance but will not be able to add my baby to mine. I know I have to wait 'till he is born to legally get insurance, but can I get insurance for only him, or do I need to be on the plan too?
Even IF he's born perfectly healthy, you're not going to be able to buy a policy with a low deductible, on a newborn. So yes, you can buy one . . . after he's about six months old, but a. it will take a month or two AFTER he's born to put coverage in place and b. it's NOT going to cover the routine doctor visits and vaccinations that the baby gets. You're GOING to have a big, fat, $5000 deductible, because that first year of routine medical care, usually costs about $5,000.

Why do states have laws on the minimum on hours worked law to be eligible for health insurance?

Some states like NJ & NY set a minimum number of hours that must be worked in order for the employee to be considered eligible for the employee health insurance. Why is there this law? Who does it protect, the employer, the employee, or the health insurance company? If it is to protect the employer, why not rely on employer policy. Likewise, if it is to protect the insurance company, why can't the insurance company rely on a contractual minimum hours policy? It
What everyone else said is basically accurate on the laws. It really sucks for college students like myself though. I'm 23 and although I'm a full time student, I was dropped from my parents' health insurance on my 22nd birthday. My school does not provide health insurance to students and since I can only work part time (those are the only hours available for me to work) I'm going to be uninsured until full time work becomes available (and after I go through the graze period) and then I MIGHT be eligible for insurance. I do understand why the laws are in place but I think certain things need to become more lax for people in certain circumstances and situations.

If I have health insurance, what would it cost me to have a blood test done?

Or who could I ask to tell me. I would like to see a doctor and be tested to be sure my thyroid is working correctly. I understand they sample blood to do this. If I have health insurance (BCBS) what do I pay besides my office copay to have my blood drawn? Or who can I ask?
~~All insurance policies vary so much it's impossible to tell you what your cost is. It also depends on whether you have an HMO or PPO. Always call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card to get correct answers for your particular policy. You can't trust doctors offices or others for information. Only your insurance can tell you the correct way to access your benefits as well as what the cost will be to you.~~

Why would anyone vote for a person who wants group health insurance to go away?

That is McCain's plan. He wants to increase taxes on health benefits which will cause companies to dump their group insurance policies.
and that is only ONE of the MANY things he has promised which we do not want.

Will replacing the "middle man" the health insurance companies with a huge government bureaucracy?

Really lower the cost of health insurance? Whats going to lower the prices that HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS are charging? Nothing?
No one is replacing the Insurance companies as the middle men. Just adding the competition needed to bring down the costs. What the for profit Health Care Industry is selling is a false sense of security to those who are healthy and paying them premiums then when the person is sick and needs bills covered the companies refuse to pay the bills. The person who is ill has to fight them in court to receive the service they had been paying for while they were well and now have need of it. The Industry makes profits decisions at the cost of peoples lives.… Canceling policies of good faith leaving the insured person without coverage to die answer is "we regret the nessesity"… Denied a kidney transplant with the claim that it was "Experimental" then bowed to public pressure to allow the transplant just hours before the 17 year old girl died.… The family seeks murder charges for CIGNA… There was outrage over the death of Neda, an election protester in Iran.… Where is the outrage for Nataline Sarkisyan who died for the CIGNA Health Insurance profits? My preference would be single payer system which is what is used in France with success or Universal Insurance which is used in Germany. Both of these countrys appear to have already recovered from the recession.… However, a public option is a compromise of choice to avoid disrupting the already established for profit health care system. This would keep the for profit Insurers "in check" and lower costs for every one. CIGNA Wnistleblower Yahoo!… Without that option there is a chance that the for profit Industry may make reforms only to jack up the costs higher then anyone except the very wealthy can afford. Got to give those CEO's their private jets and gold plated dishes you know.

What do I do when I don't have health insurance and money problems?

I'm paying my own way through college, so I have to be tight with what little money I have. But I think i may have an anxiety or panic disorder/depression, and I want to see somebody to find out for sure. I also don't have any health insurance. So what would be the best way to go about finding the answers?
The new health care bill that passed now covers students up until the age of 26. If that's you you can get on your parents health care insurance. Otherwise you can simply tell the doctor you don't have insurance and they can give you a better deal, this is common practice with doctors and they will most likely have sample medication you can start on for free. Just call around and tell them you don't have insurance and ask what it will cost and try to get the best price.

Can you buy two individual health insurance plans?

Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?
No, it doesn't work that way. Most carriers require you to agree to cancel your existing policy when you apply for your new one, and if you have two policies one is going to be primary, and the other secondary. You will reap the benefits of the better plan, but where they overlap, only one will pay. What you might want is be a supplemental or limited benefit plan to go along with your insurance policy. These are not insurance policies and I usually don't recommend them. I think your money would be better spent buying a better single policy, or an HSA type of plan and banking the savings. Don

Is it wrong to wait till your baby is born to get divorced from a military guy for health insurance?

My husband filed for divorce when I was 5 months pregnant. I hired a lawyer to help delay this divorce because I need health insurance while Im pregnant and I cant switch that late. Im just wondering why people seem to think Im just "using" him.
I don't think it's wrong. Does he want to pay for you to give birth? Probably not, so what's the harm in staying married to you for a few more months so that it's covered. I can't see him wanting his child's mother to go into debt and have less money to take care of the child just because he was selfish and insisted on getting out of the marriage right away. (I don't think the fact that he is divorcing you would be selfish, just the part about having to do it right away).

Could affordable government health insurance help stimulate the economy?

Services like water treatment, police, fire departments, and schools are supported by taxpayers dollars because it saves money in the private sector in the long run. Affordable government health insurance may also saves families thousands in expenses each year, giving them more money to spend in the general economy. Would this not be a way to help stimulate the economy?
If you ignore the fact that currently over 15% of our GDP is in health care, sure. You are talking about spending less in the single largest segment of our economy. It would certainly help other sectors of the economy due to the lower cost of health care coverage for their employees but it would result in a reduction in jobs and pay levels throughout the health care industry. On balance, it would probably hurt the overall economy in the near and middle term. To understand this just consider that nearly one out of every five workers is in a health related field. In addition, it would sacrifice the one area where we still have a competitive advantage over other countries. We continue to export high tech health care. This is an advantage to our economy.

What is the Average Cost for Health Insurance?

I want to buy health insurance? What is the average cost for health insurance? Thank you.
zero- i'm on Medicare & Medicaid

What associations offer group health insurance?

Hi! I am trying to find health insurance at group rates. I would like to be an independent insurance agent. Does anyone know of any kind of associations or anything that I could join to have access to group health insurance? (I live in Alabama)
Assocations used to do group coverage, but it didn't work out - the only people who joined were the ones that couldn't get private insurance cheaper - in other words, the really unhealthy ones. The rates got really really high, and more people dropped out, etc. Bad spiral. So you can't join an association to get a "group" rate. The association health policies are STILL all individually underwritten and rated. Being an insurance agent is different. NO ONE is going to give you an appointment, if you're green. You'll have to go on under another agent, or work directly for a carrier. Go to your state insurance department website for information.

Can I still a prescription refilled if I lost my health insurance and still had one refill remaining?

I am changing my health insurance through my employer because my old HMO was dropped so I'm just waiting to get enrolled in a new plan. When I go to refill the prescription will they fill it? Or will they just make me pay full price, which I don't mind. Thank you for answers.
If you don't have an active insurance going when you to get your refill, you will have to pay full price. I would explain what is going on to the pharmacist and see if you can get reimbursement when your get enrolled in your new insurance. Sometimes they will do that. Full price will depend on the drug as they all have different prices. If it is a relatively new drug on the market, full price will be much higher.

Can anyone help me shop for health insurance?

I am looking for health insurance and I can't decide between a regular insurance plan or a plan that includes health savings accounts. What is the difference between these two and which one is the best? I am on a tight budget.
Which one is best depends upon your situation. Are you the type that runs to the doctor for every little sniffle or do you rarely go see the doctor. Are you generally healthy or do you have health concerns. The simplified answer: The idea of the HSA qualified plan is to also open up a separate savings account that works similar to an IRA with tax advantages (but you don't have to). The plan usually has a higher deductible than a "traditional" co-pay plan and lower premium. You pay the negotiated discounted rate if you go to the doctor. This amount can be paid out of the HSA and will go toward the deductible. If you have a catastrophic illness or accident you pay the deductible then everything is covered 100% (if you get the right HSA plan). This plan is better for healthy people who seldom see a doctor except for preventive check ups. If you go to the doctor 6 or more times per year you will want the "traditional" co-pay plan. The premium is higher but you just pay the co-pay at the doctor. You'll want to go visit a local independent agent to get more details. In my area the average doctor co-pay is $25, the average doctor fee with the HSA plan is $75. You can do the math (with the agents' help) to decide which is best for you in your area.

What type of health insurance will cover my uncle's hospital fee?

My uncle came to visit the US with a permit but he got sick and they had to perform immediate surgery on him. Now he is stuck with a 30,000 dollar hospital fee and he can't go back to Mexico until he pays. He doesn't have that kind of money, is there any program, organization, or health insurance that will cover a turist hospital fee?
go here

How come Wal-mart, the largest private employer with 11 billion in profits can't provide good health insurance?

The company is well known for their lousy pay, employee abuse and lousy health insurance. Why do people patronize such a business?
I believe that the name of Wahl-mart should be changed to "Made IN China". Many more of their items carry this statement than anything about Wahl-mart. The once store once known for their slogan "Buy American" seemed to die with the passing of Sam Walton. I for years tried to explain that the cheap goods were at the expense of American workers. With virtually all American manufacturing being forced out of the country, not due to high American wages, but primarily due to extreme ecology regulations placed on American manufacturers but placing no restrictions on goods manufactured in places like China, India, Mexico, Vietnam, and others. Now the harsh realities have come home in the form of millions of lost jobs. I loathe Wal-mart and do not shop there. Further more, each and every time that I shop and find a store that only has the item I want "Made in China" I ask if they have the same item "Made in America". If they do not I simply inform them that I do not buy inferior products and leave the store. "If it is not Made In America, I don't need it".

Why Bother To Buy Health Insurance After 2014?

I'm thinking I'll just cancel my health insurance after 2014 and pay the fine instead, since the fine will be cheaper than the actual insurance. Since the insurance companies will be forced to take anyone with pre-existing conditions, I'll just buy health insurance after I get a bad diagnosis. It'll be just like buying car insurance after I crash into someone and the insurance company is forced to take me and pay the claim. So why should I bother to buy health "insurance" after 2014?
Sounds like a plan to me. If I didn't have a paid-for health plan at my office I'd probably do the same.

My Husband and I are TTC and the question I have is about Health Insurance?

Does anyone know of any health insurance programs in the state of Ohio that cover fertility/repoductive procedures? I'm also looking for a support group that is free and has information on the subject. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Don't know about insurance in Ohio, but my insurance in Ma covered IVF with ICSI. You will find answers to this and many other question I'm sure you have @ Great bunch of helpful, experienced people there.

Where do you find a cheap health insurance?

Is there honestly no alternative? I'm a single female age 23, don't smoke, no major health problems. 5'4" 110 pounds. My work offers insurance but its $55 every two weeks, so $110 a month. That is kind of out of my league, but it has no deductible. What should I do?
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

Can you sue a health insurance company for denying medical coverage?

My doctor has referred me to have the gastric by-pass surgery. I've spent the last 4 months and countless money (of my own) getting all the things the done the insurance company has asked for. This includes psych evaluation, sleep study, nutrition counseling, physicals and documentation to include I have tried at least 2 non-surgical weight loss programs for over a year with no long term success. Finally after submitting everything, they denied me for "no recent active participation in a non-surgical weight reduction program". My last weight loss attempt was a year ago. I am about to lose my job because I cannot literally stand up on my feet anymore. This is something I have to get, not something I just want. It would seem if both my primary physician and the specialist both agree this is medically necessary, then the insurance companies couldn't deny someone their health.
Covering the gastric bypass and similar procedures is relatively new for insurances who have always lumped this with being cosmetic. Most insurances are now starting to cover these procedures but they have criteria you must fall under and hoops you must jump through in order for you to be approved. Such as, being over a certain BMI for one. They expect that you have severe documented instances of knee/ankle/leg pain from walking and back pain that you have been treated for thus far. Some do have criteria for having "failed" at some form of dieting/weight loss program and most require you to have been on this plan at least 3 to 6 months prior to having made your appeal. Can you sue them for not approving you, you can try. The thing is that they will probably win. You can file a complaint with the Department of Insurance in your area, you can also complain to the Agency for Health Care Administration. You can also try and have the decision overturned within the insurance. If you're adamant about suing call an attorney nearby and see if he thinks you have a case.

I am not a full time student, does that mean my health insurance gets taken away?

I have always had health insurance because of my dads job. I have been in college for two years and been a full time student, but this semester instead of 12 hours, I am only taking 9. What will this do to my insurance? I live in Texas if that matters.
Because of health care reform you will be allow to stay on your parents policy until age 26 whether you are in school or not. This will be in effect the next time your current policy renews, which could be anywhere between now and next September. If you are taken off between now and then because of the school requirements you will be allowed back on when the policy renews.

People with halfway decent health insurance: ready to get dumped by your employers to public health care?

When employers see the cost of insuring their employees just went up by whatever Dems plan to tax them, it's just a matter of time. Republicans and Democrats with decent health insurance: are you ready to be rationed?
Yeah, Obama has done alot of good, for the time he's been in office. It's funny how all these democrats couldn't wait to get him into office, because he was gonna bring "change". Well, guess what? He did, and now look at what he's done. WAY TO GO!

When will the government starts penalizing people who do not have health insurance?

When is the new health coverage law go into effect? How will they know who doesn't have health insurance? When somebody had to end up in the hospital? or went to doctor office? Will the government be mailing people about this new law?
I have a feeling it won't happen. They will do it when taxes are filed if they do it at all.

What do I do if I had out of state surgery and no health insurance?

I am from PA and recenty had an atv accident in WV where I broke my arm and had to get surgery to have plates put in. I do not have health insurance and am self-employed. What can I do about lowering my costs and what kind of attorney do I need to get advise?
You shouldn't need an attorney for the hospital care. In fact, a judge would wonder why you are paying someone when you claim you dont' have money, get the irony in that? Call the billing department yourself. Explain that you do not have insurance of any kind and that you are going to have to pay out of pocket. You will have a couple of different options if you push hard enough for it. One, a very low (around half) bill if you pay off immediately with a check or credit card. Two, a much lower bill (around 35% off) that you can then offer to make payments on. If the person at the first desk claims they cannot lower the bill or offer you anything better, then ask to talk to a supervisor. Ask the supervisor if anyone is higher up if needed. But most hospitals are happy to lower the bill down so they can get some of the money back. Way better than none. I have done it any time me or my family has gone into the hospital and it's never once failed.

Can my husband apply for public health insurance if he came on a Fiance Visa?

My husband had surgery few months back and he can not get health insurance through any provider. I was thinking of applying for public aid but when he came here I had to fill out an Affidavit of Support. Can he still qualify and I will not be charged with anything?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.