Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What to do about health insurance?

My company required me to pay a $230 a week premium for family health insurance.I applied for medicare and was accepted because i fell under their income guidelines so i dropped my health plan at work.Now the state has informed me i'm no longer eligible because they lowered the income levels.I have a wife and two small children.Do i just go to the emergency room now when someone is sick?Will they take care of us?
What many people don't realize is that: A) Individual health insurance is usually much cheaper than group health insurance. As long as you are healthy then you can be accepted onto an individual plan for very cheap. B) Most states have programs in place to provide free or low cost health insurance for children if the parents cannot afford coverage. The key is to shop around, compare quotes, and speak with an agent familiar with the different plans and laws in your state. Here is some more information on individual health insurance and health insurance for children:

If you have no health insurance, have a chronic problem with your knees, ankles, and elbow and are unable work

My son is 36 and has gout in several joints which makes it impossible for him to work during each episode. (His joints swell up and are extremely painful.)He has no health insurance since he just started working at a new job. This job requires him to do repetitive and physically demanding work as a furniture technician. He has a learning disability but has some college education and no degree. He has tried so many different direction as far as employment but usually he finds he can't do the work for health reasons. Does anyone know if he would qualify for disability or some program so that he could go back to college and get his degree.
Talk to the department of health and social services, they will be able to determine if he is eligible for medicaid, medicare, disability or social security

Are you all ready for the government to say "you HAVE to buy health insurance or else ..."?

I can understand car insurance being mandated by the state IF you choose to buy a car and drive around in it. IF you choose to use public transportation instead, you are not required by the state to buy car insurance. Now what business does the government have to tell me that I HAVE to buy health insurance??? It's unconstitutional.
Yes it is unconstitutional. The government has run rogue for a while now and the citizens have put up with it, because they have been dumbed down and led to believe its "for their protection"...look at the bailout (700billion) and that didnt go through the first time either, then they got the bribes going with the lobbyists, and (MAGIC) it went through......same as healthcare. The BANKS wrote the bailout......Health INSURANCE companies wrote the healthcare bill The government is mixing too much with corporate interests.

What is the best health insurance plan for a healthy family of 3?

It's me, my wife and my daughter. My wife and I are both self employed, and we live in Michigan. We would like to have some kind of basic coverage in case we need to go to the Emergency Room. Who can we call and ask? Which insurance company gives the best deal? Should we buy cathastrophic insurance only?
You should NOT by a catastrophic plan or hospital only plan. They are ridiculous plans. ALWAYS buy a comprehensive plan and if you want to lower the premium then up the deductible. There is NO reason whatsoever that you would, for example, want an insurance policy to pay your $100,000 bill if you had a heart attack (and went to a hospital), but NOT pay for your $100,000 bill if you got cancer (no hospital). It's a ridiculous premise and they save very little money. You SHOULD buy insurance through an insurance broker that does business in your state. You just need to give your information to the insurance broker and they should run through the hundreds of plans that are available to you and narrow it down for you. That's what good insurance brokers do. In the last week I've sold plans with Aetna, Humana, United, BlueCross and Assurant...there is no 'best.' It depends on too many factors to determine which company works for you.

How small does a company have to be to NOT offer health/medical insurance?

I always thought that if a company has 20 or more employees at a SINGLE location, they have to offer health/medical insurance to ALL the eployees. I work in a store that employs 25 people, and only the managers are offered insurance.
There is no federal law mandating that small employers have to offer health insurance, or even pay for a portion of it. It is an employer's choice whether or not it is offered. State law will dictate eligibility rules, however. Typically, an employer can set up eligibilty to exclude employees that are part time, are part of a CBA or Union or those that have not met some time worked criteria. (Must work 90 days before eligible, for example.) Your employer should have given you an employee benefits handbook that explains the eligibility rules for your particular situation.

Can my health insurance company bill me for claims they already paid?

My insurance company is telling me they may be terminating my coverage retroactively past 12/31/09. I've had claims from months ago that the system says they already processed and paid by my insurance company. Does this mean the insurance company will come after me for that money or would they only try to get me to pay for unpaid claims?
They will pay claims occurred up to the date of the termination. They will require that the providers refund any payments made for claims after that date. The providers will then bill you, not the insurance company.

What is the best health insurance to have if you are United States Federal Government employee and why?

I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance. Should I keep this insurance? I checked with AARP through Hartford and they want between $299 to $428 per month for non drug related $5000 to $1000 deductible 80% coverage to $2500 co pay to 100% coverage. I pay about $250 per month now.
Only you can answer that question. Do your research. Insurance business for 20 years.

How do deductibles in health insurance work?

I have considered purchasing private insurance. My school insurance doesn't cover the stuff I need it to. I was looking at humana's plans. I came across one that was $87 a month but it had a $2500 deductible. If I were to get injured and have a hospital bill of like $4000, would it pay anything if I hadn't met that deductible yet? Thanks.
Dustin - All of the answers thus far are essentially correct: your health insurance deductible works the same way as your car insurance deductible - you have to pay that amount before the insurance starts paying. So, in your example, you have an annual deductible of $2,500 after which Humana will start paying 80% of what's left and you'll "co-insure" the other 20% (you'll stop paying the 20% when you've paid an extra $2,000). Therefore, you have an out of pocket maximum exposure (at least in theory) of $4,500/year. Now, if you have "only" $5,000 or $10,000 in medical care charges, that's not a particularly good deal, is it? On the other hand, remember the primary reason to have any insurance: NOT for routine, ordinary, or even "low-level" expenses but, instead, for big-time, costly, catastrophes, like that $87,000 hospital/surgical claim, etc. Consider these things before buying: 1. How "much" health care do you generally use? For most folks, especially guys, the answer usually is "not much." Therefore, why pay more to have a lower deductible plan? Even if you buy a plan with a $5,000 deductible (look at the Humana "Autograph" plan), you'll still get the benefits you're most likely to use included ($40 MD copay/visit and $15 copay for generic drugs). 2. If you've not done so, find a broker to help. Go to NAHU.org to find one near you (NAHU is the professional association for brokers like me who specialize in health insurance). 3. Go online to run some more plans & prices to be sure you have the most cost-effective plan for your needs. Visit my site (see below) or use an online quoting site like Norvax (see below). 4. Finally, stick with the "brand name" companies, like Humana, Blue Cross, Aetna, etc. There are a lot of other companies around who will "look good" but who will be really hard to deal with in the even you do have a really large claim. This is too important to mess around with; stick with the "big boys." Hope this helps a bit!

How do I obtain health & dental insurance while living & working in the UK?

I'm a US citizen. It's always been my dream to live and work abroad. I just found out that my military health benefits & dental insurance won't extend beyond the common wealth's/territories of the US. I can comfortably afford to pay for health & dental insurance out of my pocket. Does anyone in the UK deal with international health & dental insurance? I really could use some help in finding the right company. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
you cold just buy health insurance when you get over to the UK, plenty of companies offer this. If your living and working here, and paying taxes you may be eleigible for treatment on the NHS. This is free, and dental NHS is subsidised, an NHS dentist check up costs around £16....i think that is around $30. I checked on line and found this; It focuses more on marraige but if you read it it does actually say Americans Living in the UK... Free NHS medical care is not routinely offered to tourists who need emergency treatment while they are away from home. That is what their private medical insurance is there for, which will cover them in an emergency situation. Without private medical insurance, tourists must pay upfront costs to be seen by British doctors. However, American expatriates who are living in the UK are eligible for NHS medical care, as long as they can prove that they are eligible. American expatriates who are married to UK citizens can prove eligibility very quickly and be registered in next to no time. How to Register Once you have a permanent address, take along proof of your address, such as a recent utility bill, to your local doctor's surgery. It is also a good idea to take a copy of your marriage certificate in case the doctor or nurse wishes to learn more of your eligibility for free NHS medical care. If you have access to your American medical records, take these along with you, so that they can be filed away for future reference. At the time you register with a GP (usually the same GP as your spouse's unless you make a special request otherwise) you will be able to apply for an NHS medical card, that all NHS patients are issued to prove NHS eligibility. This card does not need to be hand carried to each doctor's appointment; nor do patients need to remember their NHS medical card number. New patients must fill in personal information and complete a medical questionnaire that will ask about a family history of heart disease, cancer and other diseases and hereditary conditions. Be prepared to undergo a brief, non-invasive medical to include a blood pressure check, weight check and other simple procedures. Otherwise Bupa and AXA PPP offer healthcare cover. AXA is the best one though!

How can Mass. require residents to have health insurance?

I can't believe they passed that law. Think about it: there is nothing we are FORCED to pay money for to live here. That is why we are called a free nation. (I know these are necessary for a normal life but think a minute) - cars are choice, u could actually walk if u had to - u could grow ur own food or go to food banks - u don't have to pay taxes if u don't work or buy anything - u dont pay car ins if u dont own a car - u dont have to pay property tax if u dont own any property I know that stuff is extreme but open your mind a minute and think. I mean at least you DO HAVE A CHOICE... bad one but A CHOICE. How can Mass. get away with requiring its residence to pay health insurance? What will they do.. force them to move out of the state? Take their property if they don't get it?
This is another small step we Americans loose to socialism by letting the lobbyist (insurance companies ,etc.) legalize there scams in paying off politicians. Mass. people wake up, get involved write the libs in office complain let them know you care and you won't pay! This is another bad law that if left unchallenged will spread to the other 49 states.

Should I stop paying my health insurance?

I pay my own health insurance under Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC. I pay $200 a month (down from $300) and I just found out that i won't be able to go to my psychiatric doctor and be covered under this insurance at the same time. I have decided to do away with my medicines simply because i just don't want to take them any more. I have no other major or urgent reasons to keep paying the monthy bill so I can't think of any reason that i need to do so.
It's always a good idea to keep your insurance if at all possible. Life throws us curve balls and better we have insurance and not use it, than need it and not have it.

Why is Health Insurance so expensive, and how do we fix it?

Clearly some will say universal health care, but of those who disagree with universal health care, then whats another solution? Other countries operate very well with other systems, should we borrow there ways?
Tax cuts for the top 1%! Little flags for everybody else.

What is the best health insurance plan should I choose before getting pregnant?

Me and my hubby are planning our first baby and I want to have a good insurance, cheap and covering everything with a small diductable. Advice me something.
...are you stupid? that's not a retorical question...are you stupid? the words "good", "cheap", "covering everything", and "small deductible" should not be used in the same sentance with "insurance" ...unless its "the only good, cheap, insurance with a small deductable that will cover everything that I need, that you can get is: life insurance, buying a bullet and renting a gun". it's good that you are looking for insurance before you have a baby, but you need it well in advance.

How do you get health insurance if you have a pre existing medical condition?

I have a pre existing mental illness that is controlled very well with medication, and I am a productve, very educated, young member of society and otherwise healthy person, and NO insurance will cover me. What do I do? Should I just lie and hope that they don't find out (or research into my medical file)? It has been over a year since my diagnosis and treatment. Why do they still refuse me and is there anything I can do to change that? How long will it be until that will be "erased" from my permanent record?
First I would suggest you work with a qualified broker. Use yellowpages.com to search for health insurance brokers in your area. A Broker represents multiple carriers and can help you sort through all the different insurance companies and plan options in your state. Don't call your auto and home agent they specialize in property and causality insurance. You need someone that specializes in health insurance. These areas of insurance even require separate licenses. Your states Blue Cross should have guaranteed issue plan that will cover you. It will have a 12 month waiting period for pre-existing conditions and is quite expensive compare to the plans you have been denied. United Health Care and Assurant Health both offer plans in most states and they also have some underwriting advantages over other carriers. After you explain you condition to a broker they should be able to find out if you are insurable with out even turning in an application. The best possible choice would be to find a job that offers group coverage. If you are taking medication for your condition it will always be an issue. the severity of the condition also matters, if you were hospitalized the further away you get from the date of hospitalization the better you chances. As others have mentioned if you leave out medical information on your application the insurance company has the right to rescined your policy (cancel your policy and refund you the premiums paid). If this happens you would then be responsible for your medical bills. Good luck

What health insurance companies cover fertility treatments?

My husband and I live in Florida, and are looking to have IVF with ISCI in order to have a little girl. Does anyone here now of a good insurance company that covers these types of things, and are there any stipulations?
It is not about just the insurance company - it also depends on the state that you live in, where your employer is located etc . . . Currently 15 states in the US mandate some sort of fertility coverage. You can refer to the Resolve Website for info on the states that require coverage - unfortunately, it appears that Florida is not one of them . . . http://www.resolve.org/site/PageServer?p… Be warned even if your state required it - some businesses are headquarted in other states and offer their coverage through another state that may not offer benefits. If they are self-insured it is not covered, and you must meet their qualifications for infertility. I also recommend that you contact Fertility Life lines - they have a free hotline that you can call and have someone help you to better understand your coverage and to do an analysis for you. They were great - gave them my policy info and they researched it, got me all of the info on what was and was not covered and explained it to me: http://www.fertilitylifelines.com/ If you cannot find insurance coverage here are some other suggestions: 1) Start with the RE - most doctors have a team that can help you with finding ways to pay for your treatment - they are amazing at figuring out your insurance benefits, coming up payment plans and may even be able to recommend medical studies / clinical trials that you may be able to participate in. 2) Grants -there are groups out there that fund raise for fertility treatments - you need to apply and cross your fingers. 3) Loans - banks and credit card companies (my friend used Capital One) offer fertility loans with fair interest rates and payment plans. Maybe see if you can borrow from a family member. 4) Serious budgeting - I also know couples who have taken part time / seasonal jobs to save up for treatments, sold things on ebay etc . . . 5) Move to one of the 15 states that do mandate coverage and find a job there . . . Massachusetts has wonderful coverage - my medications and procedures were all covered with just my co-pays. I had 6 unsuccessful IUI cycles - 3 with clomid and 3 with injectibles and finally a successful IVF cycle. I would have had coverage for up to 6 attempts at IVF. Here is a great link for you: http://www.nobabyonboard.com/options.htm… Good luck!

do you think i should get health insurance?

I am a 22 year old male in good health, only been to the emergency room once for mono. Do you think i should get health insurance? Its 60 bucks a month..I just feel like if i get it its a waste..i dont wanna watse $720 next year on health insurance if im not even gonna be sick or anything.
get it!

Suggestions for Health Insurance in Florida?

My company needs to find new health insurance. We had BCBSFL and their rates went up so much for us we switched to another carrier. I am having nothing but problems with them, are there any other people out there that have gone through this that can offer good companies from experience? Please let me know. Thanks!
The key is to work with an independent health insurance agent that is familiar with the different companies that offer group health plans in FL. Some of the best FL health insurance companies include: 1. United Healthcare 2. Aetna 3. Humana One 4. Assurant 5. BCBS of FL Here is some more information specifically on Florida health insurance options:

Pregnant and no health insurance, what can i do?

Im 6 weeks pregnant and i dont have health insurance. I have a full time job and my husband does also but I cant get health insurance through either company. I know we make too much money for medi-cal but what other insurance company can i contact in California?
In california, Kaiser is the way to go.

How do I find health insurance for myself as an individual?

I am currently a sophomore in college, and I really hate student insurance, as it covers and pays for almost nothing, and doesn't include dental. Where do I go if i need to get a different provider?
If you're not satisfied with the student insurance options available through your school, you may want to take a look at the individual health insurance plans available in your area. Your selection and the cost of the plans available will vary depending on the state in which you live, but if you're young and relatively healthy you may have some affordable options. Talk to a licensed agent that represents multiple insurance companies in your area to get the broadest view of what's available. It doesn't cost anything extra to work through an agent. If you want to take a look at your options for yourself, visit a licensed online health insurance agency like eHealthInsurance.com, where I work. Through our site, for example, you can get free quotes and compare plans side by side before applying for coverage online. We also have customer reviews for a lot of the plans we sell. You can talk with one of our licensed agents at 1-800-977-8860. One more thing – In addition to the individual and family health insurance plans available in the open market there are also "student" health insurance plans out there that are quite flexible and can be especially helpful for people who attend school and spend their summers in different states. Just something else to consider. Best of luck, Amir M, licensed agent

How do you lower health insurance costs when you add pre existing conditions and remove payment caps?

It sounds wonderful. Eliminate pre existing conditions often claimed by insurance companies when they deny someone insurance. So if they make it the law an insurance company has to start treating someone with a serious illness how are they suppose to lower everyone's rates? Does this mean we can just wait until we sick to buy insurance now?
It doesn't reduce healthcare costs and it doesn't reduce premiums. The CBO has calculated that the "health care" bill, in its current form, will cost $900M. This is assuming that everything goes as advertised. Most conservative estimates have the real number at about $2T.. That's $2,000,000,000,000! or $6,000 tax for every man, woman, and child in America. It is immoral to pass this kind of debt to our children and grandchildren!

If my husband and I get a divorce can I still stay on his health insurance Or does he have to report?

That to insurance???? Or is that something I can ask the lawyer that he still need to provide me we health insurance???
Yes, you can remain on your husband's insurance after a divorce....as long as it is ordered by the judge during finalization and made part of the divorce decree. Than your husband would give a copy of the divorce decree with the ordered continuation of your health insurance and the insurance company would have to, by law, comply. At least until you remarry or get your own insurance.

How can one get a health insurance company to pay for a back inversion table?

The insurance company says that a back inversion table is experimental, therefore, not covered. How can one get a device paid by the insurance company that would benefit the insured? The inversion table would expand the spine, allowing blood and other fluid to flow more freely.
The table sounds good, but the problem is that : 1 - insurance companies pay for as little as possible 2 - there is little evidence to show a benefit to the table.

What type of health insurance should i get?

I'm 19 years old and I been having this bad heartburn (i think) for several months. I have no insurance so I have not been going to the doctors. But now, it has reached its point where I really think I need to see a doctor but I don't know what type of insurance to get... There is just so much. Can you guys help me choose a insurance plan?
There is alot of good companies out there. They usually take months before you could actually use it. If you need immediate help financially, I would encourage you to visit www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online about 3 years ago, for all my health/dental needs. They have been great...Had my benefits active in 2 hours and used it the same day. Check them out to see if they are in your area.

Have you ever had a job interview where you received an info packaged on the company's health insurance?

This has never happened to me before. I've been on many interviews and NEVER received a health insurance benefit package explaining their insurance coverage.
No, most places generally do not provide detailed information on their insurance programs until after they decide to give you the job. Most places will give you a basic idea of what their benefits package is. But they generally do not go into great detail on it unless and until you are hired by them... .