Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can anyone explain what happens if we already have free health insurance under McCain's new plan? ?

Can anyone tell me what happens if McCain wins for those who already have company provided health benefits? Will benefits stop? What will a tax credit do to help those already insured? Also if it stops and one has a preexisting condition what happens under McCain's plan?
If you currently have paid health care, then under McCain's plan the employer's payment of your premiums will be taxable (currently, it is not). So, you will actually see a decrease in your income. However, your employer may change things such that you have to pay $5000/year for your health plan. In exchange, McCain's plan will give you that $5000. So, in the end, the insurance company gets the same. Your employer pays $5000 less. And you still need to pay the taxes on the plan (minus $5000). So, in the end, depending on your other tax factors, you'll likely end up with the exact same plan, will pay higher taxes. However, your employer, having made an extra $5000 in profit/employee (funded by the American taxpayer) might be able to offer you something else worth $5000. In theory, according to McCain, that extra $5000 will go into hiring more people, fixing the economy. Don't believe me? Read McCain's full plan and then plug in your own information into an updated set of tax calculations to see if you win or not. Ask your employer what they plan to do with the extra $5000.

Ohio Dependent Student trying to Stay on Parents health insurance?

Hello, I will be 23 years old in August and will be attending medical school in Ohio. The insurance my parents have will only cover me until I am 23 or I stop school. I have heard that insurance companies must cover you till 24 in Ohio is this true? Also the new budget compromise that just went in Ohio bumps the age to 29 for dependents, when does this go into effect. Please post the best reliable link with this information for 10 pts!
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

If I bought health insurance today, how soon could in go into effect?

Also, how do insurance companies determine whether a condition is pre-existing or not?
Each policy is different, so you will have to ask the agent. In the case of pre-existing conditions, they usually ask you to disclose things up front. If they get a claim for a diagnosis that is often pre-existing, they will request medical records to determine whether you were previously treated for the condition.

Why did Sen. Grassley suggest working people get health insurance like he has?

That was pretty damned cold to say on TV, eh? They are a nest of snakes in Washinton.
Because he does not live in the real world. Many jobs do not pay enough to cover health insurance. Too many people do not know that Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. Which means that it will be cheaper as well. Of course universal health-cover sucks. That is why we in Western Europe have it. We think, hmm, our healthcare system sucks. I know, lets keep it. I guess that is the same with Japan and Canada as well. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, Cuba, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage.

I just got my life agent license and my new boss is giving me a 50/50 commission split on all health insurance

policies. Is this a fair split? He is paying for my E & O insurance, rent, internet, leads, phone bill. He is also paying for a processor to handle all the paperwork for new groups and servicing of the clients.
Yes, it's fair.

health insurance required by law in cal for college student?

I am a full time college student in California and am wondering if i am required by law to have health insurance or not. Please post web links to your source. or law code
Governor Schwartzenegger has proposed a bill making health care mandatory for all California residents. The bill is currently in the state legislature and has not yet been passed into law; there is substantial opposition to the bill. However, some schools already require their own students to have health insurance; all of the UCs require it. I don't know about CSUs or specific private schools.

Can anyone recommend a good Health Insurance for my dogs? Live in Australia?

Hi I was wondering if anyone could recommend a Good insurance company or policy for my dogs. I have a 10 week old Lab and a 4 year old Border collie cross, Am hoping to find a good level of cover Have read alot of different brochures from companies but can't really work out the main differences Any suggestions would be great. Thank you
One they reach a certain age, they don't cover you. Its just another attempt to take more money and them make it. My dog was 9 1/2year old when the first pet insurance came out, they don't cover for the basics. TO me pet insurance is absolute waste of money but you may find it otherwise. if they do cover a senior dog, its the real crappy cover when you really need a gold. You save more money if you get a tin and put your spare change in it Lots of things they won't cover for, and very few things they will cover for Medibank Pet insurance-Read the whole PDF file-… Vet Choice… RSPCA-You need to ring them, again like most insurance they don't cover once they reach a certain age… Petplan…

Do you think having no health insurance is playing Russian Roulette with your life?

I am a recent college grad, my job as a graphic designer does not have insurance.. The plan I was covered under my Mom is now $450 a month...... I pay $2,000 a month in rent and that $450 is gonne be alot for me, what should i do? just hope for the best and drink orange juice?
Not with your life, but with your money. Health insurance does not insure your health. It protects your money. The #1 reason for bankruptcy in the US is due to unpaid medical bills. What you want it for is that unplanned trip to the ER. Get a good plan, but get a very high deductible. If you go in for some antibiotics or something, paying that bill out of your pocket is likely to be less than what you'll save in premiums with a high deductible policy. Just be sure to start saving a bit so you have a cushion.

Ontario Health Insurance-- I missed my physical exam and need to pay the fee?

I missed my physical exam and the doctors office has asked me to come in and pay 50 dollars for missing it. I wanted to know if I did not go to pay, what action could my doctors office take. THanks
Your doctor's office could send the bill to a collection agency which will hound you to pay it. That will also show up on your credit rating. The doctor's office also can refuse to make any appointments for you until you pay or take you off their patient list.

Do you think that smokers and obese people should pay more for health insurance in the USA?

...In order to help the tons and tons of people without insurance to get insured?
What about people who have a family history of cancer or diseases? Where to you draw a line at? So my answer to this is NO

Have you ever used Care Credit to pay for medical procedure not covered by your health insurance?

What is your oppinion of Care Credit?
I've used it and had no problems with it. I agree that their regular interest is high but they do offer 0% interest for X number of months if the procedure is above $300. Which is the only way I'd use it. If the procedure is less than $300 I'd prefer to either pay in cash or use another card that does give a 0% promo. If a person does get the 0% promo, it's always best to pay more than the minimum payment that they request and also try to have it paid off at least one month before the promo expires. If you do get the 0% promo rate, it's a great way to have a payment history showing on your reports without having to pay any interest.

What is the average cost of health insurance in California?

health insurance for married couple above fifty
Try to check this site, i just found it on the net recently. I guess they can help you with such things.

Does anybody know anything about National Association for the Self-Employed health insurance?

Is it reliable? can I trust the company? has anybody ever experienced any problems with them? Thank you very much for your help.
Yes, you can trust the company to pay out what the policy stipulates but the policies are just hospital certificates, not major medical. Mega, which also goes by the name NASE among other names depending on your part of the country, has a deductible that is per confinement, which means if you go into the hospital 3 times in one year you have 3 deductibles to meet. Most plans' deductible is per year. Lifetime maximum for Mega is $1 Million unless you purchase higher limits. Major medical plans are $3 to $8 Million. Mega, depending on the policy, has an annual maximum per illness of $500,000. Most Major medical have NO annual maximums. Depending upon the policy, Mega will only pay UP to $500 per day if you are admitted to the hospital. Average daily hospital cost - $3000, Average stay – Three days. For the average hospital stay MEGA will pay up to $1500, you will pay $7500. Depending upon the policy, Mega will only pay UP to $1500 per day if you are in ICU. Average cost - $8000, Average stay – Two days. For the average ICU stay MEGA will pay up to $3000, you will pay $13,000. Since most people (unless they're dead) have a hospital stay after the ICU stay you can add in the figures from the previous paragraph. Doctor visits while you are in the hospital is limited to $50 per visit and limited to ONE visit per day. Average cost - $120, Average number of daily visits – TWO. For the average 3 day hospital stay MEGA will pay $150, you will pay $570. Ambulance transport is limited to $250 per trip and payable only if you are admitted to the hospital for over 24 hours. If you are transported to the ER and not admitted - no benefits. The average cost for ambulance - $1000. For the ambulance (if you are admitted to the hospital) MEGA will pay $250, you will pay $750. For the ambulance (if you are NOT admitted to the hospital) MEGA will pay $0, you will pay $1000. Air ambulance is not covered unless additional rider purchased. Maximum benefits with Mega are $3500. Average cost - $12,000. Your bill - $8500. Many other limitations for: miscellaneous hospital inpatient charges, inpatient and outpatient surgery, routine physicals, anesthesiologist and more. Plus you have to pay the expensive yearly dues. Here is some information about Mega:…

If My 18th birthday was September 12, 1992 and i was suppose to be kicked off of my parents health insurance?

I was reading about the Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act, and it said it got extended to age 26, but if i turned 18 around the time does that still apply to me?
Look, if you're 18th birthday was Sept 12, 1992, you're WAY past 26, and it doesn't matter. If you're 18th birthday was 09-12-2010, then you get dropped off their policy, if it normally drops you at 18 (most states, it's 19), and your parents can add you back on, at the next open enrollment.

Hey NObamas, do you really think that you only pay for your own health insurance now?

I keep reading comments about people not wanting to pay for anyone's health insurance but their own, for whatever reason--you make your money, you don't want to pay for someone who is lazy and without insurance. Who the h*** do you think pays for them now? The health fairy?
Insurance started out as an honest socialistic concept of paying in for the benefit of whomever suffered the consequences against which they were insuring themselves. Then it became a profitmaking racket for the benefit of whomever skimmed off the funding against eventualities. Is it any fugging wonder it no longer works? That's why we desparately need the socialism nobody's talking about. Well, that's not entirely true. The wacko right sees the dread socialism under their beds and in their closets when the lights go out, but mature, rational people can see that nobody except a few REAL Democrats are bothering with a single-payer plan to put the thieves out of business once and for all.

A hospital cannot afford to admit patients who do not have health insurance.?

.What are the potential problems of this and what is one way consumers, government and businesses could respond to it?
Potential Problems: Admission to the hospital in emergency cases is slowed down because the hospital staff has to confirm if you have insurance before they do anything. This could lead to other medical providers adopting similar policies. How bad would it be....if were suffering from a life threatening injury and the ambulance personnel had to confirm your health insurance was valid before they did anything? People would not get the needed medical care - resulting in untreated diseases and deaths. How to respond: Reform the health care system so that all parties have health insurance. Government subsides to help hospitals with the cost of care for uninsured. Tort Reform with a goal of reducing the cost of malpractice insurance for medical providers. This savings can be passed onto customers. Customers - take care of themselves. Exercise and eat right. This reduces the likelihood of illness. Businesses - provide health benefits for their employees and the families of their employees.

Will people currently without health insurance be mandated to get it ASAP, or in 2014?

Please show evidence of your answer with a link.
2014. I'm not going to get a's been on the news.

Laser hair Removal- what health insurance covers this for emotional distress & depression?

I have had extreme depression over the amount of hair I have. When I was in the military they were going to laser hair remove it for me because I was depressed, my doctor gave me the approval. I got out of the military too soon unfortunately. Are there any insurances that cover this? I have medicare and the veterans affairs military insurance. I'm willing to get a pricier insurance that will cover this. I don't think medicare will cover it. Anyone know about that too?
Unfortunately I do not think this will be covered. Instead, you will probably be sent to a psychiatrist and given medication for your depression. However, you are lucky because you could probably get the treatments on your own. While it takes many treatments to become effective, you could easily save money to do the laser hair removal treatments on your own.

Fascistocrats A good name for those aligning with big business to force health insurance under penalty of law?

who call themselves COUGH COUGH! democrats? Isn't calling such as these democrats, just a HUGE JOKE?
Excellent Question, unless you ARE A FASCIST looking to bury the reality of what is occurring. Quite a Joke, Irony at it's saddest and most ironic. It's like calling death panels old people medical helpers.

Where is this money going to come from that is supposed to cover the poor's health insurance?

I am also going to point out that pretty much every state already gives *free* health care to those who are poor at the expensive of taxpayers. Those who are uninsured either haven't filled out the paperwork in order to be part of the entitlement programs or don't want to.
The Greek economy is in a desparate crisis right now that threatens to pull the European Union down. If Greece defaults on their debt it will be the largest default in history. Greek debt is 125% of GDP here is how our debt is going: 2008 70.50 % 2009 83.41 % 2010 94.27 % At the rate that we are piling up debt how long after adding Obama care will we reach the same level as Greece?

How much does Blue Cross Health insurance for a small business in LA, CA cost.?

For 10 people? And dont tell me to go call them if you cant give me the rates then dont waste my time.
It's going to depend on the average age, and if you're including spouses or not, and if you're including part timers or not . . .and for 10 people, they're going to look at each person's health history, also. NO ONE is going to give you a rate blind. And you're not going to be able to get one over the internet, either. If you want a WAG, (Wild a** guess), it's going to be around $500 a month per person, if the average age is 40, no spouses or dependents, and everyone is in pretty good health.

Where can I get inexpensive health insurance as an individual?

I need for 4 months until I start job. I am age 21 and healthy
If you only need it for four months you'll need to get a short term medical policy. You can contact any local independent agent to find one. They are designed for people waiting for insurance. They are inexpensive and don't have all the bells and whistles but they'll cover you for catastrophic accidents or illnesses. However, they won't cover any pre-existing conditions.

Does school require health insurance?

I live in California, USA and my brother and I don't have health insurance. We are in middle and high school(public school). What are the disadvantages of not having health insurance?
The main disadvantage of not having health insurance is that if you get seriously injured or ill, the cost of medical care will probably bankrupt your parents. You should avoid playing tackle football or other sports with a high risk of injury until you get some insurance. Maybe the school can help you find a low-cost plan.

I hear McCain wants us to pay taxes on health insurance if employer provides it. Does anyone have a source?

I heard it on the radio, so I wanted to see if anyone else has heard if and if it's on paper or video or what. I'll bet it's true, but I'm not sure. His plan would consider employer-provided insurance as "income". Wonderful, right?
That is exactly what I would expect from the candidate for the ultra rich.