Monday, March 21, 2011

Which Health Insurance plan should I buy?

I want to have the health insurance plan that provide me tax benefits and at the same time, offers extensive health coverage.
You need to buy your insurance through a local broker, who can find local options to help you meet your goals.

Is a 21 yr old covered under parents health insurance if they are not currently in school?

Daughter took a year off school, would she be covered under my insurance in Canada.
You will have to ask the plan administrator at work.

Does SSI have a health insurance program for kids?

He has been receiving SSI Disability for a year now and with that, the state (medicaid) insurance cut him off because he receives SSI. Where in the world is he supposed to go for health insurance? I signed up with Nevada Check-up now and i'm still awaiting a response. I've been told Social Security has a program but Medicaid mainly says for 65 or older.. Where is the application
You can find health insurance quotes online that are pretty inexpensive. has a short form you fill out and you can get rates from a bunch of different providers.

While under my parents health insurance do I have any privacy from an emergency room visit or will they know?

I am 19 years old and was recently referred to the emergency room for possible tubal pregnancy. It turned out after an ultrasound and a few tests that it was a normal pregnancy. The problem is that I am covered under my parents health insurance and I was wondering if there is anyway to keep them from finding out about this. And will the insurance company be automatically billed? Is there any privacy for me? Please help.
Chances are your parents will find out that you went when they get mailed what is called an "explanation of benefits." This is basically a statement of all the services rendered, and what the insurance paid and what your parents will owe for the services rendered. They won't know much about why you actually went there, the diagnosis is not on the EOB, they will just see that you saw a doctor and had certain tests performed. Since you are 19, everything that happened between you and the hospital and doctor is confidential, so they will not be able to call and find out anything more than what they see on the EOB. So if you want to make up a story about feeling pain in your ovaries and it turning out to be a cyst or something like that, they are not likely to find out you are lying. But you really should tell them the truth.

Am I free if I have to purchase health insurance as a condition of existing?

I could choose to not have insurance but then I'll have the IRS after me and that leads to jail or prison time. My state's constitution says debtor prisons are illegal but so far that has never applied to debt to the IRS.
At best a "Sharecropper", next an "Indentured Servant", then comes "Slave". Sugar-Coat it all you wish, there is NO argument for the reverse.

How much can I expect to pay for health insurance for a family of 4?

I'm moving to the US and there is me, my wife, and our two kids. We are in good health. Just a ballpark number is good, please. Thanks.
This website has medical care for as low as $29.95 a month per household take a look

How can i get very cheap health insurance?

health insurance is so expensive...
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you

Will my spouse receive health insurance under my work benefits?

Just wondering, what is the GENERAL rule? I'm applying for a job that says it has "full health benefits including vacation and sick time" but it doesn't say anything about my spouse. Should i take that to mean that it will only cover me, or is it more likely that the DEFAULT is to cover him as well? Thanks!
The general rule is that the company covers you and if you want family/spousal coverage, you pay extra.

what is the best health insurance for someone with PCOS?

i want to have children...and i dont have health insurance what is the best insurance if i were to need IVF or fertility drugs? i wanted to make an appointment at a leading hospital for PCOS but i cant even make an appointment without insurance
Hi There! I Got This For Your... As Always, Its Always Better That You Get The Info Firsthand. So Check It Out Yourself, Im Pretty Sure You'll Discover Something...

How many sick Americans have been dumped or rejected by health insurance companies?

How many people in the U.S. have been denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition? How many have been dumped from coverage because they became ill enough that covering them was too expensive for the company? As it is, insurance companies are allowed to dump coverage for people who get sick and deny coverage to people who are already sick. I'm aware that these things happen, but I don't know how common they are. I want to find an estimate for how many people in the U.S. have been dumped or rejected in any particular year or decade.
According to a recent national survey, approximately 12.6 million non-elderly Americans have been turned down for coverage due to a pre-existing condition in the last 3 years, and 1 in 10 cancer patients have been denied coverage and 6% have lost their coverage because they have been diagnosed with cancer. Also, over the past 5 years, 3 large insurers have been revoked coverage due to being too expensive to continue covering. You will find other numbers in the following link. And please, before anyone disputes it due to the source, take a look at the sources for the link. It is researched. As for the other posters saying things like "countries with universal health care have death panels" and "the wait list for cancer screening is a year long" have you ever lived in a country with universal health care? Because I live in Canada, and if you do some research, you will find out that there are, in fact, no such things as death panels here. Also, when it comes to cancer screening, the wait lists are short. In fact, my mom, who is considered high risk for breast cancer, has never had to wait for a mammogram. She gets them on schedule every year. Plus, 85% of all cancer clinics in Canada have a wait time of 4 weeks or less for most types of cancer from initial diagnosis to treatment, and if the treatment is urgent, there is no wait. The problem is, when Americans who want to dispute the quality of care offered in Canada look at the numbers, they see numbers from 10 years ago and think that the situation is the same today. Canada's health care system reached a critical point in the late 1990's due to many budget cutbacks, but our government has been working hard and providing a lot of funding to improve the system to what we have today, which, in my opinion, is more than sufficient. Compared to the attitude of Canadians 10 years ago, you will find that today, many Canadians are happy with our health care system, and our only complaint is a lack of specialists in certain areas. From what I understand about the American system, this is a plague there as well.

Is it very costly for small companies to provide insurance for their employees? we get no health insurance?

I work for a investment company but I work for one of their branches and we have no type of insurance of any type. why?
It's based on average age and health. If the average age is 40, and there are some health issues, it could EASILY be $500 per employee, per month. If the employee wants to cover their whole family, that runs $1,000 a month per family, sometimes more.

Is it up to the Federal gov't, or each state, as to how many Health Insurance Companies are allowed to compete?

in that state? I remember during an Obama speech he said that in Alabama, one insurance company has like 70% of the people insured. If the people of Alabama, or any other state, want MORE competition among their health insurers, isn't that THEIR right and responsibility? Thanks!
Your viewpoint is in conflict with both the Democratic and the Republican thinking on this subject. Democrats want competition based on a common minimum set of standards that apply to all Americans and Republicans want insurance to be sold across state lines. The Republican proposal would leave the choice of state regulations to the insurance companies based on their domiciles but would affect people who live in other states. That of course would lead to insurance companies choosing states with few regulations but selling to people who live in highly regulated states. The Democrats are establishing a standard set of insurance requirements that would apply to all health insurance purchases. The current system of piecemeal state regulation is not working well. The current proposals are to offer more choices to the businesses and people who purchase health insurance rather than limiting health insurance choices based on state residence. More competition will help to lower cost.

Open enrollment for health insurance is here and I need help deciding what to do?

My options are to enroll in a new insurance plan where I am insured thru the hospital where I work called a UMR EPO. This is new and they tell us many hospital organizations are grouping together to insure themselves. They have seperate co pays for Tier 1 and Tier 2 in this program and frankly, I am scared of my options if I became seriously ill. Then I have the option of Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO which is what I am leaning toward because everyone has heard of Blue Cross Blue Shield. Do you have any idea what I should do? Suggestions. Blue Cross is cheaper then the UMR EPO, I am only insuring myself. No dependents, no husband.
I would be careful about letting cost be a determining factor. While near term savings look good it is what it will cost you when you need care that counts. This is something to keep you alive. Pick the policy that gives you the most control over your own care. Avoid any policy that requires you to get approval from any one for care - particularly someone that may have a financial reason for keeping you from getting the care. I always try to get a POS policy without my having to get permission to get a treatment. Good Luck and good health

Can a Canadian citizen get American health insurance?

I am a Canadian citizen who is engaged to an American. We are not getting married for a few more months, and immigration processes do take a rather long time, so I am concerned that while I am down here staying with him something could happen and I wont have any insurance. Travelers insurance is possible because I won't be out of the country for more then 6 months, however it is extremely expensive. I have no idea if it is even possible to get insurance without a social security number, which is not something I will be able to apply for anytime soon. Any ideas? Thanks!
It depends. It depends on how long you've been down here and where you live. Some companies require 12 months of residence and others require no SS# and you can apply on your first day of residence. Travel insurance would be an option...and it's cheap -- less than $100/month.

Health insurance is out of control and the fix is to make people buy it?

This is the best idea ever. Only pre-existing conditions for children are covered, sorry Natoma, still no insurance for you
Plus it will cost 2 Trillion just to make that happen - gotta wonder where all the rest is going...

Why are we focusing on health insurance companies?

The health insurance industry makes a profit margin of about 3.3%. Hospital facilities are around 25%. If anyone disputes this, I will provide a source. Why are we focusing on the health insurance industry (the one that pays the doctor bills), rather than focusing on the doctors themselves? It's scary going to the doctor or into the hospital and you have no clue how high your bill is going to be. Shouldn't they tell you the price before they treat you? I mean come on, a cat scan does not cost $8000. It's not the health insurance industry that is charging us insane prices, it is the doctors and hospitals. Instead of demonizing the health insurance industry, why aren't we demonizing the doctors and hospitals that charge these prices?
Well, first they tried to say our health care SYSTEM was broke and we ranked 800th in the world in care (just behind Sudan). But the fact is, we have excellent health care. Our hospitals and doctors are the best in the world. Our national survival rates for diseases like cancer are better than any country with Socialized/Nationalized/Government Health Care. *shhhh - don't let anyone know* The medical care professionals quickly rose up and looked to put up a rather staunch defense of their work. Obama quickly changed the tactic from condemning the health care profession to demonizing the health insurance industry. Yeah, those evil big insurance guys. Let's get 'em." Obama and the Liberals once again go after "The Big Guy" in defense of "The Little Guy" because "The Little Guy" is getting screwed. The fact is, "The Little Guy" is going to get screwed even worse by "Big Government" because with Big Gov you have even fewer choices and less power. You can sue an insurance company. It isn't easy but it can be done. Try suing Fed Gov.

how can i get very cheap health insurance?

i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no MONEY!!
What kind of school do you go to - high school or college? Most colleges have some sort of health plan. You should ask at the health center or infirmary. Dental insurance is separate from health insurance and is much harder to come by and more expensive.

How much would health insurance be for me?

I'm 19, a non-smoker, with a body mass index of 19.9. I am in pretty good health, I did have spinal surgery when I was younger and corrective jaw surgery last summer but other than that no pre-existing conditions. I just got dropped from my parents coverage and the job I'm working doesn't offer me enough hours to be full time and get coverage so I have to buy my own, and I'm wondering how much that will cost.
Try this site here you can get quotes from different companies in your area.

Should overseas student buy health insurance while they're studying or just the 1st yr? Other except medibank?

Should overseas student buy health insurance while they're studying or just necessary for the 1st year? Is there any health insurance company like medibank? any health insurance company cover dental/eye? Thank you!
Hi there, I'm assuming that you are talking about an Australian student visa because you've referred to Medibank and also the requirement to have private medical insurance. When you apply for your visa you will need to show that you have taken out at least 1 years Overseas Student Medical Coverage. This is usually organised through the institution where you will be studying. Once you get your visa you will have a condition attached to it that states that you must maintain your OSMC throughout your stay as a student in Australia - so, you will need to renew your insurance every year. Medibank private is one of the main providers however you can also check out: MBF NIB HCF Best of luck and feel free to contact me on if you need help with your visa application.

Why did Dear Leader Ă˜bama speak of eliminating private health insurance in 2007?

employer coverage = private health insurance "I would hope that we could set up a system that allows those who can go through their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort. But I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be potentially some transition process." -- Barack Ă˜bama, March 24, 2007
Obama openly campaigned for Universal Health care for everyone. This would automatically end all private health insurance coverages.

Does Caresource health insurance cover cosmetic dentistry?

I have Caresource health insurance and am in need of a few teeth being pulled due to damage and wanted to know if Caresource would cover dentures or implants as well
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

How do I cure a UTI with not having health insurance to go to the doctor?

My husband and I just got married and I was kicked off my family insurance. I do not have the money to go to the doctor with not having insurance and I was wondering what would be the best over the counter products that I could take to treat this?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

Does a person on Medicaid need to continue with a secondary health insurance like Blue Cross?

I can't get a straight answer from either agency. Naturally Blue Cross wants their monthly payments to continue -- as Medicaid wants their percentage of health costs to be at a minimum. Can someone out there give me a definative answer?
Medicaid or Medicare? Where I live, you can't get Medicaid if you have insurance. Medicaid is based on income and ability to get medical care. With Medicare, secondary health insurance is really a necessity these days.

Why do we allow our governing bodies to spend so much time and effort trying to establish health insurance?

We spend very little trying to prevent bad health, actually bad health is sold. People in this country overeat, under exercise, and try to blame someone else.
I assume you mean the US. In the UK everyone pays an amount from their wages/tax according to their income to the Health Service. When they are ill or taken to hospital they are treated. There is no argument or questioning after this, it is paid for. The same service is given to all regardless of income or status, although there is a private treatment option for those that can afford it. This tends to just be to get treatment quicker for minor operations, or for cosmetic surgery etc. The same system covers dental treatment. What you should be asking is why hasn't the US had a similar system for years. - the answer is that the people who provide medical insurance in the US are making too much money from it to let it happen! .