Monday, December 27, 2010

New job and health insurance: how will current prescriptions be affected?

I recently graduated college, and at about the same time I was diagnosed with brain cancer. I had surgery and now am going to start chemotherapy. It's a two year program, and I'm worried that when I get a new job that there will be a gap between my current health insurance, or if they won't cover it because it's a pre-existing condition? Any thoughts on this?
If you have health insurance currently, and there is not more than a 63 day break in coverage between that coverage and new coverage, it is NOT a pre-existing condition. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask to review the new job's medical plan prior to accepting the position. A good employer won't refuse. Just make sure your current provider's are still preferred or, if the new plan is an HMO, contact the administrator and ask whatever questions you need to ask.

Can my employer drop group health insurance coverage while I am pregnant?

I live in Oklahoma and I just found out that I am pregnant and my employer is considering dropping my group health insurance. Are there any laws that prevent me from being dropped? How do I continue my health insurance to cover my pregnancy?
Employers can do what they want. They can call an insurance company and have you dropped and the insurance company will do as directed by their client, your employer. But they also have to follow their company policies. However, your employment agreement, the company directives and policies and/or the past practice of the employer should be questioned. Go to your human resource or personnel rep and ask questions and ask to see the company policies. Also check your state laws. If dropped. go get Medicaid or whatever it is called in OK. asap. If you can afford to get your own coverage, there is no preexisting exclusions for pregnancy per federal law.

I need a recommendation on a good health insurance? Can anyone help me?

I need health insurance. Is there a good and cost effective health program?
Check out this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. Hope this help,

When do children have to get their own health insurance?

I'm quite curious about the American health care system and was wondering if someone could tell me what do children do? Can they go on their parent's insurance? Do most people who attend college have health care insurance?
As long as children are in college, they are usually covered by their parent's insurance (if they have any). Different states have different rules about how old a child, not in college, can stay on their parents' policy. Prior to college, all children are, typically, covered under their parents' insurance. I don't have statistics at hand, but most (i.e., more than half) of our Nation's college students have health care insurance, almost all of whom are under their parents' policies.

Where could a healthy person find health insurance for under $100/month?

My employer provides my insurance -I work full-time and pay $50 or less for my health insurance. Was thinking of going part-time but I don't think that's even an option now. All the health insurance companies are ridiculous.
Canada or France

Will I loose my parents health insurance if I fail one of my college courses?

All too soon I'm going under the knife and I'm worried to death that me failing my online english will cause me to loose my parent's health insurance. Does anyone know if I will or not?
I can only speak for California, but to answer your question. Insurance companies look at dependents aged 18 - usually 25 as over-age dependents and will allow them to remain on the parents policy IF they are enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited college or university (CA says 12 units). They don't care if you fail or not, just maintain your units and you can remain on the plan.

Can you get on Medicaid in GA if you already have health insurance?

I just found out that I am pregnant, and my job pays for my health insurance, but the coverage really sucks. I would have to pay out a lot of money when I had the baby, and we just don't have the money for that. I know that I would qualify for Medicaid. I was just wondering with me already having health insurance, could I also be put on Medicaid. Thanks so much for your help.
Under some circumstances, you can. Some states even offer "pregnancy only" coverage through their state children's health insurance plan (in GA, this is called PeachCare). Definately apply and find out. Make sure they know that you're pregnant, and applying for coverage for the pregnancy.

For pregnant women- Which health insurance plan do you use or think is best to have during pregnancy?

My husband and I are overwhelmed at all the health insurance plans out there. We want to know for those who are having a baby or are trying and have health insurance- which one is the best to have during pregnancy?
well im on medicaid

Is there a law in NYS that says all health insurance companies are obligated to pay for a home birth?

I am having a home birth and want to find out if my health insurance company is obligated to pay. When I call them, they give me no answers. (Empire Blue Cross) Someone told me there was a law that in NY all insurance companies were obligated to pay for home birth
According to my former boss, who is now a Lieutenant Colonel in the NY Air National Guard and is in private practice in upstate NY, there is no law requiring health insurance companies to pay for a home birth.

When applying for Public Health Insurance in Phoenix, do I have to report student loans' refunds?

Hello. Each semester, at least sometimes, I get a refund check from the University I attend to, where I'm trying to finish my BS. I need to apply for Public Health Insurance in Maricopa county. Do I have to report these refunds as income? Thank you for your kind help.
The refund amount means nothing, the amounts being paid on your behalf is what you look at. No Grants or loans need to be reported. Scholarships need to be reported, the entire amount - whether it is refunded or not.

I am Currently uninsured and looking for Health Insurance with Maternity Coverage, How long after I get healt?

I am Currently Uninsured and looking for Health insurance with Maternity Benifits, How long after i get Health insurance do I have to wait before i get pregnant?
Most places won't cover a delivery until 10 months after starting coverage. I got lucky because I fell into a loophole (I had catastrophic coverage while in college and that still counts as having health insurance). Get coverage before you try to get pregnant, if you get pregnant first then no one will insure you.

Is there a law in NYS that says all health insurance companies are obligated to pay for a home birth?

I am having a home birth and want to find out if my health insurance company is obligated to pay. When I call them, they give me no answers. (Empire Blue Cross) Someone told me there was a law that in NY all insurance companies were obligated to pay for home birth
According to my former boss, who is now a Lieutenant Colonel in the NY Air National Guard and is in private practice in upstate NY, there is no law requiring health insurance companies to pay for a home birth.

Is Tonik Health Insurance a good dependable company?

I am needing health insurance for my family which includes myself,my husband and my 4 yr old daughter. I was looking over Tonik insurance and it looks pretty good, but im not sure if its something I can be tricked into.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

How to get treatment for depression without health insurance?

I have a friend who I think is really suffering from depression and mania. I've known him since we were kids and he has pretty much always gone through cycles of highs and lows that I know are not normal. Lately it is getting really bad, he is abusing alcohol, making bad social and financial decisions, and pushing way the people who care about him. Last night I finally got him to talk to me about how he was feeling and he really broke down and said he thinks he deserves to die and would kill himself if it wouldn't ruin his mom's life. I think I can convince him to get some help but he doesn't have any health insurance and is worried that he can't pay for treatment. He could afford to go to a walk-in clinic but I don't know if they can give him the perscription he needs. We live in northwest Arkansas... does anyone know of any resources he could use?
I would suggest getting him a cheap health policy before he goes for treatment. You may want to try a website that compares multiple companies at once to get you the best price. I am paying less than ½ after I did. Go to:… Take care, Casey

Can a professional (SLP or OT) bill to Medicaid or health insurance for services made six months, a year ago?

I know this seems pretty basic. But, I need clarity. I wanted to know if a medical professional (speech language pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist) can bill for services made six months or a year ago? Or is it too long of wait. I'm basically asking what is the allowable amount of time elaspe would be to make claims to Medicaid or any type of health insurance on services a medical professional provides.
When I complete Medicaid application forms for my son it asks if there are any unpaid medical bills within the last 3 I guess they will only pay for services up to 3 months prior.

Can I claim my tuition and my daughter's health insurance deductible on my taxes?

I am a single mother and a full time student. I paid about 2,900 in tuition last year and paid about 3500 in health insurance deductible and co-pays and i work part-time in my family's business I only make about 9,000 a year what am I able to claim as a single mother?
I do not suggest doing your taxes yourself first of all. You are eligible for many tax credits because of your income. If your child lived with you over half of the year and you paid more than half the cost of keeping up the home you are eligible to file Head of Household I believe. You should also be eligible for the EIC and the child tax credit. I go to Liberty Tax. They charge more but they can get you a much bigger refund than if you try and do them yourself. I used to file mine on my own with Turbo Tax and I missed many of the credits I was eligible for.

I have applied for health insurance and can't qualify, what do I do?

I am employed full-time by a small business owner that can't offer health insurance. I am willing to pay whatever it takes but have applied for multiple insurances and have been turned down multiple times. What are my choices now?
Check it out here. It's an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.… Good Luck...

Why do Liberals blame the high cost of health care on insurance companies?

The high costs originate with the health care providers. Insurance companies actually fight with providers to keep costs down as much as possible. Why would the insurance companies want health care costs to be more expensive? Do Liberals know the difference between health care providers and health insurance companies? If so why do you never hear them complain about what providers are charging in the first place?
Because of the way the (un)insurance companies work. Provider costs are high due to malpractice costs and defensive medicine. Payouts in such cases are high as insurance companies will not cover pre-existing conditions and therefore payouts have to take into account on going health costs. I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean, if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nations taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts? FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3]. Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4] Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.) Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8]. Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare? If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012.

Can you explain about the idea of buying health insurance across state lines?

I'm trying to understand just how this is going to help those who currently can't buy insurance because of pre-existing conditions, or those who have had their policies rescinded. I can understand that it might allow more choice. Then again, it's going to allow insurance companies to move out of states which regulate health insurance, and into states with no regulation. Seems to me this would make the situation worse.
Strange how less than a minute of critical thinking destroys the "buying across state lines" republican talking point, huh? You're absolutely right. It won't help and it could hurt. Some of these answers are just foolishly misinformed. As some others that have some knowledge on the subject have pointed out, there aren't thousands of big players in health insurance, there are fewer than 10. Most of them are already in every state underwriting policies from one company or another. The danger, as you accurately pointed out, is that all ten of those would quickly move to whichever state has the fewest regulations. To anyone that doesn't think this will happen, take a look at your next credit card bill. Ever wonder why they're in Delaware? The people preaching that this change needs to happen need to take a step back and reevaluate where they're getting their information. Selling across state lines ONLY helps insurance companies. Why would anyone but insurance companies support it? Now think about those same people that support it and think about how they feel about nationalized health care.

Can 1 spouse drop the other spouse from health insurance for no reason in WI?

The only coverage he has is through her job and she wants to drop him from the health insurance as of the new year. Is that possible?
During open enrollment, yes. You do not need a divorce decree. During open enrollment you can make whatever changes you want - including dropping any, all, or some of your dependents from coverage. It's kinda dumb, though, because you the spouse, your assets are still on the hook for any of the other spouse's medical bills accrued during the marriage.

Can 1 spouse drop the other spouse from health insurance for no reason in WI?

The only coverage he has is through her job and she wants to drop him from the health insurance as of the new year. Is that possible?
During open enrollment, yes. You do not need a divorce decree. During open enrollment you can make whatever changes you want - including dropping any, all, or some of your dependents from coverage. It's kinda dumb, though, because you the spouse, your assets are still on the hook for any of the other spouse's medical bills accrued during the marriage.

Why is short term health insurance so expensive?

Why is that it is 10x more expensive for health insurance for terms less than 180 days? Could one not just sign up for long term coverage and then cancel?
There is probably a higher risk of someone signing up for short term just to use it a couple of times, making it harder for the company to recoupe the money from the bills.

do health insurance companies cover personal training as treatment for obesity or heart disease?

I am a personal trainer and I am expanding my clientelle to include exercise treatable medical conditions, such as hypertension, and the like. I want to know if Health Insurance Companies cover exercise as treatment for these conditions rather than drugs as treatment for these conditions?
in a limited capacity, mine did. I think that you would have to contact the health insurance carriers that are licensed to sell insurance in your state and ask them.

Will the president's proposed health plan get rid of Health Insurance companies?

My husband and hundreds of thousands of other americans work for a health insurance company. Is he really trying to get rid of them? Do Americans get to vote on it?
I hope so. I am sure you and your husband will have a better chance at getting a new job than the hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers that worked in US factories. Insurance companies are middle men that raises the cost of health care for every american. Profits are put before people and that's morally wrong. I think that for profit insurance companies should be eliminated. The insurance company should not " be between you and your doctor " which is now the current system. For all of the money the US spends on health care we should be well above our 37th in the world ranking. If you want insurance companies to work take the profit motive away and make them non profits.