Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Private Health Insurance Profit Margin is 3% - how much lower would the Socialists Democrats like it to be?

Do you think the waste from Government Run Health Care would be lower than 3%? I know, I know - Government waste doesn't exist, right?
the profit margin may be only 3% (though I doubt it), but their administrative costs are about 35%, versus about 4% in a publicly run agency. That's a lot of savings.

Will health insurance cover my gym membership?

heard that some health insurance companies are paying or co paying for health club memerships dues.
Call the number on your insurance card and ask them if this is a covered benefit. Also, some employers reimburse you money for gym memberships and other health-related services. Check with your human resources department.

How many realize that health insurance premiums are rising so fast that many who currently have it will no?

longer be able to afford it?
Where I work, we have had double digit increases every year for 12 years. It isn't sustainable. We need health insurance reform.

Do you know of a good health insurance??

I am pregnant and I would like to know if you have a good health insurance that you would recomend for pregnant single women....
Insurance for pregnancy will be hard to find at your stage. However, the My Simple Card membership will save you money on your regular prenatal doctors visits, sonograms, and eventually, hospital stay. You will most likely qualify.

Do I have to be a full time student to be covered under my parents health insurance?

I know the new healthcare bill extends the age to 26 but is this for full time students or can non full time students still be covered under a parents plan? BTW i reside in TX i don't know if that matters
The bill extends the age for all kids, not just students. You'll be allowed to stay on your parent's plan starting on the anniversary or renewal date after 9/23/10. If you don't know when that date is it is usually the month after open enrollment. However, some companies actually started allowing this starting June 1.

how you can get health insurance if your job doesn't offer it?

i checked online for quotes but i don't know a lot about it. i used to have HMO at my other job but the cheaper ones online i found were PPO? i don't make that much so i can't afford a huge monthly payment but does anyone have any places i can look? is there any state assistance i can apply for just for benefits?
You go to your local agent, and ask them to get you some quotes. If he can't do it, ask him for a LOCAL referral. If you buy the insurance over the internet, good luck finding someone to answer your questions. However, it costs what it costs. If you're 25 and healthy, a decent plan WILL cost you $250 a month. The only state assistance for health insurance is called Medicaid or Medicare, depending on your exact situation.

What's the best health insurance plans for a husband, wife and 2 small children?

In Oklahoma. Been looking it up but don't know one thing from another about determining the best plan. Any suggestions? Thanks.
In my area there are over 1000 variations of health plans available with numerous companies. Unless you have a lot of time to sit and compare them all you'll be better off to visit a local independent agent. This person knows the market in your area and can find the best plan for your situation. They don't charge you anything for the service and they'll be there to help if you have questions during the application and underwriting process. Be vary wary of medical discount plans. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about the health care and insurance industries. They have little training and aren't licensed. The plans are not registered with the state so you have little recourse when you have a problem. If you are tempted by a discount plan get a list of doctors from them before signing up. Make sure the doctors on the list are local. Call some up to verify that they're accepting the plan (most will not have even heard of the plan) and if they're taking new patients. Ask them how much an office visit is both with the plan and without. A good rule of thumb - if the application fee is greater than $25 you can bet it's a scam.

How does the Democratic party foresee variations or amendments made to the health insurance law as was passed?

once there is a Republican majority?
They arrogantly don't.

Did raising health insurance premiums after it appeared that health care reform was dead?

re-energize the democratic party to pass health reform? In other words, did the health insurance companies screw up royally by raising health insurance premiums by 20%-40% around the country after Scott Brown was elected
Yes. It was a huge miscalculation that steeled the resolve of Democrats. Ignorant conservatives can thank them for making their worst nightmare come true tomorrow.

Pregnancy and health insurance?

Our employers cancelled our health insurance and we are applying for individual coverage. I have been told that if I am planning on getting pregnant I have to have a maternity rider for an extra 100 dollars a month. If I become pregnant without it they will not cover my pregnancy. United Healthcare is the only insurance in Texas to offer maternity coverage. Does this sound correct? What if I wasn't planning on it and just became pregnant? I wouldn't be covered. I feel like I am being lied to. Let me know if you have had any experience with this. Thanks for your feedback.
Hi. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and have worked in the health insurance industry for 12 years and recently left that field for a different job. I currently have an individual insurance policy since my employer does not offer health insurance. If you are planning on getting pregnant you will need the maternity rider on your individual health policy. This will cost you more due to the added cost of services the insurance company will have to pay for as a result of you being pregnant. In addition, make sure that the insurance company will cover you when you are pregnant and that the plan does not have a "Maternity Waiting Period" on it. Some individual health insurance policies have a 12 month waiting period where they will not pay for any maternity related services until after you are insured with that company for a full 12 months after your effective date. If you are pregnant when you take the policy, there is a chance your insurance company will consider this a pre-existing condition and will not cover your pregnancy. They have a right to request medical office notes from your physician to determine the date you conceived if they receive a claim from your doctor's office for maternity/pregnancy related services and then deny the claim as pre-existing if you were pregnant before your policy's effective date. It is frustrating since the time when you need insurance the most, if you have or want to get an individual plan that covers maternity services, you have to make sure the plan doesn't have a maternity waiting period and that you are not pregnant before the plan's effective date. Some states have state-sponsored health plans that will pay for maternity coverage even if you are already pregnant, however, there are eligibility requirements and limitations. My recommendation is this: if you are thinking about getting pregnant (and are not pregnant already) then I would get the health insurance plan with the maternity rider and verify that it does not have a 12 month Maternity waiting period and that it will cover maternity services should you become pregnant in the months following your effective date. Good luck!

can my employer cancel my health insurance at anytime, las vegas, nv?

My employer says that he may have to do something about my medical insurance because the rates are going up. Can he cancel my health insurance at anytime or make me pay part or all of the premium?
If your employer owns the policy, they can do anything they want with it like change benefits, increase your premium or cancel it completely. However, ERISA law requires that they apply anything they do fairly to all employees and so they can't discriminate and cancel or raise premium for just one or a few employees. They have to apply it across the entire group or entire class. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Employee_Re…

How much freedom do Americans have if they are forced to by health insurance?

it seems land of the free and home of the brave is turning into land of the fear and home of entitlements...
This idea that America has ever been free is a joke. But hey, if it makes people feel better if they believe it, then so be it. Oh, and I am all for health care reform. I would love to see a single payer system in the US. Harvard just released data that says over 45 thousand Americans die each yr due to lack of health care. I guess that number doesn't bother you, unless you are one of those 45 thousand...right? Donna

Should employers be able to make overweight workers pay more for their health insurance?

...because it is costing more to insure them. Do you also support/not support charging more for smokers? Are there any other groups who should be paying more?
How about people with family histories of diabetes and hypertension? Maybe we could include people with genetic risk factors for cancer. People who get a lot of speeding tickets run a greater risk of significant health problems. I suppose if you want to, you can come up with a few hundred more. So, "no."

Wheeled Walkers Covered By Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance? Anyone know Where I Can Get One?

My grandma needs one, but im not sure how to find one that accepts health insurance (Blue cross, blue shield).
Call BC/BS and they will give you a Durable Medical Equipment company that allows the insurance. Not that hard. Also to the poster that said that everyone takes BC/BS is wrong. My company doesn't. My company also doesn't take Medicare anymore. Those two insurances are very hard to get money out of, so you may have a hard time finding someone.

Anyone ever switch health insurance while pregnant?

Only in the good ol USA do we have to stress about how in the world we're going to afford medical bills.. I have United Healthcare right now but they do not offer maternity coverage at all unless Im on a group plan. That is not an option for me because my work doesn't offer insurance. I've checked into BCBS but would they consider being pregnant a "pre-existing condition". I have a call in to a rep and am waiting for a call back but I'm just looking for advice or experiences pleeease. Thanks
This lovely country we live in! Most won't let you, since they see it as a 'pre-existing condition' (so dumb!) I didn't have any when i got pregnant and my husbands insurance wouldn't let me switch on to his. So i go to a birthing center and pay out of pocket...which is cheaper than insurance :)

I have Cobra health insurance I also enrolled my family in Group coverage through my wife's Company?

My wife is seriously ill will my cobra insurance pay for the balance as my wife's primary coverage is not very good
If your wife is covered on BOTH your COBRA plan AND her group health insurance, then yes, it will work as dual coverage. However, if she is not on your COBRA plan, then she gets no help from your insurance. You CAN have both COBRA and Group Medical, it is just a prohibitively expensive idea, in most cases. I hope your wife recovers well, swiftly and safely.

Simple question; why do businesses offer health insurance as a benefit?

Simple question that my parents cant seem to answer?
To retain better quality employees. The companies where it's harder to FIND qualified employees, tend to offer coverages. The companies where your employment base is unskilled labor and easily replaced, tend to not offer coverages. Sure they could pay an employee more with no benefits - but most employees WANT those benefits, and would rather have them. Benefits are WORTH something, ya know! The average no deductible family plan with maternity coverage, is valued at $2000 a month! That's not chicken feed . . ..

As a senior citizen on medicare do I need additional health insurance. Presently I have both and it is costly.?

It is costing me nearly $200 per month. Whenever I have blood work and doctor visit they charge medicare not my med insurance. I am healthy and only go to the doctors and have blood work 3 times per year.
Medicare has two part that cover medical related expense. Part A is for hospital situations an if admitted your only cost in 2009 is a $1,068 deductible. Part B is for all out patient medical expenses. It pays 80% of the Medicare rate for a specific treatment and the person pays 20%. Today so much treatment is done on an outpatient basis thus a Medicare Supplement plan, which pays the 20%, is needed. In my area a very good Medicare Supplement can be purchased for about $190 a month. There would be an additional cost of about $40 for prescription coverage. Another option to cover the medical treatment expenses Medicare does not pay is a Medicare Advantage plan. They normally cover medical and prescription and the monthly cost could be around $120 a month. A person currently on Medicare can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan once a year during the annual open enrollment from Nov 15th to Dec 31.

What does the new healthcare reform mean for me? Im 22, working, no health insurance, with a pre existing cond?

Im 22, i been working for a long time, i had an accident 5 years ago which left me under a ton of medical bills and needless to say no one would insure me with my condition, so what does this mean for me now? is it just available now? is it affordable now? what should i do?
where do you work ? they don't offer health insurance ? are you able to find another job ? well the healthcare reform wont change the fact you have previous debts to pay off ... as of now the bill states kids under age 26 will be able to join mom/dad's plan - Oct 2010 other then that, no real change is going to happen until 2014

Shall I buy Apollo Munich’s Easy Health-- Individual Health Insurance Plan?

I am a corporate employee and have a health cover from my employer. I don't think that there is a need of individual health insurance plan, as I am already covered. But, one of my friends has created a proposal for me to buy Apollo Munich's Easy Health plan. Shall I go ahead?
Yes, you should, as you would not be able to avail the health cover benefits after you leave your job and if you would buy the plan later, you would not be able to enjoy pre-policy benefits. Your waiting period would be same as it is. But, if you will buy it, your waiting period time will reduce and Apollo Munich is the best provider. So, go ahead. It will help you a lot. For details about the plan, visit

Is medicare considered good health insurance?

how good is medicare compared to an average health insurance plan?
Medicare is insurance that you have been paying for all of your working life. In some instances, it pays better than 80/20, and in others it pays less than 80/20. It does not, however come without costs and gaps. If you are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, it will cost you approx $93 per month in premium. This premium is taken directly out of your social security check - if you are drawing social security. I would not recommend going with Medicare alone. The gaps in coverage can be easily and completely covered if you wish to do so. There are several plan designs to choose from, including managed care plans that can be at no cost to you. The Standard Plan designs A-J have a varying cost, depending on which plan you choose and which insurance company you elect for coverage. The typical cost for this coverage, in the individual market in CT, is around $160 per month per insured. The new Medicare Part D is also something that you will need, as Medicare does not cover prescriptions, generally. These plans can be purchased in the range of $23 to $65 per month. Find a Health Insurance broker who specializes in senior/Medicare plans, or contact AARP.

How will the government get the illegals to buy health insurance when they don't even know they are here?

and the illegals do all their transactions in the black market or underground?
The government will have to create a new agency with thousands more new hires to try and track the illegals down and make sure they bought their health RX

RE: Health Care Reform: HOW would forcing everyone to buy health insurance lower the cost of health insurance?

... when about 90% of insurance premiums go to pay for the cost of health care services? Or, stated another way: HOW can you lower the cost of health insurance, without lowering the cost of health care services?
It won't,,,,Never does government involvement in anything lower costs. Price controls, tariffs, regulations, always reduces supply and raise cost. There is no government program that saves money. In fact the reason healthcare is so expensive is because of government involvement, medicare, Medicaid, state mandates, FDA etc. Now if obamacare could truly save money then why does it not start until 2014, and the taxes start immediately. This is another obama deception, because the fine for no health insurance is 75% less then the cost of health insurance, plus with the existing condition clause, you can buy insurance only when you are sick.

Questions for Americans- how much do you pay for your health insurance?

Is it through your work? And does it cover everything?
Health insurance for my husband and I costs us around $350 per month. We get the insurance through his employer but we pay for it. Every visit to a health care provider has a co-pay, this varies depending on whether it is a specialist or not and has to be paid at the time of the visit. Prescriptions have co-pays of $10 - $40 dollars depending on the medication, eg, my contraception costs $25 per month. If we choose to go see a doctor who isn't approved by our insurers then we have to pay 20% of the cost, the insurance picks up the rest. It's a lousy deal but without insurance a simple blood test for rubella cost me $230 plus another $60 for the doctor. All in all paying National Insurance contributions is a much better deal for the patient. I would rather wait for treatment on the basis of clinical need than wait until I can afford it.