Friday, July 22, 2011

Are health insurance companies making more medical decisions today than in the past?

Do you know anyone who has been short changed on medical care because of an insurance company?
Actually, some suit in a chair is making medical decisions that doctors should be making. In my case, I take medication for blood pressure and my doctor wants me to take an ace inhibitor to help protect my kidneys (i am diabetic also). Well, I had a mild allergic reaction to ace inhibitors about 10 years ago, so my doctor prescribed another class of drugs that works similar to ace inhibitors and protects my kidneys. The insurance company won't pay for it because the next "step"on my drug regimen was the ace inhibitors and I skipped that step. Even though my doctor has written to them that I am allergic to the ace inhibitor, they want me to try a different ace inhibitor before they will pay for the other drug. My doctor is afraid that I will have a worse reaction than before so won't prescribe this drug so I am paying $77 a month for a drug rather than the $10 co pay. Fortunately for me, the doc is writ ting my rx for a high strength and I take 1/2 tablet so the scrip lasts longer.

Health Insurance after getting out of the military?

I was told that I have 6 months of medical coverage free through the military when I leave the military is this true?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Information about health insurance please?

Im looking for a cheap but good health insurance. Please let me know what your recommendations are.
There is no "cheap but good", except for scams. GOOD insurance is expensive, cheap insurance has high deductibles and sometimes severe coverage limitations. You can't get a brand new Cadillac, off the lot, for $25 cash. There's no bargain.

If a hospital sends a late bill that your health insurance won't cover because it was past the 90 day period..?

what would/could you do? The hospital forget to mail it out. Now they are mailing it. But my health insurance won't accept bills past the 90 day period after the date of service. It was the hospital's fault for mailing it out late. It's possible that it will arrive just in time, however, if it is not in time, what can I do? Go to court against the hospital or what?
In the event your medical insurance is provided by your employer as a job benefit, the medical provider is required by a rather obscure provision in the federal National Labor Relations Act to submit bills to insurers within a limited amount of time. Failure to do so means that the insurance will not pay, and the patient is not required to pay. Most insurers do not hold providers to that time line, but they are certainly entitled to do so. If push comes to shove, you will need an attorney to fight this one out for you. Best of luck!

If Obama hates the health insurance people so much?

why is he making us all go to them to buy thier insurance policies. This doesn't make sense unless he is getting millions in kickbacks to his Cayman Island bank account.
Can't use reason or logic, it doesn't fit the Democrat agenda. Just repeat over and over, Bush sucks Bush sucks Bush sucks.

How much should health insurance cost me?

I am 22 years old, male, Student in college, homeowner, single
Well, this is open to debate... The U.S. is about the only industrialized nation where health insurance costs anything out of pocket. Most other advanced nations have implemented universal health insurance a long time ago, so in those countries health insurance per se is free (i.e., the cost of it is paid by the government out of tax revenues)... On a more practical note, your insurance premium will depend on whether you want an HMO or a PPO, as well as on the deductible you choose. The lower the deductible, the higher the premium.

Would you be happy to pay for health insurance for 10 years, but only get 6 years worth of services?

Why hasn't the financing of this Ponzi scheme Health Care bill not been addressed?
It has. People have been complaining about it for months, but just get brushed aside as being "teabaggers" and "unamerican". Actually, 60 cents on the dollar for the government is better than average. Usually, you get nothing for taxes paid.

whats the best insurance company to sign up with if you are looking for health insurance?

am thinking of getting health insurance but still confused of which insurance company i should sign up with. Lorenzo
Mercy Health gave me a fair policy for the $$

Will my husband's health insurance pay for IVF?

My husband has health care because he is a veteran, I have none. We suffer from infertility. Will his insurance cover IVF because of his low sperm count?
I'm pretty sure Tricare does not cover IVF, plus IUI can bypass low sperm count some what and he can be put on meds to increase his count.

Can my parents still claim me as a dependent when the only thing they pay for is my health insurance?

I'm 21 years old live on my own pay my own bills, Im a full time student as well, but I have loans for that; no contribution from my parents.
It sounds like you don't want them to claim you any more. You can claim your self on your own income tax and not check the box that someone else is claiming you. The IRS will send out a letter to your parents asking them to prove that they provide at least 50% of your expenses. Insurance is a lot, but if you have younger siblings chances are that if it is an employer work policy the coverage is for child(ren) so whether they have one child or 20 it would be the same price. Now if you want to maintain a relationship with your parents, I would sit down with them and go over the pros and cons of which is more beneficial - them to claim you or you to claim yourself. Good luck

Do i have to be notified if my health insurance gets canceled 30 days prior?

its through my work and i brought my daughter to the doctors today and they said you and your daughter no longer have insurance
No, because technically, it's not YOUR policy - it's your employer's. And I'd bet dollars to donuts, your employer WAS notified, prior to cancellation. Your beef, is with your employer. Better talk to them, about IF coverage is getting reinstated, and if not, making sure they stop taking money from your paycheck to cover it, AND, forwarding a copy of the bill from the doctor, to your employer - legally, they're on the hook for whatever the insurance company would have paid. Also, you need to start looking for a job. When the benefits payment doesn't get made, payroll will be the NEXT bill not getting paid.

I already have good health insurance. Why do I need a government program?

Its great to know that not only will my existing coverage be tinkered with, But I'll also be paying for someone elses coverage. Pitiful.
I agree with the point you are making. On the other hand, don't you think breaking up the private club health care/insurance corporations have created by owning the committee members, and instead allowing more free market (not government option) competition, would be even more cost effective.

What to do a person who has US Residence more than 30 years to get some type of government health insurance?

Its my mother in law, she never needed it but now she is needing it.She had an emergency. Pls. be concise what procedures to follow. 10 points best answer.
To get US help in some cases you need to be a resident as well as a citizen of the US. I dont know how old your Mother is or what type of help you are asking for or where your Mother lives, those types of questions need to be answered. However, lets start here and see if we cant get you on a path. Places to look in your Mothers state. Health and Family Services, Local Health Department or you can even contact someone in Billing at the Hospital that your Mother was treated in ... They can usually get you on a path for help. Good Luck and my best to you and your Mother.

Can I just get ER health insurance?

I will be attending college as a grad student later this month. There is a student health center on campus that could take care of any non-emergency office visit and prescription needs. What they don't cover is any emergency related problems... Is there health insurance specifically for ER related issues such as in the event I break a leg or am seriously sick outside of campus health center hours? I live in Los Angeles, CA Thanks for your advice!
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Can you add your significant other to your Health insurance or your unborn child if you are not married?

Say you are not married, Have lived together and are expecting a child, she has no income and you are supporting her totally, since you can claim her on your income taxes can you claim her and the pregnancy on your insurance thru work?
As others stated, the baby can be added when born, but you will have to show that you support your significant other. I work for a major health insurance company in the customer service department and have seen people add their mothers, grandmothers, etc, as long as they prove they are supporting them. Laws will vary from state to state and also within your own employer's policy; but call and ask your insurance company.

How do you buy health insurance?

There are all sorts of plans available I'm just confused as to what it all means. I'm 19, self-employed.
Whenever you hear all of these other people telling you in no uncertain terms that they know exactly which company and plan is best for you then be sure and ignore whatever they say. No one can know exactly which type of plan and company is best for you unless they know more information then what you have given. One thing is sure though: you will want to choose a well known and trustworthy health insurance company with a large network of medical providers and a plan that has comprehensive major medical coverage in case something big happens to you (such as surgery, cancer, a broken bone, etc.). To find the best value for your health insurance dollar be sure and shop around and compare quotes from 3 or more companies. Also, you may want to speak to an independent health insurance agent (an agent that can work with multiple insurance companies and shop around to find you the best deal). Here is some more information on finding a good health insurance company:

Can illegal immigrants get health insurance not provided by the government?

Like say blue shield or others.
It will be tough. I would encourage a visit to this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. Dental, Medical, Vision, Rx..etc. There is no background check and S.S. # is NOT required. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.

New job, but employer doesn't contribute to group health insurance?

I am going for a second interview for a local, growing company. I was told (during the first interview) that the company offers a group health insurance plan, but the employer doesn't contribute to it. What does this mean? I am used to working for bigger companies and I'm not used to benefits-lingo. I am thinking I'll be paying a lot more than usual...
It means that although you're part of a group plan, and get group benefit rates on premiums (much better than individual or direct rates) you still have to pay the entire premium yourself. The employer doesn't pick up any portion of the tab. Unfortunately, due to the high cost of benefits and the tighter economy, many employers have stopped offering benefits. Of the ones that still do offer it, many have cut back on their contribution. Some may pay 10% or even half, but your's contibutes nothing.

Should illegal immigrants be prohibited from government health insurance?

How do we prevent them for receiving care under this option?
Simple. They have to prove they are legal. However, in our country, if someone is hit by a car for example, we give aid and ask questions later. Illegals won't get health insurance, but we won't leave them bleeding in the street.

Will a new White House administration take on Big Pharmaceutical and Health Insurance Companies?

These corporations make huge profits at the expense of millions of insured and uninsured. Have our Presidential runners said ANYTHING about cracking down on them.
If McCain wins no , if Obama wins to a moderate degree. Obama plans to provide universal coverage including medication to children, initially. He would eliminate the dough nut hole in Medicare Plan D, that would mean that a person would not have to spend a total of $5,100 ot of pocket, before receiving catastrophic coverage with a 5% co payment for medication. People would be able to import medications from other countries and across state lines. This not allowed at present..The Federal Government would be able to negotiate for the whole Medicaid/Medicare complex to receive bulk discounts as does the A. Bush and McCain oppose it obviously to ingratiate themselves with big Pharma. These Obama proposals although an improvement are too week to solve the problem. The only reforms that McCain would allow is to permit people to buy insurance across State lines. Also to receive a $5,000 a year, to help pay medical and pharmacy coverage. But this would be taxed and would be of no use to low income persons. Therefore McCain would maintain the status quo. Clearly Obama's program s more progressive, and a bit of a challenge to Big Pharma and the insurance companies

how can i go to a dentist with out health insurance?

I have a really bad tooth ache and need to go see a dentist if it doesn't kill me first i have no health insurance with my job i was wondering if a dentist would be able to do payments? or something monthly because i only get paid once a month but i really need to see one soon. I live in lakewood colorado and would love to find a dentist that would work with me
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

How Do i get Health insurance? Please help!?

I am an international student and im in college right now. I am 19 years old and I want to know how I can get health insurance to cover most health costs (vaccines, check up, dental work). I already have a bull sh%t insurance from my college but thats not real insurance. I need real insurance that is approved bu New York State. And How much would it cost me?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here    to solve my similiar problem.

Information about health insurance please?

Im looking for a cheap but good health insurance. Please let me know what your recommendations are.
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

Question about the Health Insurance Bill that just passed in the House?

I am having a hard time finding anything in the health care bill that will help to control the cost of health care in this country. Can someone explain to me how the provisions in this bill will lower the amount we spend on health care as a nation?
it wont. right now you are paying for your own health care which cost X amount. If this passes, you will have to pay for your X amount plus Y amount in taxes for the jerk off who doesn't work and expects free health care. This will cause your insurance company to raise their prices on you so you can no longer afford yours then you will have to go with government run health care. Which will eventually run every private health care company out of business. In the end you will be paying thousands more in taxes for your "free" health care than you did for your health care that only cost X amount Nationalized health care will screw us all. you will pay more for crappy coverage