Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In one town 79%of adults have health insurance. What is the probability that 10 adults selected at random from?

the town all have health insurance. Books answer 0.095 how?
It's simple. There is a chance of 79% if you select one person that they will have insurance. Therefore, for the 10 people it would just be (0.79)^10, which is 0.09468, which when rounded, is 0.095

Retail jobs that provide health insurance?

I need to find a good job for next year that provides health insurance and one that I can transfer to in another state. I am living in Cary NC right now for the summer and then moving to Baltimore for next year and I won't be on my parent's health insurance anymore. I know Whole Foods provides insurance, but I need more options. Any suggestions?
First idnetify the companies that have locations where you are now and in baltimore. Many big companies have the benefits listed on their website.

Will my prescription show up on my parents' health insurance bill?

Okay, so I am still on my parents' health insurance, even though I am 22 years old. If I go to the doctor and get a prescription, like birth control or adderall, and it is covered by their insurance, will they be able to see that i am receiving the prescription and/or exactly what the medication is?
Technically no. Your parents are not allowed to receive information about your healthcare without your written permission. And who cares? You're 22 and old enough to be getting whatever prescriptions you need. If you're that worried about it, call the insurance company and ask them what sort of information the policy holder will receive when you get a prescription. It should be nothing, because you have to pay the copay at the time you pick up the meds. Good luck.

Why are people against Nation Health Insurance plans? Do you want me to die?

I have health insurance, for now. The insurance company has been sending me information to encourage me to drop out or at least stop insurance on my heart condition. Next year premiums will increase another thousand a year as they have for the last two years if they follow their current pattern. In ten years I won't be on this plan. Either I will get lucky and find a company that is willing to put someone like me on their health insurance plan or I won't have health insurance. I don't know what to do but to hope something changes. A national health insurance plan would solve my problem, but I know that a bunch of selfish bastards don't want that to happen.
That was the key question at the Dem. debate:…

Do you have health insurance? Is it through a family members policy? if yes, is that through their or your job?

or is it paid on your or their own? If you do not have health insurance are you Ok with that or anxious to get it & if you do not live in the USA & don't mind where do you live? thanks for your participation.
Got no insurance now - but I carried for years - never made a claim - and the insurance companies kept raising the price. So I quit and had money put into a Waddell & Reed each month.... and now I've got quite a pile of dough. GOD!! I wish I would have quit paying these lying republican insurance companies LONG AGO! Oh - what a waste that was! Nothing like being robbed by a republican so he can buy an extra bottle of champagne and then tell you not to get an abortion!

My wife is 2 month pregnant,we do not have health insurance.what should we do to get medical assistance?

no health insurance and pregnancy.
She can get medicaid. Go to the local medicaid office and request help. It's very very important that she goes to the doctor regularly.

my boss did not pay premium for my health insurance now I have a $44000 bill in collection what can I do?

My boss was paying for my health insurance I was pregnant, my boss wanted me to get an abortion, I did not. She did not pay my premium and my insurance got cancelled. Now I owe $44000 which is in collection. What can I do?
Eek. Was this a group insurance plan offered through your employer to all eligible employees? Or was your employer paying on the side for an individual plan for you? Makes a big difference - you have a lot more protection if it was a group plan. In that case, I'd suggest contacting the department of labor. If your boss was just paying an individual plan for you on the side, that might be more difficult for you. First thing I'd do is dig up anything I had in writing where my boss agreed to pay the premium. Then I'd consult an attorney and/or the Department of Labor to see where to proceed. And I might also consult an attorney about your boss trying to coerce you into getting an abortion, if that was the case...that may be construed as harassment in the workplace. Especially if your boss stopped paying your health insurance because you didn't do what she wanted. (Even if it doesn't technically qualify as harassment, there may be some other law it violates...its certainly inappropriate for your boss to try to step in on your personal life like that. Definitely consult an attorney - if you can't afford one, try the Legal Aid group in your area.)

does section 125 health insurance provide coverge? How does it work?

i am confused by sect. 125 health insurance. does it provide coverage of medical procedures? it seems to me if I am setting aside $100 per month in this plan that those fund will hardly cover any medical expenses. are these funds in addition to coverage. please help!
Section 125 refers to the tax advantages. What is covered depends upon the underlying policy. If you are setting $100 per month in this plan you probably have a flexible spending account. This account is used to help pay for the procedures that the underlying policy doesn't pay. Other than the flexible spending account you can have premium only plans, cafeteria plans, and many other types. You will need to talk to your HR department or someone in your company that knows because every company can be set up differently and have completely different underlying policies.

is there a health insurance out there that covers a abdominoplasty?

i want to know if a health insurance company DOES cover plastic surgery. my surgery would be from a emergency c-section where they sewed me up way to tight and now have this roll of fat that hangs, its quite discusting and my husband won't touch it. i don't blame him, i don't like to touch it.
While many abdominoplasty surgeries are for cosmetic reasons, there are an equal number that are needed for medical reasons. If your abdominoplasty is a medical necessity, it may be covered by your insurance. Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors, or disease. It is generally performed to improve function by may also be done to approximate a normal appearance. Some symptoms that may indicate a reconstructive abdominoplasty include, but are not limited to: -Panniculitis (an inflammation of subcutaneous fat) -Intertrigo (an inflammatory condition involving skin folds, caused and aggravated by heat, moisture, friction, and lack of air circulation.) -Low back pain caused by a large pannus (apron of skin from the lower abdomen) -Umbilical hernia -Verntral hernia -Abdominal hernia following other abdominal surgery -Permanent overstreching of the anterior abdominal wall following multiple pregnancies -Permanent overstreching of the anterior abdominal wall following massive weight loss -Surgery or trauma to anterior wall of the abdomen that resulted in loss of muscle integrity or pain from scarring. If you have any of the above symptoms you may be able to have your abdominoplasty covered by your insurance.

can you guys help me to choose right health insurance?

Hi i live in minnesota . we are 3 people me my husband and my 11 mts old son.we rarely go to the clinic just for the general check up.Our current insurance is humana and its way too high $538 a month for all 3 of us.Which will be the best and low cost health insurance please advise me if you know?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Question about starting a business and health insurance in CA?

If I was to decide to start a small business on the side (doing gardening, or growing food for sale, or something like that) and I am my only employee - I would be THE only person working this job - am I required by law to buy health insurance (especially if I already have health insurance through my husband's job)? I find this new thing kind of confusing... I'm in California, by the way, if it helps any. Thanks.
Not right now, no. Currently, you are not required by law to have health insurance. Starting in 2014, you will be required to have health insurance, so you will have to buy it if you are not still getting it through your husband's job. If you are still getting it through his job, then you will not have to buy it.

Can I keep Cobra and ARRA coverage if I get a new job & they don't offer health insurance coverage?

I have been covered for the last few months under Cobra and ARRA. I am about to start a new job where they do not offer health insurance. Will I still be able to be covered under Cobra and receive the 65% from ARRA?
1. I don't like the comment about the ARRA. It is not an entitlement program and I truly hope you never need help. If you do, don't come to the government for help. I guess you have ignorant comments about the wars we are spending 90 billion dollars for each quarter. It is also evident you missed out in Civics and History classes. That was an ignorant comment. Shame on you. The ARRA is an acronym for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Part of this act helps people that are unemployed that qualify for COBRA. It allows them to pay cheaper rates for 9 months of the 18 month period. It is obvious someone out of work has no monthly income. It is to help people that need help. I have benefited from it. It really helped.

Let's say I want to have health insurance from the government, why shouldn't I have that choice?

Let's say that for whatever reason, I feel safer with a bureaucrat that has to answer to democratically elected representatives running my health care plan than unaccountable corporate bureaucrats. Why shouldn't I have the choice to get government health insurance? Why do republicans want to limit my choices in the name of choice?
Hahah got em there. Yeah why shouldn't people who have absoutely no health care at all have the CHOICE to have government health care?

my father in law has aethna health insurance from his work, my fiance and i?

were wondering if i could be added to that when we get married, (fiance is already part of his plan). if not is there any good low income health insurance with maternity benifits? we make about 11,000 a year
Your answers are here already.

What is the best health insurance?

I'm 35 yrs. old, and looking to get some health insurance for myself and my husband. What would be the best and reasonable insurance to look into?
There's no such thing as "best". Every plan is a trade off between benefits and premium. The better the benefits, the more it costs. Generally speaking, and indemnity plan will cost more than a PPO plan, and a PPO plan will cost more than an HMO plan. A group plan will always be cheaper than an individual policy, so if you can join a group, do so. Plans through your job are usually ok, especially if the employer picks up some of the cost. It depends on your needs, the type of plans each offer, and the location of the providers. HMO's are usually center based, but may have individual provider agreements. Typically, you MUST use one of the HMO's provider's, or you won't be covered. Therefore you need to knwo that they have a center or providers near your home or work. The quid pro quo is that these are usually the cheapest plan, and are available to individuals or groups. PPO's are typically available only to groups, but may be available on direct subscription. You would normally get a much higher level of benefits using network providers, but would get SOME coverage out of network. It usually doesn't pay, so again, make sure that there are providers near your home or work. PPO plans typically cost more than HMO plans, but less than indemnity plans. In any case, make sure the plan covers your needs, has providers near you, and a good reputation. And shop around... rates really vary.

Why are Republicans trying to disavow the "Mandated Health Insurance Coverage" when it was their idea?

Proof :… Why are Republicans trying to disavow the "Mandated Health Insurance Coverage" when it was their idea?
Good question. Originally the Republicans were screaming about paying for health care for others who were too "lazy and irresponsible" to buy insurance. Now they are crying because everyone is required to be responsible for their health care as they believe they have the right to be irresponsible. Go figure.

private health insurance. Is there any limit to how high they can raise your monthly premium if you get sick?

I was thinking about getting private health insurance but I was reading an article on about a couple who got sick and their monthly premiums rose to $1100 a month. so is their any limit to how high they can raise premiums. If I got really sick could they just raise my premiums so high till I can't afford it and then drop insurance all together so they don't have to pay anything.
No. But they don't rate it like car insurance, based on your claims. Once you have a health insurance policy, as long as you keep paying the bill and keep the policy and don't change coverage, you'll pay the same premium as everyone else in your age category. So if, say, you get something horrible and have $500,000 of bills, your rates don't go up because of the illness. There aren't surcharges or rate increases based on usage. That couple who got sick, that's not what made their premiums rise to $1100 a month. They changed plans or something. And, just for the record, $1200 a month is about average for a FAMILY health insurance plan. Usually an employer picks up a big chunk of the tab for it, so you don't usually pay that much unlessl you're self employed.

New company ownership does not provide Health Insurance?

I currently work for a company which provides me the option to enroll family in the health insurance plan. This company is currently being bought by another company, and they are telling me that there is no coverage for dependents under the plan, so I will have to pay 1k per month instead of 400 a month to cover my 2 dependents, Is this legal? Any suggestions of what I can do?
You don't mention the state but yes it probably is legal. Most states don't mandate any continuance of health care levels in the case of a transfer in ownership. Even if they do it's usually temporary. Best to check with your own states dept. of labor to see if they can give you any guidelines. INSURING KIDS Check out the site below and the link it gives to pick your state and see what they're kids health assistance plan is like. STATE INSURANCE PROGRAMS FOR KIDS DEPT. OF LABORS - STATE OFFICES… INFORM YOURSELF Also bone up on simple, inexpensive methods of keeping your kids healthy. Even if they're eligible for a state free health care plan it's best to stay well. Simple stuff like a drop of hydrogen peroxide in their ears 1x a week and swabbing their nostrils with a good quality sesame seed oil or olive oil (expeller proccessed) will help prevent ear and respiritory infections. Dr. Mercola has a great site. VOTE Democratic in the next election. They're the only ones seriously addressing health insurance. Most of all good luck!

Are you fed up with the health insurance industry, and do you have a Facebook profile?

If you do, then you can joinGroup for Health Insurance Reform group on Facebook. If you join, ask your friends. (Facebook is an online community type thing not unlike MySpace.)
I work in the health care industry and I am tired of health insurance industry. It is completely ridiculous. Its completely outrageous. People pay premium just to pay more to get health care. And companies do not want to pay.

Im 16, and I want to buy health insurance for myself. Around how much do you think it would cost monthly?

I desperately need to get health insurance for doctor check ups and I want to go to a dermatologist. I want to start getting acne prescriptions from a dermatologist, and without insurance its so expensive. I will be paying this on my own, and I'm only looking for health insurance for 6 months or so. I live in Georgia, and I'm employed but I'm only working one day a week. Around how much would it cost me?
just buy acne free at wal-mart. it works really good and its like 20 dollars.. if you dont like it just take it backk, even if youve used it. its pretty legit.

Are you fed up with the health insurance industry, and do you have a Facebook profile?

If you do, then you can joinGroup for Health Insurance Reform group on Facebook. If you join, ask your friends. (Facebook is an online community type thing not unlike MySpace.)
I work in the health care industry and I am tired of health insurance industry. It is completely ridiculous. Its completely outrageous. People pay premium just to pay more to get health care. And companies do not want to pay.

A health economist established a study to assess utilization of emergency medical care and health insurance.?

A health economist established a study to assess utilization of emergency medical care and health insurance. These data have been compiled: 4% of all adults have utilized emergency medical care in the last 12 months. For the pool of patients who utilized emergency care, 80% had health insurance. While for a random sample of persons who never utilized emergency medical care, 50% had health insurance. An adult, selected to be a participant in this study, has medical insurance. What is the probability this individual will utilize emergency medical care in the next 12 months?
your helth

Can married children stay on parents' health insurance?

My fiance and I are scheduled to get married in Fall 2012 when I graduate college. We have been considering moving the date up to Fall 2011. Our main concern is that we will lose our parents insurance if we get married. My fiance's employer offers health insurance but it is expensive and doesn't cover much. His parents insurance is much better. I have been reading some things about the new health care policy and was unclear about how they are treating the issue of married children.
The policy will differ between providers. Some providers will allow a child to stay on a parents' policy until the age of 21, while others will allow the child to stay on the policy until the age of 25, so long as the child is in school. You should ask your parents to contact their providers, and inquire about the policy, and whether you will continue to be covered after getting married. Don't be surprised if you won't be covered.

Cons: What will you do if you lose your health insurance?

or your claim is denied by the health insurance co?
You will not get a straight answer out of any of them because they have no Idea what they would do. They only want to call you a socialists because you want some form of health care. They would probably do like the rest that don't have health care, and sponge of the gov. Lady sabl, if you fought and won, who paid your medical bills? If what you say, you went with out, doesn't that mean you lost your health care, or are you sure about losing that job, you can't have it both ways.