Friday, April 22, 2011

How much does the emergency room charge to remove a wart with health insurance?

My friend has a wart on her hand I told her to go to the cvs to get a wart remover but she says no that she wants to go to the emegency room but wants to know how much is they charge at the emegency room with or with out insurance please help
I hope millions. Dont waste the time of the emergency room on crap like that. If she does I hope theres a mistake and they remove the limb along with the wart.

Would you buy Health Insurance from Billy Mays?

First it was OxiClean, then there was Orange Glo, and then KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, your "favorite" infomercial personality is endorsing iCan, an "affordable" Health Insurance.
I think his voice and his constant hand movements are super annoying

Is there free medical and health insurance in europe, If so what does it cover?

I want to know what health benefits are in europe and if its free for all residents like canada.
lt's not free for RESIDENTS, it's free for CITIZENS. Illegals and non-subjects/citizens don't get it. Those who do, pay heavily in the form of taxes, and then get in line for the free services. A friend of mine, has a hearing impaired child. The line for a hearing aid, is 18 months long. Open heart surgery in the UK, is 4-6 months long. People who can afford private medical care in those states, get it. It's definately a two class system - first class, for those with money to pay privately, and coach - for those who want the "free" benefits.

Wouldn't a public option cause the prices to rise in the private health insurance market?

Think about it. If the government comes in and only pays 60-70% of what private insurers pay, won't they recoup that loss by charging private insurance more, causing premiums to raise for the rest of America? Eventually leading to the collapse of private insurance and ending in total government control of healthcare. Am I right?
Having the Government control our health care system is like putting the wolf in charge of the hen house. How long will that last ?

I need help understanding Information on health Insurance Plan options.?

I just graduated from college and I need to find some health insurance. I'm looking at some options and they seem to be confusing. I figured out that PPO would be best for me but now there is there other category headers such as Ind Ded, Fam Ded, Coins, Coins Max, ER, OV Copay, Life max and RX Copay. I really don't understand what these mean and the best way to choose health insurance.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

What to do about my health insurance? They are refusing to cooperate with the doctors office...?

My son had surgery back in February, I received a estimation of benefits once for the surgery. According to the eob we were only suppose to pay 315.90 for the copay and 2.15 for the coinsurance or something like that and we were suppose to be billed for the 317.00 which was the two previous numbers added together. We kept receiving a bill from the doctors office for 501.91 which was basically the total for the entire services minus 18.00 which the insurance paid. Well, I called and talked with the anaestsia office and they told me that my insurance (anthem) wasn't paying enough that's why I received the bill for 501.91. So I talked to anthem and they said I was only responsible for the 317.00 so I sent that and it came out of my bank account. Even after both the doctors office and anthem telling me I paid what I was suppose to, I received an updated eob showing that I still owed money. They even changed around the copay and coinsurance amount to make me look responsible help???
Here's the big question that you need to ask your insurance company and/or the doctor/hospital: Does the anesthesiologist have a contract with Anthem agreeing to accept their discounted rates? If a provider doesn't have a contract with your insurance company, they can bill you all the way up to the amount that they charged - they aren't obligated to accept a discount. Based on the fact that you received a second Explanation of Benefits from Anthem with the discount removed, it sounds to me like the following happened: Your son's anesthesiologist is not contracted with Anthem. Anthem processed the claim showing their discount. The anesthesiologist protested and argued that they aren't obligated to accept the discount, since they didn't sign a contract agreeing to it. Anthem re-issued a 2nd EOB to you, because they can't stop the anesthesiologist from billing you for the whole amount. (The above paragraph is my gut feeling based on what you typed above - you'll need to confirm with Anthem and the doctor's office that its what actually happened in your case.) If you confirm that's what happened, here are your options: 1) You can try appealing with Anthem to consider the full billed charge on the claim, rather than their discounted rate. (note - was the surgery done in a hospital? If so, use the term "hospital based physician" in your appeal letter to the insurance company. In some states - Ohio for example - the insurer will have to consider the hospital based physician's charges in full if they aren't contracted. If the surgery was in an office or surgery center, that term won't apply of course.) 2) Contact the hospital where the surgery was done and let them know that you are being balance billed by the anesthesiologist. Some (not all) hospitals require that the anesthesiologists who perform services in their hospital work with patients on the discounted rate. I can't guarantee that this will work for you, but the hospital should at least be aware that you're being balance billed by the anesthesiologist. (After all, they are the ones who assigned a non-contracted anesthesiologist to your son's surgery in the first place. Doesn't make the hospital financially liable, but they should be aware that their action lead to greater expense for you.) 3) Try to work out a deal with the anesthesiologist's office. Let them know that you're filing an appeal with Anthem for additional payment. First of all, if they know you're appealing the claim, they're not likely to send you to collections for your outstanding balance. Second of all, their billing person might have additional info/suggestions on what to put in the appeal. Finally, if they know you've exhausted every avenue possible to appeal the claim with Anthem, they might be willing to work out a discount. Doesn't necessarily mean that they'll reduce your bill back to the $317, but they might meet you somewhere in the middle of the $317 and the $501. Good luck!

How to get the Top health insurance quotes? can anyone explain me?

I eagerly waiting, to know about Health Insurance plans and quotes. needs info!!!
Go to a local, independent agent who's familiar with the market in your area. He'll get you quotes with companies that HAVE PROVIDERS in your area. Cheap quotes are no good if you have to drive 200 miles to see the doctor. People who buy their health plans over the internet, end up with discount plans (not health insurance!) where they can't find any providers willing to take them, or have other problems (read, scam bait). Buy it from a local person, with a real office, so if you have problems you can FIND them again.

Does anyone know if university health insurance covers OBGYN visits?

I don't have health insurance but I'm attending graduate school full-time. I am pregnant and have no desire to be on medicade. please help.
No, unfortunatly it doesn't. This is one of the downsides of that type of health insurance.

What is Proof of medical/Health Insurance?

I plan on studying abroad and the college is asking me for proof of medical/health insurance. What does that mean?
A xerox copy of your health insurance card, front and back, will work fine. If not that then a health insurance bill, or a copy of your plan / contract. If you don't have health insurance, you can probably opt into a plan at your home university, or buy a temporary plan from the university you are visiting.

I am under the Nat'l Health Insurance in Japan. What is the best way to switch to a company in the States?

I have had two hernia surgeries while in Japan, and I don't feel the problem is cured. But I am putting off getting it evaluated until I return to the States. I would like to switch to a program that would cover things that the old program took care of, in the event that I need another surgery. Will a past problem pose a threat to a new insurance provider? If so, how can I deal with the issue?
Are you moving because your company wants you to work in the US? If so, the company probably has a health plan for its US workers. US health care, unlike almost any other nation, has an employer-provided model of health insurance – most insured Americans have health insurance through work. It's much less expensive than buying it on your own. As for the pre-existing condition, most plans have a 12-month waiting period, or exclusionary period, for such conditions. In addition, some plans exclude hernias in the first six months of a plan – even if you don't have a history of having hernias – unless it's an emergency. So, your hernia shouldn't stop you from getting insurance, but you might have to wait until your insurance covers hernia surgery. After the first waiting period, though, you should be fine. If you still have questions, try visiting It's a health insurance Web site that has instant online price quotes and plan details. But it also has a network of licensed insurance agents who can answer any health insurance questions you might have. Just fill out a form, review the online price quotes, and within two days agents should contact you to talk about insurance to cover your hernia and how long you can expect to wait until the insurance will help you pay for the surgery. There's no cost or obligation. Just wait until one of the agents delivers the insurance policy that's right for you. You can visit MostChoice here:… Hope this helps, Barnes @ MostChoice.

How many people do you know who are being denied health insurance by the present "death panels?"?

Conservatives express concern that future public health arrangements will include these, but say nothing about the present ones who deny millions of Americans as "uninsurable," 45 thousand of whom die annually because of lack of health insurance.…
Personally, I know 3 families that can't get insurance because of "pre-existing conditions". They are very hard working. One makes 110k a year.

Can't I just go all Michael Moore and find examples of where US health insurance companies have screwed Americ?

Can't I go all Michael Moore and find example after example of where United States private insurance companies denied paying for procedures or expenses to Americans, as easily as others can go find examples of where things are bad in Japan or Canada?
Why don't you just save time and fly to Cuba for their world class health care....

Are Companies Required to Offer Health Insurance?

Are companies with a certain number of employees required to offer health insurance?
No...and even if they did you shouldn't assume it's the right plan for you. Individual coverage is cheaper, so if they offer it and don't pay for it then you should be able to do better on your own.

Do prescriptions come up on health insurance statements? If so, what does it say?

I'm 19 and I'm still on my parent's health insurance and I don't want them to know I am getting a prescription for Vicodin filled.
well they will find out anyway. You should not be afraid to tell them unless it is not legit.

Is there any way that you I can use my health insurance to get an abortion without my parents knowing?

I am a 20 year old college student. I know that I am an adult but I want to have an abortion done without my parents finding out. I still live with my mom and all mail comes to her house. Is there any way that I can use my insurance card that my mother provided me with to get this done without her finding out? Even if I give the Doctor my school address and pay the remaining amount of money the same day I have this done?
No because if the insurance is in her name the insurance company will automatically send her a copy of what they paid and to who. It goes to her regardless of who used it, because it is her insurance and you are one of the beneficiary's of the coverage. Bottom line is the only way she won't know is if you pay cash. But please think about it before you do something that drastic. You do have other options. Good luck. If you do decide to do this please make sure you check it out first there are alot of nasty clinics out there. You want a Dr that is skilled and will not cause you any other medical problem as can happen with some again just be sure you think this out carefully before you decide one way or the other. You can't reverse it once it's done. again good luck.

What would be a good health insurance plan for me?

I am just 20 years old. I need something that is low priced...I do not get sick that much, I just need something that would cover birth control, dental and vison. This whole insurance thing is REALLY confusing to me :-/
The best match for you RIGHT NOW, not in some distant future seems to be MySimpleCard. Make sure you see exactly how it will help you on birth control pills, dental and vision. When you learn about MySimpleCard you will also become less confused about insurance. Good luck!

health insurance deductible and doctor visits?

if a health insurance policy states that it has a deductible of 2500, say, but the regular doctor visits only say "$30 copay," and say nothing about "after deductible," do I have to pay only the $30? are the deductible costs separate from that? do the deductible cost only count towards hospitilization?
~~When you have a copay stated for an office visit then your deductible does not apply. In your policy the deductible will only count for procedures, tests, hospital stays, well essentially anything but the office visit.~~

How do you feel about the healthcare law that makes parents keep their children on their health insurance?

This law makes parents keep their children on their health care until they are 26 and in some states 31. I don't agree with this. I agree with 23 at the most. If you are 26 and can not support yourself that is a shame. What do you think? Of course it is different if you are helping a child that was laid off from work. This law covers married children also.
it is not mandatory. It is optional for parents to do this. Some insurance companies have started it already even though it does not really kick in until September. If you are employed with no group insurance or unemployed, instead of going to the ER and having the government pay, or getting on Medicaid and having the government pay all of your care, why not stick you in your parents insurance? As long as the adult child does not have an employee health plan you can do it. You do not have to be a student.

When employers are required by law to provide health insurance does that mean?

that they will no longer be able to deduct insurance from employees checks? Who will pay the deductibles?
it will be similar to how it is now with the exception that some of it will be paid by the taxpayer, and the employee will pay the balance as well as any deductibles. Other than the fact that most companies will opt for a national heath plan that would not actually benefit the individuals due to a lower part of the bill being paid by the company. Which means if you have great coverage now, plan on losing it if the bill passes. The individual will be paying the lions share of the cost. And it will do little to actually lower the costs of medical care other than making some options unavailable to certain groups like the elderly.

How many of you are satisfied with your health insurance coverage?

Please state whether you have insurance through your employer or through another avenue.
Compared to what it would be under the liberal plan of socialized medicine, yes.

Why do people argue that Private Health insurance companies like Obamacare which is "bad". Yet others argue?

That Obamacare will eliminate Private health insurance companies through competition. I've heard both of these and they seem to contradict, so I'm thinking both can't be true, or are they??
The government public "option" will put private companies out of business. It will be sold 10% less than the private companies. Subsidized by tax dollars to allow it to operate at a loss(private companies can't do this). It will hold private insurance to standards that it doesn't have to follow. The few private companies left standing will be very expensive and cater to the social elite. They will get great care, the rest of us will get the scraps that are left over.

Are free clinics worth considering to teach the health insurance industry a lesson on fair rates? Perhaps we could help fund these guys to take care of all those people that can`t afford health care and we could get a tax break for doing so?
I will definately contribute to them since they appear to be offering a good service unlike the current money hungry insurers.

Health Care in California for those without Insurance?

How can I go about getting some health care in California? I want health care for my pregnant wife. I just moved back to the USA, and I dont have a job yet, or health insurance. I would like to sign up for community health care or something similar, hopefully cheap. Any idea where to turn?
Go Here, its cheap…

What is everyone's view on what is going on with Education and Health Insurance in this Country? *****?

***** Does everyone believe that all persons are entitled to a free Higher (college) Education and that everyone should have Health Insurance (even if we have to pay for it)? If some needs a cat scan or brace or medical device or particular procedure and the Health Insurance Company denies that person payment for that device, should the person (or his family, if the person has died) be allowed to sue the insurance company? These are serious questions and your answers toward finding a solution are needed.
Our public education system stinks. You want the government to take over HIGHER education? Zug, we'll have doctors who are illiterate. No, I don't believe that all persons are "entitled" to anything. The whole entitlement attitude is EXACTLY what's wrong with our public education system. There aren't enough working Americans to PAY for Health Insurance for the world. That's just the way it is. And it's not fair to effectively enslave them, the working Americans, I mean, to make the attempt. Health insurance doesn't deny medical care, and they don't deny devices, or procedures. They only deny payment. If it's a life threatening issue, it's up to your friends, family, and church to find a way to make it work. People are ALREADY allowed to sue insurance companies. That's why HMO's have changed from the way they were originally intended to work, so that they're almost unrecognizable. That's why RATES have jumped through the roof. Keep in mind, when you make a business - including an insurance company - pay for SOMETHING, well, think about where they get the MONEY for it. FROM THE CUSTOMER. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. SOMEONE pays. Or the lunch stops. Period.