Saturday, November 6, 2010

How long does it take to get health insurance approval? What are some cheap health insurances for in the USA?

I'm looking for health insurance that I can get that's cheap (I don't really care about quality, I just need the insurance within a few weeks). What are some cheap options and how long does it take to get approval? Also, less importantly, what are the steps to get insurance?
The first step is to contact a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. If you just need insurance for a few weeks you can get a short term medical policy. These policies are relatively inexpensive and you can be covered as soon as tomorrow.

What are my options for health insurance with a minimum wage job?

I just graduated from college and working the same minimum wage while looking for a new job. I have no health insurance and can't afford anything too much. What options are there that won't hurt my financial income?
I found an insurance plan I like. I am healthy so I did not need a 0 deductible plan. I also don't mind paying out of my pocket for small things like a doctors visit. I found Blue Cross/Shield plan. Deductible was 3,400 / year. That means that the first 3,400 dollars came out of my pocket. Please note - I am very healthy, and never go to the doctor. I just wanted insurance in case something catastrophic happened to me like cancer. This plan costs lesss than a 1,000 dollars / year - yes a year! If you go for this kind of plan, make sure you put the 3,400 in a savings account. /

How can I get group health insurance for a large group of independent contractors?

I'm involved with a company that has over 50,000 independent contractors. What are my options to seek out a group health insurance plan at great savings for the independent contractors? Jody
Need to check a lot first

How can anyone deny someone health insurance and feel good about it?

The whole idea that Obama is trying to get healthcare for all is wonderful and he will not give up. I am so proud. How does anyone else feel about it? If someone believes different I would like to know why..I feel its a moral obligation to take care of our own. As people are dying everyday because they have no health insurance.I have been answering all these questions and decided to ask my own.I truely would like to hear a good reason why someone couldnt care less about another person.
Because they honestly think it is a good idea. Those who defend the current system are either unaware of the facts below, or make up things to explain them away. FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [1] FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2] FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3] FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4] FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [5] FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing American's [6] FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7] Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.

What are some health insurance companies that cover Orthodontic Services for children?

I'm 15 and my mom wants me to get braces but my current insurance which is MCNA, doesn't cover the cost. Are there any health insurance companies that cover the cost of braces for someone my age?
Any private insurance that you would buy, would work like this: You have to pay in a full year, until orthodontics are covered They'd cover 50%, up to $500 or $1,000 - Not Much. It's not worth it. I've never seen a private policy that pays out more than it costs.

How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?

I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
You contact a local, independent agent in NC. They'll be able to give you a 'ball park". HOWEVER, if you're under 30 and healthy, it's going to cost about $200 a month. If you have problems, you're likely not going to be insurable, depending on their seriousness. Or it could cost you $500 a month.

Do I have health insurance if my prexisting condition is not covered?

I'm 57 years old. My employer changed the type of health insurance we have from major medical to suplemental. I quite got a new job in 3 months I will have insurance but my high blood pressure , 220/100, and any thing related to it will not be covered for 15 months.
(This answer assumes you are a U.S. resident.) When your previous group insurance coverages ended, you should have received a "Certificate of Creditable Coverage" from each insurer through the mail. The certificates explain that you can use them as proof of your previous group insurance; your new insurer must apply the number of months you were covered under your previous group plans against your current' plan's pre-existing condition exclusionary period. In other words, if your current plan has a 15-month pre-ex period and your two certificates show you were covered for 25 months, the pre-ex period under your new plan is completely extinguished. This means the new insurer MUST cover your pre-existing conditions. One thing to keep in mind: your previous group coverage cannot have been lapsed more than 63 days until you signed up for the new employer's plan. The 3-month waiting period CANNOT be used against you when calculating the 63 days. These protections are extended to you under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Here's an authoritative web page that describes your HIPAA rights:… One final thing: you wrote that your new plan imposes a 15-month pre-ex period; I don't know whether this is a typo, but HIPAA only permits a 12-month pre-ex period IF you enroll when you first become eligible. From your description, it sounds as if you did this. If this was not a typo, I'd suggest you contact the U.S.D.O.L. by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page I referred you to above.

How can I get a health insurance that I can afford?

I work full time and my husbant too but our jobs don't offer a health insurance. We hava just enough money to pay the mortgage, other bills and to survive the month. We would like to have a baby and the only thing that is holding us up is no insurance. I could only find family insurance that's over $500 a month and we could never afford that. And we make "too much" to qualify for help from the government. Does anyone know any affordable insurance or help from somewhere. Also, without $1000s in deductibles and coinsurance?
Individual Health Insurance will vary depending on your location. I would suggest calling a couple of brokers in your area as they have better awareness of your local market conditions. Also, you will want to really focus into the maternity issue. A lot of individual carriers wont cover maternity and if they do, they normally apply benefit waiting periods of 1 or 2 years or higher cost sharing. Another good resource would be They address the maternity issue on all their quotes and have a good pool of national carriers on thier side.

Is there any general health insurance coverage for people with Multiple sclerosis?

My wife was diagnosed with R/R Multiple sclerosis a couple of years ago. We were living overseas and had company provided insurance at that time. Our insurance was dicontinued when our employment ended. We have moved back and are looking for Health insurance here. We tried Cobra but the lapsed time was more than 6 months between coverages so we were declined. Are there any other options?
Don't bother with that guaranteed issue bit the other guy recommeded. 'Limited coverage ' is defined as $100 a year for doctor visits and $1,000 a year for surgery. She won't get out of it what she pays in. Her best and only hope is Medicare, when she turns 65, or after she gets declared disabled and goes on SSDI.

What is a good health insurance plan for a student?

I am about to turn 23, and I will not be eligible on my parent's insurance plan anymore and I am now looking for new health insurance. My school does have an insurance plan, but it is $1800 annually. This seems pretty expensive to me. I am on no prescription medications with no preexisting conditions, and I am not overweight. I live in the Overland Park, KS area. Would you suggest applying online, or could you give any recommendations for websites?
I wouldn't suggest applying online unless you've got time to spend three or four solid days to compare the hundreds of policies that are available. You'll want to visit a local independent agent. This person knows the plans available in your area and can find the best one for your situation in less than an hour. They don't charge you anything for the service. Be very wary of medical discount cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldn't find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients.

What is a good health insurance provider in Texas?

My mom gets sick very often and would like to purchase some health insurance since she isn't eligible for MedicAid. What's a good health insurance provider in Texas?
If your Mom gets sick a lot, you are probably going to have a hard time finding her insurance unless she goes to work for some LARGE company that has "group insurance." Most companies that write individual health insurance would exclude "pre-existing conditions" for normally two years or more, depending on the ailment. Good luck and I hope this helps!

How would the subsidies proposed for health insurance in the reform bill be determined?

Would people who have higher insurance premiums get more of a subsidy? Or would the subsidy just be based only on income, so people at the same income level would get the same subsidy even if some of those people paid 5 times as much in health insurance? How would the subsidies be administered and paid? Would it be like applying for welfare? Or would it be handled through the tax reporting system? How many people would have to be hired to handle this?
The $64,000 dollar question. And if anyone answers this with a real answer they will be lying.

What is the minimum time a health insurance policy can be bought for?

I need to know the minimum time that a health insurance policy can be bought for. I want to buy it for the least time since I am not sure if I would need it with my life and accident insurance plans.
Health Insurance is an annual contract. Renewable every year.

What documentation is required for paying health insurance by credit card?

Blue Cross charges my health insurance premium to my credit card each month automatically. I do not sign a separate credit card authorization each month and I do not get a receipt. Will the credit card statements be enough for tax purposes, or do I need to request an actual receipt from the insurance company?
Yes. You wouldn't need to show proof unless you were examined or audited, and the credit card statements would suffice as proof of payment.

Does the government offer health insurance to girlfriends of their civilian workers?

My boyfriend works for the government (Air Force, to be exact) as a civilian (NOT enlisted - whole different ball game as far as benefits are concerned). He gets health insurance coverage for himself, but we're trying to figure out if the government offers health insurance coverage for significant others of civilians. Any ideas?
No, Your a girlfriend not a spouse therefore you are not entitled to anything.

How can I get health insurance to cover the cost of quitting smoking?

Someone who has been smoking for 7 years and wants to quit- and has access to fairly good health insurance- does anyone have experience getting health insurance to cover cost of medications, etc for quitting smoking? I know this depneds entirely on the plan- but I am curious about the procedure? - did you have to get medication prescribed, etc
i have worked in the health industry for 25 years almost all insurance companies will not cover meds to help you stop smoking..even if they are prescribed by a dr they will offer you smoking cessation classes but that is about it

Can I reimburse myself health insurance costs from company?

We used to have individual health insurance, and I would pay for it out of my own company (an S Corp). When we got insurance through my husband's employer, I stopped reimbursing myself. He is paid for by the company, and then it costs extra to add myself and our child. I was just going to deduct health insurance premiums on our Sch A, but we don't have enough other medical expenses to meet the limit. Is it ligit to go ahead and reimburse myself the amount that it cost for the health insurance? Then it would be a business expense. Thanks.
No. The insurance through your husband's employer does not meet the test of having been established through the S-corp. Try this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. Hope this help,

What is the best type of health insurance for getting kids ready for school?

What is the best type of health insurance I can get to help my kids go to the doctor, get checkups and vaccines, and have them ready for school? Or like if they break their arm on the playground or something? Anything else I should be thinking of as to why I should get insurance for my kids before they go back to school? Sorry, lot of questions but I appreciate your help. Thanks
Just get the free kind like the rest of your s-pic brethren.

How long is my health insurance active after I leave my job?

How long is my health insurance active after I leave my job? If I left there on 09/21/10 and they took my insurance out of my check on 9/24/10 how much longer do I have health care? Just wondering, 1 week, 2 weeks, a month?
It depends on how your employer originally set up the coverage. It would be EITHER until 09/22/10, or until 09/30/10, unless you elect COBRA.

Should health insurance premiums be discounted for those who prove a healthy BMI?

I work for a large health insurance company. Our records show the correlation between higher BMI and higher disease rate. Obesity is the #1 cause of disease. Should those who can prove a low BMI by a certificate from their doctor be given a discount on their health insurance premium? This would basically mean that overweight persons would be charged more unless they can lose weight, go to an inpatient treatment facility to lose weight, or prove that their obesity is irreversable.
they do...thats why every health/life insurance application asks your height and weight. personally i think BMI is not reliable. if you were to just go by the numbers then a 5'11" bodybuilder could have a higher BMI than a 4'11" obese person.

What is the best type of health insurance for getting kids ready for school?

What is the best type of health insurance I can get to help my kids go to the doctor, get checkups and vaccines, and have them ready for school? Or like if they break their arm on the playground or something? Anything else I should be thinking of as to why I should get insurance for my kids before they go back to school? Sorry, lot of questions but I appreciate your help. Thanks
What have they had up until now for health insurance? They should have had insurance since birth, not just at age 5 for school. There is no "best insurance". It's all indicative of what you are willing, or can spend. There are free or low cost publicly funded state health plans if you're low income, that have their own stipulations and rules on where you go, what they pay for etc. In many states, the care is low to average at best. Then there are top notch and expensive private insurance plans. Does your employer off health care benefits? That's usually the way to go.

What is the point of a health insurance plan if you never met your deductible?

I am 22 and applying for my first health insurance. I do not need much medical services, and want a low affordable premium. However, when I look at sites such as Blue Cross, it seems that low premiums go with high deductibles. I don't think I would ever meet the yearly deductible, and thus, cannot get any health services covered. So what is the point of such a plan? Thanks.
That's a fair question and, to be honest, shows how "differently" people consider health insurance from, say auto or fire insurance. Here's the question for you to consider: Do you want health "insurance," or "health care financing?" "Insurance" helps you pay for unforeseen expenses that you can't handle yourself (like, say, that $87,000 hospital/surgical bill after the car wreck, etc.). "Health care financing," like anything else you usually finance, lets you "make payments" to buy things that you don't want to pay for all at once (like, say, that $2300 big screen HDTV). Here's a few tips: 1. Buy a plan with a big deductible ($2,500 - 5,000) to keep your cost down. REMEMBER: even with a big deductible you can still find plans with the things you like: doctor and drug copays. 2. Stick with the "brand name" companies, like Blue Cross, Humana, Aetna, etc. There are a lot of other plans that "look good" but, if or when you have that big claim, they'll vanish like an honest politician. 3. Talk to a broker who specializes. Visit (see below) to find one near you. NAHU is the professional association of brokers like me who specialize in health insurance. 4. Get you own quotes online. Visit my site (below) or go to to get prices. Hope this helps a bit!

Where do I get health insurance for my small business?

I only have 6 employees (including myself) right now. I wanted insurance for myself because as I get older, my body isn't getting stronger. But now I've had a wide variety of health problems with my employees, and on some days I simply can't afford to be without them. Any advice from a small business owner with health insurance would help.
Well you can get small business health insurance from a wide variety of insurance companies. All you have to do is shop around. I think you meant where is the best place to get health insurance, and there is really no best answer. I recommend It is a website dedicated to, of course, small business health insurance. You can compare plans and rates directly from the company side by side. And with some of the companies, they offer customizable plans. Your best bet is to talk with an agent and see what can work for you.

What can a person do for health insurance when pregnant?

I was recently fired, and now I am pregnant. Since I now have a much lower income what are my options for cheaper or free health insurance? I know theirs medicaid I was wonder if theirs any other options. Can any one help me out? I am freaking out about my unborn child's health.
You can buy Cobra insurance for up to 18 months through your company HR dept. You could go to a low income community clinic or public health service where they will only charge you a nominal fee based on your income. If you are very low income and pregnant you might get Medicaid for pregnancy in your state. Check with your county social services.