Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Do those who can afford health insurance actually have health insurance? Why would rich people want insurance?

If you can afford your own services it seems stupid to me to pay some company to pretend to do something for you. What a waste of money to a company called a health insurance
Yes we do. It is neither stupid nor a "waste of money". It would be great if it were cheaper but good health care is important. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I understand how difficult it must be if you don't have it. But for those who do, it's a no-brainer to have it. Not even a thought ...if we care about our families health. My only issue is that contrary to what all of these politicians have said I do NOT think or buy into this ludicrous idea that "Every American deserves the same quality of health insurance". Are you kidding me? Then I guess every American deserves to drive a Mercedes-Benz SLR to huh? ...Every American deserves what every American earns. Period.

besides insurance sales person, what kind of job can you get with a health and life insurance license?

besides insurance sales person, what other fields or what other jobs can you get with a health and life license? in what fields?
you can work any job in an insurance company, not just the sales division. go online to the larger insurance companies (my mother worked for MetLife and CommunityCare) and see what jobs are available. my mother certainly wasn't a sales person and had to get that license to perform certain functions of her job.

Why is health insurance so much more of an important issue than it was a year or two ago?

Is it because Obama made it in to one?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Is it fair to send people to jail who don’t buy health insurance?

That is one of the requirements passed by the House of Representatives last Saturday, and Speaker Pelosi sees no problem with it. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/11/12/pe… Should it be a crime to pay as you go for medical services, i.e., to be self-insured?
According to Pelosi it is "fair." I don't see it that way. The government cannot require you to purchase something. Some will argue they require auto insurance, but you're not forced to buy it if you don't have a car -- only if you want to drive your car. Instead of mandating health insurance, why don't they mandate exercise three times a week for 30 minutes?

what to do with cigna health insurance company if they runing away from the claim i filed?

i was involved in car accident overseas i end up in hospital and cigna are running away from my claim although i give them all the paper works they need such is bills and doctor treatment its more than 3 month now and they keep tellin me excusies, i need some help i pay lot for my dector treatment do i need to file lawsuit against them
healthquotes.awardspace.info - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.

Are you ready for your health insurance costs to skyrocket?

Change you can believe in.
I'm not too worried for now because anyone under 26 can stay on his parents plan. But I'll probably just start crying and selling everything I own to pay for it when I do reach 26. At least I'll be able to drink away the pain...and hey! I guess I'll have insurance to help cover the rehab thefutureisbleak

How do you get covered for health insurance in italy?

I want to know, Im an american
We don't have insurance in Italy. There is the Azienda Sanitaria Nazionale (ASN), which pays everthing for us. If you need urgent assistance, you go to "pronto soccorso" in hospital and they must cure you, without asking you nothing. For everything else, everybody has a "medico di base": he's a family doctor, which examine you when you need, for free. Doctors are then paied by ASN (and we pay it with general taxes). There's a private sector, too. But you don't need insurance: you go and pay directly.

Do Republicans ACTUALLY think that the health insurance industry doesn't need any reform?

And if you aren't under such a delusion what GOOD reason do you have to oppose reform ?
Republicans have been proposing reforms to health insurance, Medicare and health care for years and the Democrats have blocked most of them. The Democrats were deathly afraid they might work and they couldn't have that because GOVERNMENT CONTROL of health care has been a Democrat dream for 70 years.

My employer rolledback the date when health insurance coverage ended?

I resigned from my job on January 4th. So that my employer did not have to pay the premium for January he claimed that I resigned on December 31st. This creates an inconsistancy in my medical continuation who can I report this to as I am no nonger a speaking terms with him. I think that this is fradulant
Do you have a pay stub showing you worked until jan. 4th? Show that to the Attorney General's office. Call the insurance office he does business with and send a copy of your pay stub

how many months must my EU health insurance card (EHIC) be in date to travel to Poland?

I am traveling to krakow in February and my card is out of date in March. I was wondering would it have to be 6 months in advance, similar to passport.
Why do you Brits always think that your documents need to be valid 6 months in advance?? That is rubbish in Europe!! All you need is a valid passport and also only a valid EHIC to travel. There is no requirement to renew it 6 months in advance prior to travel. https://www.ehic.org.uk/Internet/frequen… .. http://ec.europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/… .. http://ec.europa.eu/eures/main.jsp?catId… ..

If I am immigrating to the UK or Canada how do I get health insurance?

Is there a plan you can buy? Appreciate your help!
There are two issues here, really: your immigration status, and health insurance. In general, to immigrate, you must petition the correct government in order to gain a visa to enter the country. With most governments, when you are approved for immigration, you will be provided with information and phone numbers for people who can assist you with getting settled in the country. This will include information about obtaining health insurance. Within the UK, people who have the right to live in the country do not have to buy insurance. Having said that, it is very difficult to gain the right to enter the UK on a permanent basis. There are many boxes you must tick before you can enter. For more information, please see: http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/ Good luck!

what kind of health insurance help you pay for in vitro fertilization?

I'm looking for an insurance company that will help pay for in vitro fertilization (ivf).
I have The Empire Plan and they cover 100% up to $50,000

what should i know about chosing health insurance?

i went online and found several quotes. what should i be looking for? im married, 20, and a full time student. how big of a deductable should i be going for?
Honestly, I would suggest getting an HSA with a decent sized deductible, like $2500 and then putting as much away as possible in the savings account because unfortunately, you'll need it in future. Do yourself a favor and be VERY frugal with ALL health care expenses, BUT get a good physical every year--over time you will be glad you did. Try to get generic prescriptions if you need them. Save, save, save all you can. Read your policy well in case God forbid you get a serious illness because all the large insurers try NOT to pay for expensive people. You'll be ahead of the game, however, if you have your own insurance instead of through an employer. Good luck, good health, God bless.

I am an international student doing masters in US.Can I get a free health insurance coverage for limited time?

can i get a free health insurance coverage for limited time (companies giving offers like free coverage for one month like that)
No one has free insurance coverage here. You can contact a health insurance company and purchase a policy for a few months. When I was between jobs, I purchased a 60 day policy for about 200. It did not pay much, but helped out in the event of a major injury. Depending on where you go to school - many colleges and universities have a student health services where you can get free and low cost care. It does not handle major injuries etc. But if you need to see a dr because you are sick, that is an option.

Conservatives, how would paying into a single-payer health insurance plan cost more than paying a private?

insurer, if you're paying for a plan either way? And no, that give me that "private sector is more efficient than the government bull crap". It has nothing to do with savings in this case anyways.
Because the government plan is pork barrel ridden with massive amounts of extra costs due to corruption that is used. to pay off all of the political hacks and their friends. Essentially the Corruption that is associated with government programs generally adds at least 30 to 50% to the cost of the government program when compared with similar private programs that are not subject to all of the graft, bribery, dishonesty and corruption that you find in the government programs.