Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to see a physical therapist without health insurance?

I have a problem with my shoulder/collarbone. Does anyone know I can see a physical therapist without insurance?? Preferably MA or NH
Ys you can but it will be expensive, because insurance essentially pays a portion of the bill. You can work out payment plans with doctors but they will need a lot of information. You can go to a major hospital, but you should be ready to wait in a long line for a long time. Try to go on a monday afternoon when there might be less people. I didn't have insurance until I got injured and went to a hospital. I live in a big city and because my injuries were not life threatening, I waited 12 hours. They cannot turn you away and must treat you. If your problem is something you can live with, try to get insurance even if just for a while. Starbucks offers insurance to employees of at least three months and insurance is something like $25 a month.

Can online students still be covered for health insurance under parents plan?

I'm under my parents health plan and i turn 19 in January and thats when my coverage will be terminated unless I show proof im still a "full time student".. Im currently enrolled in college but online.. Does this still qualify under full time student?
I would think it does, but there is usually a credit hour amount that has to be met to be full-time and I am unsure how online courses are. If they are also credit hours, just like normal school and you're full-time, then you should be ok.

What probably are the causes for increasing health insurance rates?

Is it due to inflation, lowering standards of medical care, insufficient government control, deteriorating human health, environmental degradation or other factors?
Last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter to Anthem Blue Cross. She asked the health insurer to justify premium increases of up to 39 percent on individual policies in California. Now, the company is temporarily postponing some rate increases for people in that state. But what about everyone else? Such hefty premium increases aren't confined to the Golden State. Nearly 20 million Americans purchase health insurance in the so-called "individual" market. They don't have the bargaining power or protections that come with employer-based health insurance. They are the people who are unemployed or self-employed or work for a business that doesn't offer insurance. They are on their own shopping for coverage. And they frequently pay a small fortune for it - if they're lucky enough to get decent coverage at all. These are some of the very Americans lawmakers had in mind when they crafted health reform legislation - and a reminder of why Congress needs to finish the job. Bills passed by both the House and Senate would set up "insurance exchanges" where Americans could buy coverage. These plans would be required to adhere to minimum standards, such as covering emergency room visits. The government would provide subsidies to some Americans to help pay for coverage. Ideally, final legislation should allow those shopping in the exchange to purchase insurance from the government. Such a "public option" would ensure people's choices for an insurer aren't limited to private sector companies - the same companies that may try to jack up rates 39 percent in one year. Reform legislation also prohibits insurers from discriminating against people because they have preexisting health conditions. It limits how much companies can charge older Americans, who may have more health expenses. These are exactly the reforms Americans need. They are the kind of reforms Iowans need. Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the largest health insurer in Iowa. It sells individual policies to about 80,000 Iowans. Though Wellmark estimates the average increase on individual plans to be about 18 percent this year, some Iowans will see premiums go up about 25 percent. About 16,000 Wellmark customers will pay 22 percent more for their individual policies - on top of premium increases of about 12 percent per year the past three years. The truth is, there is no scarier place to get health-care coverage than in the individual health insurance market. Insurers review your health history. If there's even a hint of a health problem, they may charge you higher premiums. If you have heart problems or cancer or diabetes, they may not sell you coverage at all. Companies may cancel your policy if you get sick. As much as people may complain about employer-based insurance, these are the lucky Americans compared to those buying coverage on their own. According to a survey from David P. Lind & Associates in Clive, employers pay about 81 percent of the cost of premiums for single coverage plans and 66 percent of the cost for family plans. Those in the individual market pay the entire cost themselves. The letter from Secretary Sebelius to Anthem is yet another reminder that millions of Americans are caught between a rock and a hard place: Join the ranks of the uninsured or pay whatever the insurance company is charging. It's a reminder that Congress needs to finally deliver some help to these Americans.

Is a recent diagnosis of PCOS considered pre-existing condition for my health insurance?

I have BCBS of IL. and I have a one year pre-existing clause on my plan. I was diagnosed with PCOS last month and am planning on going to see an Endo who specializes in PCOS to help with my weight issues, however, I am wondering if the insurance company will deny any of my treatments for this as a "pre-existing condition" even though I never was treated/knew I had it before last month with my new insurance. Any experiences?
Obviously Marshall thought this was a weight lose question. Maybe he/she is illiterate. PCOS can be considered an existing condition same as Diabetes or Thyroid conditions. It is completely up to the discretion of your insurance provider. Call them to be sure or log into their website to veiw a list of what they consider preexisting. Good luck on your quest for health. I also have been diagnosed with PCOS, a mild form but understand what you are struggling with.

me and my partner filled out a domestic partnership affidavit for the health insurance company?

In order for me to be added to her insurance policy we had to fill out a domestic partnership affidavit, have it notarized and send it back to them. This was no problem cause we plan to get actually married in a year anyways. So we did that and everything was good but my question is since this was for the insurance company yet it was notarized is it just as good for anything else or is that paper just good to them?
OK. If you're together right now & through her employer she has you down as her DP? That affidavit of DP is only good for health insurance, & that's it. It's not binding for state benefits or any other type of insurance other that the insurance that the affidavit was specifically made for. As for when you get married? Well, that depends as well. The best person to ask this question to would be your fiance's employer's HR Personnel Management Team for benefits. There may be some changes in getting your fiance's benefits (not a negative though). The reason I say that is: My wife & I got married while it was still legal to do so in CA. She brought in our marriage license so she could add me to her health insurance, but it was turned down. Her employer said she needed to fill out an affidavit of Domestic Partnership, comply with all the legalize within that form, sign it & get it notarized. If we lied about anything on that form, it would be nullified, along with us paying back the organization's attorneys fees & benefits they bestowed on me for health care. There was 1 big problem. The form asked if we were married to another person. We are. To each other. We brought this "tiny" issue up to HR, who also overlooked our marriage license that we brought in 2wks prior to this affidavit being sent out. Long to short, the HEAD of this organization's HR Office for benefits contacted us directly to apologize for any undue hardship & that our marriage license would be sufficient.

Do you think its a good idea to be able to opt-out of the health insurance mandate?

In his SRLC speech, RP said he would introduce a bill next week to allow opting out of Obamacare insurance mandates. He also said it would probably be a one page Bill. This is an excellent move. It will make his fellow Republicans put up or shut up and show their true colors. How will they be able to face the criticism if they don't support it?
Without the mandate, there will be massive fraud. People could legally decline to get insurance until they have an expensive condition, paying their normal healthcare out of pocket. When they need insurance for something expensive, they could get it because there's no discrimination on preexisting conditions (once that part of the law kicks in). It would bankrupt the system. The Republicans are playing a dangerous game if they push to hard on this because if they push, it might pass. If it passes and if Obama calls their bluff and signs it, it would bankrupt the industry. If you want to see single-payer in the United States, allow people to opt-out. The industry will collapse and Congress will have no choice but to provide it's own alternative system. You can expect the insurance industry to put a lot of pressure on the Republicans to quietly let this die and the Democrats would be happy to let them.

Where can I get free health insurance?

I am 19 years old and am from Tacoma, WA. I was told I was not eligible to get health care from medicare/medical coupon. I need a physical soon. Is there any place I can get a free health physical?
Free health insurance is called Medicaid - welfare health insurance. But hey, you're 19. Get out there and paint some houses cheap, and you can earn enough money to buy your own health insurance - or pay for your own physical. What, you only want something, if you can get it for FREE? If someone ELSE is paying for it? Must not want it too badly. Go out there and work for it, like everyone else does.

My son's father pays for our son's health insurance through his employer. Can I get gov insurance for myself?

We are not married and I need health insurance. Marriage is not an option right now. I am looking to apply for a government insurance but I am not sure how it works or how my son being covered by his father would affect me. Any one with this situation? Any suggestions?
You could try for Medicaid or get a job that has ins.

why is it so bad to be required to have health insurance?

Im not sure if every state requires auto insurance, but my state does.
Every state except NH requires auto insurance . . . and it doesn't work. In some states, like mine (TX) up to 25% of the cars on the road are estimated to be uninsured. The POINT is, it's unconstitutional. Besides property taxes, we shouldn't be forced to buy ANYTHING.

Can my employer legally make me pay for health insurance now that we are being forced to pay for it 100% ?

My boss has decided to change our health insurance benefits from us paying about 40% to us paying 100%. I want to opt out of the coverage, as I can not afford the added expense.
if they are changing the policy, they should allow you to opt out - but do you want to risk not having any health insurance?

will apprentaship still provide paid holiday/sickness and health insurance?

My husband is applying for a welding apprentaship and was woundering if i would still get paid, vactions/sickness and health insurance
~~Not usually, but it would be up to the individual companies policy.~~

Which is the best Health Insurance and Car insurance in NYC? if you know the answer to each or any let me know

Thanks.... Car insurance i am looking for the cheapest as far as health insurance i am considering HIP PRime but not sure if its good.. if you know about hip let me know if thats a good choice.. only reason why i might choose that is because there are no copay and no deductibles :) FREE lol but i want to make sure its a good choice... besides the obviouse.. take care and i am thanking you in advance for your advise
For health insurance try Health Net @ www.healthnet.com or 1-800-438-7886

Why do some psychiatrists not accept health insurance?

My psychologist (my insurance doesn't cover psychologists so I have been paying out of pocket 100%) referred me to a psychiatrist so I can go on medication. I called to make an appointment and was advised they do not accept any insurance. The guy's initial intake fee is $375. Why don't they take insurance if they are a psychiatrist who prescribes medication?
A lot of private practice doctors, especially specialists, don't take health insurance because if they run the practice themselves, it just becomes too much paperwork for them to deal with. I've heard complaints about how long it takes to receive payment and the hours spent on the phone with insurance companies. It's just not worth it to some doctors. Just because your doc prescribes medicine, he is not obligated to take insurance either. Also if you get prescribed something from an out of network doctor, you can still get your prescription filled under your health insurance plan, as long as you go to a pharmacy that takes your insurance.

Have any "Republican business owners" had to lay people off due to increases in health insurance costs?

just wondering? they say if they get a 1 percent increase in taxes that they are going to have to lay off half their workforce... what about a 10 percent increase in health care costs? I've seen several of those in the past 10 years? or do they even offer insurance?
Some may. Some have claimed multi million, even billion dollar "write downs," These "write downs" are a result of increases in taxes on companies that offer prescription drug benefits to their retirees instead of forcing them into Medicare. The "write downs" are required by the SEC; companies must restate their earnings to reflect the present value of their long-term health liabilities, including a higher tax burden. As the health care law greatly increases their tax burden, the write down is required by law. But Henry Waxman will haul the CEOs of these companies in for a hearing because their judgment "appears to conflict with independent analyses, which show that the new law will expand coverage and bring down costs." http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424…

Can someone anyone explain how National/Universal Health Care puts Private Health Insurance out of Business ?

Can someone anyone explain how National/Universal Health Care puts Private Health Insurance out of Business ?
Sure, it's very simple. Government has suddenly become a competitor. They make all the rules. When government feels threatened it will change the rules to it's advantage. Plus,businesses will drop coverage on employees and pay the fine because it's cheaper. Voila! Half of the country will be on some government form of insurance before we know it and private companies will go out of business within 10 years. Obama has just ensured the destruction of the private insurance industry and millions will lose their jobs. The socialist in chief and his evil minions will pay dearly at the polls.

Health Insurance in the USA if you lived in China?

Is it true or False...Can you get Health Insurance in the USA (even if you are an US citizen) if you lived in China?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Would you want the same health insurance as your Congressman or Senator?

Their insurance premium is under $600. per year. Subsidized by tax revenues. Are you going to vote again for those who voted against the public option?
The public option is *not* an option and if this so called health care bill is so great, with or without the public option, exactly why is it that the members of congress have written themselves an exemption ? Is it because they don't want to be subjected to the same rules as we will have to follow? perhaps they want to insure that they will always be able to get decent health care ? You can give me the same health care that they have and the same exemption at the same cost (zero) and I will take it. You give me the same retirement benefits that they get after serving only one term, which is their annual salary + 50% of their salary for their spouse for the rest of their lives, I will take that as well. I am going to vote against anyone that votes in favor of this ridiculous health care bill. At this point I am ready to vote against any incumbent so the next set to come in remember that the first words of the constitution starts with "We the People" . These idiots in congress need to be reminded that they work for us, it is not the other way around.

why is group health insurance better than individual?

My employer is offering group insurance. My individual insurance seems like a better deal but everyone keeps saying group is better? Why is this?
It's like size 10 jeans; Might be the best fit for someone else, but it's not necessarily the best fit for EVERYONE. Here's the scoop on group health insurance: you take everyone in the group, lump them together, and AVERAGE the price for their insurance. Group coverage actually costs MORE than private coverage. Additionally, on a group policy, YOU don't get to choose your coverage - your boss does (or at least, they pick the plan). And, usually the employer kicks in about half the cost. Additionally, they have to accept EVERYONE who is an employee, on the group. If an employee is newly added, and they don't have prior coverage, they can STILL exclude coverage for preexisting conditions for up to 18 months. Lastly, there are some coverages you can get on grouip policies that are almost impossible to get on private policies - like coverage for maternity, and/or infertility issues. Don't confuse "prediagnosed" with "preexisting". If the sypmtoms are there NOW, and you don't have insurance NOW, then the condition IS preexisting. On the down side, unless you're newly eligible for group coverage, you can only "sign on" during open enrollment - once a year. Unless you plan on keeping your job forever, or flat out aren't eligible for private health insurance, if the coverage on a private policy is much less expensive for the same coverage (which isn't uncommon, if you're under 30), there's really not much of an advantage to take the group plan.

Does anyone know if I can get a better deal on international health insurance if I go through a third party?

I would like to use IHI (International Heath Insurance Denmark). I am told IHI is the best in the business, but they are pricey and was wondering if there was anyway to get a lower price than what they advertise on their web page.
If you're a 39 year old US citizen, you can get coverage for $53 for 1 month with a $1000 deductible through Lloyd's. This is a reimbursement plan and also covers emergency return trip coverage. I have no idea what IHI is advertising.

can an employer deny health insurance for a spouse if they have insurance in california?

i have insurance and he is on mine, and he has insurance but it is too expensive for both of us. is there a particular law that says my employer cannot force me to use his or force him off mine?
It is rare for an employer to cover insurance costs for both a employee and spouse without requesting a percentage of the cost during annual or subsequent life event enrollment. It is normally cheaper for each employee to obtain insurance from their employer individually rather than as an EE + spouse. For example, my Blue Cross insurance costs $35 per bi-monthly pay period and my husband's costs $75. If we chose just one policy for both of us, the monthly costs would rise to $230 (mine) $362 (his) which is a 10% increase over last year. They are both Blue Cross, but mine covers 90 physical therapy visits and his only 24, otherwise they are identical. Since I need lots of PT and mine was significantly cheaper, we chose to get policies this year from our individual employers. An employer could not deny group insurance to a spouse that had addtl coverage, any denial is up to the insurance company. Denial would typically happen if the enrollment card was signed late, a EOI (evidence of insurability) was needed and a medical problem precluded coverage. A company cannot force you to use his policy or take him off yours. The action of needing a marriage license seems rather offensive though. Are they having issues with imaginary spouses? If you have any questions call your HR or benefit specialist and the customer service line at each insurance company for clarification.

Are we Americans being turned into health insurance suckers?

P. T. Barnum one said, "There's a sucker born every minute." It seems to me that we Americans have been made to feel so imperiled if we don't have health insurance, we forget to demand high enough wages so we can afford to pay for it on our own. Corporate America has taken over the entire country and the rest of us are just a bunch of slobs begging for scraps.
You got that right! Have spend about 15% of my salary just for my health coverage! and I'm healthy! Its a complete RIP!

what is the difference between HMO & HSA & PPO health insurance plans? and which one is better to have?

My husband and I do not have health insurance and were trying to get pregnant. I really need to purchase a good health insurance plan. I was thinking of choosing Kaiser. And I have no clue about the health insurance lingo. Can someone help me. Sincerely, Jennifer
The basic differences: With an HMO you must select a primary care doctor, and must get referrals from that doctor to see a specialist. If you want to change primary care doctors you must first notify the insurance company and cannot see the new doctor until the change has been processed. You cannot go outside of the doctor network except in emergencies. In general, the premium will be higher but your cost when you use medical services will be lower. With a PPO you do not have to select a primary care doctor and you do not have to get a referral to see a specialist. You can go outside of the network although your cost may be higher. An HSA is just a PPO that has a higher deductible and allows you to open up a health savings account that works much like an IRA. My advice would be to visit a local agent that works with Kaiser as well as all of the other major companies in your area. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with each policy and can answer all of your questions. There is no extra charge using an agent. Be aware that with individual policies there will be a waiting period for maternity coverage. The agent can explain how long this waiting period will be with each different policy.

Is the fact that everybody has to get health insurance true yet?

Before I could only get insurance thru my parents or job, because I have a pre-existing heart problem. Am I able to get it yet without using my job's or parent's? How?
Many states currently have high risk pools available. The health care bill will have a national high risk pool that was supposed to be in effect July 1 but which has been delayed. The portion of the bill allowing that all policies are guaranteed issue, which is what you are asking about, will go into effect in 2014.

In Minnesota How old are u covered for health insurance?

on a Parents work-provided health plan how old does your child have to be to be covered is it after 18 they need to be in school to be covered? or are they covered until 21?
....under the new health care if it passes your child can be insured up to age 26. Under the current plan.. you are carried under most insurances until 18 but if you are in college that lasts until 21 years of age.