Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How can I get health insurance with diabetes?

My boyfriend has Type 1 diabetes and just lost his job (and health insurance). We have been looking around for other health insurance, but basically no one will cover him because he takes insulin. If he continued with his job's health plan it would increase to over $500 a month! Our U.S. health care system sucks!! Do you know of any health care providers who would cover this?
He can do COBRA (probably your $500 increase) and if he can't get on with another insurer and COBRA ends, he can use HIPAA to get on as a guarantor with another insurer--but it will cost a buttload for sure. IF he doesn't make much money, he might be able to use this for med care, not insurance: Health Centers provide health and dental care to people of all ages, whether or not they have health insurance or the money to pay for health care. Find the Health Center closest to you Hill-Burton Free & Reduced Cost Care at hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities are required to provide a specific amount of free or below cost health care to people unable to pay. Eligibility is based on the size of your family and your income. You apply for Hill-Burton care at the facility where you were or will be treated. More about Hill-Burton and find facilities in your State http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm What we NEED is THIS plan--comprehensive, affordable, ends the BS in the current system BUT allows ALL the current private junk plans to still exist. (Junk plans because if you get really sick, they just may not pay, not for a legal or valid reason, but because they can: When 75% of the people who declare bankruptcy over medical bills ARE INSURED, then insurance is CLEARLY not the answer. "Aldrich's situation is "asinine" but increasingly common, said Dr. Deborah Thorne of Ohio University. Thorne, co-author of a widely quoted 2005 study that found medical bills contributed to nearly half of the 1.5 million personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. each year, said that ratio has likely worsened since the data was gathered. ... Like Aldrich, Thorne said, three-quarters of the individuals in the study who declared bankruptcy because of health problems were insured. " http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20201807/ Linda Peeno, MD testified that SHE had often denied treatment JUST to save the insurance company money http://www.thenationalcoalition.org/DrPe… The smart reform: QUALITY, ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE health care for all. That means preventative care (physical with follow up). Real medication (no Medicare "donut holes" the really ill are ripped off again.) No bogus ridiculously low "caps" on needed medical procedures. No abuse of the ER. No paying for the silly with the sniffles to go to the doc for free. No more bankruptcies over medical bills. I want THIS plan that ends abuse of the taxpayer, takes the burden off employers, provides price transparency, and ends the rip-off of the US taxpayer at the hands of greedy insurance CEOs (which has been repeatedly documented). http://www.booklocker.com/books/3068.htm… Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on Amazon.com Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World

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