Monday, June 6, 2011

If most people had to pay 100% of the cost of their health insurance?

wouldn't Americans have demanded health care reform years ago? Since about 75% of Americans get their health insurance through Medicare, Medicaid, VA, company sponsored health plans, union provided health plans, and other government provided health plans, most Americans do not realize that the US health care system costs are out of control. In 1996, the citizens of Switzerland (a very conservative country) demanded universal health insurance through a national referendum since only about 25% of the population received assistance for their health insurance. Wouldn't the same occur in the US if only 25% of Americans received assistance for their health insurance? Aren't many Americans fooling themselves into believing that since they may be getting free or inexpensive health insurance through their employer, union, or government that it is not a big deal?
Do you realize that health insurance over a period of a lifetime costs about $500k. How much would we actually spend in medical expenses if we had no health insurance at all and just decided to make payments on large medical bills.

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