Monday, June 6, 2011

I need help with health insurance?

I am currently on an individual plan with Blue Cross Blue Shield because Iam not currently employed. I am trying to find a plan for both myself and my husband because us together on his work health insurance is too high. I currently pay $128 a month for my health insurance. How can I add my husband on my plan and keep it the same? We are both 26 years old and never get sick or go to the doctor we are just looking for insurance in case something happens where it requires hospitalization. Any advice with help! Thanks!
Individual health insurance can be pricey. To add your husband on to the current plan and expect the same premium is not realistic, but you can change the plan to adjust the premium, but lower cost usually means less coverage, higher deductibles. There are High Deductible Health Plans that are HSA (Health Savings Account) qualified that covers more of a catastrophy like a hosptial visit after the deductible is met. Office visits, emergency rooms, and prescriptions are on your tab, but the HSA, if you put money in that, will make all qualified medial expenses tax deductible. Also, as you put money away into a HSA, you earn taxed deferred interest. Some HSA accounts offer investments in stocks and mutual funds, but then your money is not secure because of market volatility especially when dealing with an account that you expect to be there when you have health bills. The price of your health plan will depend on the zip code you live in. I would stick with the major carriers like BCBS, United Healthcare, Coventry, Humana, Aetna, Cigna, etc. There are web sites you can google that will give you a multiple carrier quote. Make sure you know the type of plan and coverage, and more importantly how to use it. blog at

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