Monday, April 25, 2011

Why should it be a law that companies have to supply workers with health insurance?

They aren't your mommy & daddy. Shouldn't people be responsible for their own health care?
The reason they made it into a law is because since the second world war access to health insurance has been supplied by employers, as a competitive benefit to get good workers. The other option was to supply health insurance to all and save loads of money doing so, but conservatives don't like that idea. They wanted to keep large numbers undeserving (read "brown-skinned") people from access to health care. Of course, the other reason why employers might want their employees to be insured would mean that they would be more productive workers and take less time off from work for preventable serious illnesses. Cutting off health care to employees in order to save money and be more profitable than competitors, essentially firing people for getting sick, is a new conservative idea based on the idea that workers are disposable and don't deserve to live if they can't work. ?)

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