Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why do people think the democrats are proposing free health care? It is mandatory insurance.?

They are proposing mandatory health insurance. Tou will be paying $4.000.00 a year for insurance. It will be law. If you do not maintain a health care insurance policy you will be fined.
Actually, you would be paying more than $4000 a year for insurance. The Senate bill will cost the US taxpayers $2.5 TRILLION over the next 10 years, and that will only cover the first FIVE years that the thing would be in effect given that it won't even go into effect until 2014 (Just in time for whoever is elected President in 2012 to get into office. ANY Rep or Senator in my state/district who votes for these bills will NOT be getting my vote come this upcoming election in 2010. BTW, if you don't pay that fine, you will face a $250,000 fine AND up to 5 years in Federal prison.

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