Thursday, February 24, 2011

When you are diagnosed with a new disease like diabetes, would your insurance premium go up for health coverag?

Like say if your employer was paying for you health insurance would it matter how sick you are and what the doctors put you on or what they diagnose you with as to how much the employer would have to pay on your policy?
No, if you are diagnosed with a new "disease" your insurance company cannot raise the premiums. In any case if your employer is paying for your health insurance it means that you are on a group rate which goes up once per year or so - for the entire group and not for one person. If you were paying yourself that means you had an individual insurance policy and when the next period comes along the insurance company might raise your premium to a point where you may not even be able to pay. It all depends on the company and their policy in dealing with these ":new discoveries" Rest assured that once you are on a group policy you are not singled out for a premium increase beyond what the group would get

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