Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why does Hillary want to FORCE people to buy health insurance?

Yes, under Clinton's you will be FORCED to buy health insurance. Back in the early 90s she wanted people to have proof of insurance BEFORE an employer could hire them!!! What if you can't afford it? This women is Marxist!!!! She has no right to tell me how to spend my money.....NONE!!!! Why does Hillary want to FORCE people to buy health insurance?
I would love to be able to AFFORD to buy it. My employer won't even try to get us into a group we might be able to afford. I can't afford it & the repubs have let all employers under a certain number not have to offer any thing to it's workers! I don't ask her to pay for it, but in a group, I woul dbe able to get cheaper rates! They are more per month than my rent, & my rent is half of what I make!

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