Monday, May 2, 2011

What is the best independant insurance for me (woman) to get Health insurance with a maternity benefit...?

My husband's job keeps changing their insurance and I m going through fertility treatment (now on Clomid) but i'm afraid if they change it again, it will be considered as a pre exhisting condition or they wont pay benefits when we do get preggo. I'm looking for an insurance just for me that I can pay & not have to worry about his company. PLEASE HELP...i would like to do this soon.
Well, there isn't one. Independent maternity coverage is like independent fertility coverage - only the people who plan on using it, buy it, so the price is through the roof. It has a waiting period of usually 270 days, so you have to pay for it 9 months BEFORE conception, and it's hundreds of dollars a month - effectively, you're just pre-paying the benefits. If your husband's group policy keeps getting switched over with no lapse, it's not going ot matter - they can't exclude ANY pre-existiong conditions under those circumstances. As it was mentioned, once you ARE pregnant, you are not going to find ANYONE to give you a private health insurance policy. So IF you want the private policy, you have to buy it BEFORE you get pregnant. But I think once you weigh the $500 a month premiums for you, vs, your husband's plan that keeps changing, you'll probably stay on his plan.

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