Sunday, April 3, 2011

Can a person have two health insurance policies from 2 different companies in the same state?

I met the max benefits on one plan and wanted to add a different company plan that doesn't have the max.
Yes, a person can have two different health insurance companies. Is it worth it? Not usually. You do not get to choose which one is primary. There are built in conditions to every policy, that says which is primary. AND, coverages do not STACK, they "coordinate". Buying a BETTER plan with higher limits, lower deductibles, etc, is going to cost MORE. You can't buy one plan with a $1,000 limit for $50 a month, buy a second plan with $1,000 limit for $50 a month, and end up with $2,000 of coverage total. You still only have $1,000 of coverage total. Lastly, if you've hit your max coverage limit, the new private health insurance doesn't have to COVER whatever it is going wrong with you - and likely they won't. They'll "exclude" coverage for that condition, OR, flat out refuse to give you insurance. It's very uncommon for it to be cost effective, to buy TWO health insurance policies. It's a much, much better idea, to buy the good coverage up front - even though it's more expensive.

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