Saturday, February 12, 2011

What if health insurance companies were allowed to sell across state lines?

My friend who is an MBA said that if this were implemented, all the insurance companies would just move to South Dakota, because they have the weakest laws, and then they would be able to sell insurance to everyone and ignore all the other states' laws. Is that true?
No, they would still be subject to state laws. But it would not stop them excluding preexisting conditions nor the use of death panels to deny cover to those they are meant to cover. FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [1] FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2] FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3] FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4] FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [5] FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing America [6] FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7] Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.

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