Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Health insurance?

What is wrong in America, so called rich can,t even pay the medical bills to his citizens for the old men/woman on is you think the American politics are to old fashion and spend to much money in guns?
When Americans retire from work they draw Medicare that helps with their medical bills. Everyone that works pays part of their checks into this account to cover this for as long as they work. Also the government has a program for low income and disabled to pay for medical care and medications. This program is abused though by young people who are not disabled. This I know for a fact for I work in a medical office and see them daily. For each child they have the government even gives them more money for medical care and medicines. As for owning guns, you must be from overseas since you bring up the idea of owning guns. Our crime rate is much higher than you would imagine and we do own guns also for hunting...not only for protection but for food. You will find some that trophy hunt but they are few. Our freezer is full of deer meat that came from hunting that will help feed us during the winter months and longer. You need to study the true facts more from ones before you make such broad statements as to what is wrong here.

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