Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Health insurance...?

I'm going to buy an health plan, and since i haven't great experience, i was wondering if anyone can explain me something: PPO; HSA; HMO. What are these terms? What's the difference? Also, if you have experience with health plans, what do you suggest me? Which plan do you think i should choose? I'm male, 32 (married but my wife is already insured), not taking any medicine, no smoker, perfect condition. Thanks Robert
With an HMO: 1. You have to choose a primary care physician (PCP). 2. You must go to your PCP for everything (you cannot choose to go see another Dr. without a referral from your PCP). 3. There is no out of network coverage. With a PPO: 1. You do not need to choose a PCP - you can go to any Dr. you like, general care or specialist, directly at any time you like without a referral from anyone. 2. Coverage is cheaper in-network than out of network but you can go to any Dr. or hospital you want without having to worry about what is and isnt covered. With an HSA: 1. HSA's (Health Savings Accounts) are types of health insurance plans. 2. There are 2 components: the insurance component and the savings account component. 3. The insurance component is a high deductible health insurance plan. 4. The savings account component gives you an above the line tax deduction for all money contributed into the account (up to IRS limits), the money grows tax free in the account, and the money comes out tax free as long as you use the money for qualifed medical expenses (or are over the age of 65). Here are 3 articles with more details (Article #1 is on HMO's, Article #2 is on PPO's, and Article #3 is on HSA's):………

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