Sunday, December 19, 2010

Does being diagnosed by a psychiatrist effect health insurance?

Currently I am still under my parent's insurance but am about to be on my own in the summer. I want to see a psychiatrist and would likely be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (what my therapist says). Would this effect my ability to obtain health insurance in the future?
It can possibly if you are getting on an individual plan, it probably won't if you are getting on a group plan. For an individual plan, it will depend upon many factors. Each insurance company has it's own set of guidelines. They will look at the severity, whether you are on any medications and what those medications are, if you're currently seeing a psychiatrist or how long it's been since you've seen one. If you've been hospitalized or if hospitalization is a possibility. Depending upon the insurance company and you in particular they might decline, accept with a rider, accept with a rate up, or accept without any conditions.

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