Sunday, August 21, 2011

Can you donate blood without health insurance?

I have donated blood for the last two years that I have been eligible to do it whenever the whole 'circus' came to my college campus. I am now at serious risk of losing my insurance, at the point of it almost being a sure thing - now, I know they probably won't need it to draw the blood, but if, for some crazy reason, something goes wrong, will I potentially die because I was donating blood? Sorry if it sounds crazy, just a little paranoid...
In all reality, you would only die from donating blood if they took way too much, or if the needles weren't sterilized and you got a disease. And if by some odd chance something happened that you would be in dire need of medical care, the donation center, red cross or whatever would probably pay for the medical care if the blood draw had anything to do with it. That and there are usually doctors at hand in case something more than someone just passing out goes wrong.

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