Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why are employers going to be forced by law to provide health insurance to its workers?

Why is it their responsibility instead of the individual? Whats next housing, food?
As with most programs and spending done by this administration, there is little that adds up. Each program has increased the national deficit and yielded little in results. Each program will increase taxes on all and kill off many small businesses. This is just another program that will damage our business sector even more. It will increase unemployment and put more strain on an already damaged economy. The question is what is the long term result expected to be by these people? If destroying the economy is the plan, then force yet another tax on business. The largest employer we have in the country is the small business community. Even under good conditions, small business failure is at a high percentage. If more expense is added, that will increase that percentage of failure. If small business is forced out, that will leave large business that can be more easily nationalized, forcing dependence on the government.

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