Thursday, February 17, 2011

So now have health care insurance is bad?

First we hear about how horrible it is that people don't have health insurance.. But now Obama wants to tax people for having it?
Yes. It's bad because it is not government insurance. It is only bad to have private insurance. You don't hear anyone wanting to tax those who receive medicare, medicaid, or SCHIP (if the people on SCHIP don't smoke, they don't pay for this benefit). No one wants to tax the people in our jails and prisons for their medical benefits. Only those who work and have the gall to have private insurance. Shame on the people who are not on governmental medical programs. How could they ever think they could get away with having a private insurance without being punished for being the self-responsible people that they are? It was a horrible idea when McCain brought up the idea but now times are different. This administration will say that they are "reaching across the aisle" by doing this. It will be the Republicans' fault. Actually, the idea fits in very will to get all of the American public to "see the light" and embrace total government health insurance. Why would anyone want to pay for the national health care system through taxes, pay their portion of private insurance costs, and then be taxed extra for having that private insurance? Using Kiran's example, that would be about $1,500 a year. What's the harm in paying the government an extra $1,500 a year in taxes? It's a lot of harm to me, but maybe I'm different than most people.

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