Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is 25k uae dirhams as salary+car+health insurance is ok for living in sharjah for a familiy of 3 members?

Please help me, I would like to know if a basic salary of 16k uae drh, 9k for housing,plus car, health insurance and vacation leave for my family are provided by the company are enough to live in sharjah, and could I save some money?
Rentals in UAE are the most expensive part. I believe tht if you want to rent a place (2-bed apmt), it will cost you atleast about 5kdhs per month. I would suggest that you budget between 5 and 7k dhs (depends on luck also you see). Food is not very expensive unless you decide to eat out often. Again, Indian restaurants are cheap; Lebanese are also. If you need italian mexican etc its more expensive. But you should budget for about 4k dhs per month. Car: While car can cost anywhere between 1.5k to .....depending on the car you want, you have to factor for the initial period (Can be 6months or more) for getting a license. This process of getting a license will cost you (minimum) of 2k dhs. Till you get the license your transport cost (or time) will be very high. Budget for that. If you live in Sharjah and work in Dubai, please factor for atleast 1hour to 1.5hour of travel every day (one way). The travel costs should not be too much. But its a hassle. Schools will be an expensive affair but many times the company will cover it. Please check with them. If its not covered, then you will have to factor between 800dhs to 2000dhs per month. This is a big expense. Electricty, water -- about 400dhs. Telephones - Again a big range, but remember that the call costs are extremely high (one of the highest in the world). So, you have to factor that. Petrol is cheap. Car Insurance is expensive (can be between 2k to 5k per year). Summary: As someone else said, there are people who live from 1k dhs per month onwards. Average salaries are about 7k to 10k dhs for a decent job. So, you are doing good. But if your main aim is to save, then be prepared to live in less-than-happy environments, travel long hours. If you want to enjoy life and give your kids a good exposure (multi-cultural environment, good facilities etc) then its perfect and you can do with the salary you mention. One last word of caution: Job visas have some restrictions attached. You may not be able to easily switch jobs. Also, (though illegal) i hear that many companies hold your passports. These are some quirks of this country (and region). Be prepared for them. Set your expectations accordingly and you will enjoy life. Welcome to UAE. Enjoy your stay

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