Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How would you reform the US health insurance system?

I am very leery of government control - I think the bureaucracy would waste dollars, and I'm extremely troubled by the idea of the government having so much control. I'd rather have my HMO cheat me than the government - at least there is one more than one HMO to belong to. But people who advocate government-run health care have a right to ask what the alternative is. I have a few ideas. 1) Make employer-supplied health insurance taxable income to the recipient, BUT offset the extra income with a credit for insurance. This would put people in charge of their own health care and keep them more in touch with what it costs. And the self-employed have to pay for insurance with after-tax dollars, which is unfair. Maybe employers would get out of this business somewhat. 2) Allow insurance companies more latitude to compete in a number of states. Increased competition should help some. Also encourage associations of private individuals to band together to buy insurance.
STOP giving health care to the 20 million illegal aliens......

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