Monday, December 6, 2010

What is the solution to our Health Insurance problems and that movie Sicko?

I don't want anyone to be sick and die because insurance companies want to make money. But is Universal health care provided by the government the answer?? What country has the best health care? I heard France? Argentinian citizens get free plastic surgery??!!!!!!!??
Well one fact that is true is that the government does currently pay a large amount out for health care right now for the elderly and down and out and the Veterans and others. I have heard that the Veterans health system is bad, but my dad was in the Veterans hospital a lot and I thought is was pretty good. I think it is a coop system that everyone pays into and everyone is covered and we should ban the insurance companies from the health care business. As far as oversight, how about the doctors and a represenative or citizen elect from each state to manage it. We do need to be careful just look at social security which was originally good because it was a trust and seperate from the government and then LBJ changed it and mingled it into the budget so as to finance the Vietnam war, which has turned out to be a big mistake. I have heard if it had been left alone it would have 16 trillion in its coffers now but instead they have used it too fight wars and that was not the intention. So there is a solution but it will need safegaurds. Which country is best? I have heard Sweden was good and know of a lady who went there for cancer surgery and it cost $500.00, Maybe we need a group to investigate it.

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