Friday, December 31, 2010

What do you feel is the answer to the health insurance crises within the United States?

I was in the hospital last week with a viral infection and I don't have health insurance from my employer. Lucky for me I have a medicaid card that will pay for my hospital stay but there are way too many people that can't afford health insurance, their employer doesn't offer coverage, and have no means of paying for a hospital stay. All of the people running for president (on the GOP) don't want the government to be involved cause it would increase taxes and they don't want to force employers to insure their employees either. Hospitals should not be forced into taking a loss cause the patient doesn't have insurance. This is one of the few things I agree with Hillary Clinton on and normally I'm a conservative republican.
All I can say is that it's a disgrace that the United States of America is incapable of providing health care for it's citizens. I won't even bother with the argument that we can spend billions on a war but not on our own citizens. If somebody wanted to reform the government (i.e. reduce the horrific waste in money) there would be no need to raise taxes. We're already providing great health care to all those federal employees. That's right kids, you are paying for George and Dick's insurance, all those congressmen, and even the guy that audits your tax form. I won't even mention medicare and medicade. Meanwhile, the average working stiff has been brainwashed into thinking his taxes will go up, even though he's paying anywhere from half to 2/3 of his own premium supplied by his employer. I see no reason at all why we can't have some type of universal health care, except for the fact once those idiots in Washington get their hands on it, we're all doomed.

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