Wednesday, August 24, 2011

OK,What are some problems California faces that is making it difficult to pass health insurance?

For example,I personally think immigration is a big one...what are other though? Thanks
I will take a stab at what I interpret to be your question - Why is the Governor having a hard time with his mandated health insurance proposal? One reason I know of, I am sure there are more - The Governor intends to help fund this by taxing the physicians who provide the medical services. These physicians are already providing services at a barely break even reimbursement rate. If they have to pay an additional tax, they will essentially be paying to see these patients. I think Arnold should use caution here lest he drive the doctors out of his state. *edit* I need to clarify my reference to doctors receiving low reimbursement rates lest some think I am referring to MediCal rates and treating illegal immigrants. I was referring to managed care commercial insurers in the state of California who pay so poorly that doctors barely break even. They collect hefty premiums, pay the doctors a pittance and make a great profit.

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