Friday, July 29, 2011

Why should businesses be forced by law to provide health insurance to its workers?

What makes health care an employers responsibility any more than housing, transportation, or food is?
The right wing of the Country trust business more than government. In all other civilized nations the people understand that the government should be for the people and that such a thing like the right to live is not something that should be traded on the stock market and available to only the wealthy and the very poor. In this country the guy who punches the clock everyday is going to be the one who is more apt to lose everything due to lack of or poor coverage.Until certain people understand that it is the guy trying to make a buck at your expense that we should be afraid of rather than people we choose to represent us then the people who give us a job will have to pay for the ignorance and generally this is small businesses who do most of the employing. And thy are not necessarily the wealthy ones.

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