Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Over 40 million people in this country have no health insurance because?

they can't afford it. So what does the government propose to do to help them? FORCE them to buy their own private health insurance or face massive fines. Excuse me, but I didn't need some faceless bureaucrat to tell me this, I could have done this myself. The whole reason we need health insurance reform in the first place is precisely because it is unaffordable- HELLO? This is just another SICKENING example of how clueless and out of touch politicians are with the average person. What do you think?
Here are some of the things that the congressmen did NOT address in their Rush to stuff a What-ever Bill through: Reduction in government regulations that would reduce the time and cost of filing for Dr.'s payment. Reduction in Government regulations that add cost to 'controlled' medical equipment..(Come on...a plastic air mask should be an over the counter item...) REASONABLE Limits on malpractice law suits AND A limit to Lawyers 'cut'. (2 million people get $10.00 each on a class action suit and the lawyer get $20 Million???? something stinks here.) Get rid of the 'Network' BS....Doctors are Doctors, Hospital are hospital, if I need treatment WHY should I be penalized because the insurance company is a sorority pal of some doctors group and I happened to get hurt outside the Buddy System????

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