Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How is my Health insurance plan going to be affected when this Universal Healthcare bill is passed?

I pay out of pocket from my paycheck into my health care. Why are some people against universal healthcare. If its going to affect me and my family negatively, Im going to be against it too. What are your thoughts?
I earned my healthcare. I don't want it changed. To give it to the poor? They already get title 19, what more do they want us to do for them? They even recently passed/or p[assing the bill that is going to all the GOVERNMENT to dip into Social Security fund to pay for the healthcare for the......ILLEGAL ALIENS IN THE US. What lame brain decided to use it for that? They didn't earn ANYTHING. Send them back. Why do we have to take care of them? They are not one of our citizens. I am definitely against it! M

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