Sunday, February 6, 2011

Do people understand the difference between Universal Healthcare & Universal Health Insurance?

Is this too complex for people? Health insurance is being mandated by Hillary Clinton, this is not health care, it is private insurance that people will have to pay for from their paycheck. This is not a compassion issue, people should have healthcare. Healthcare is DIFFERENT THAN INSURANCE So is forcing every american to have healthcare deducted from their paychecks the right solution to universal healthcare? What if they cannot afford it? Is this a good healthcare plan?
Y E S ... ABSOLUTELY !!! I have NOTHING against helping the elderly and the young. I DO have a problem SUPPORTING the able-bodied people that do NOT want to get off of their butts and EARN an honest living - instead of "FEEDING" off of hard working citizens. AND they teach their children, and their children's children HOW to FEED off of government programs !! Just realize ... that those of us that ACTUALLY have to work for a living, are getting tired of PAYING for the Democrats idea of HELPING. Shouldn't MANDATORY Urine Tests be REQUIRED of people that are requesting "government handouts"? IF you are on LEGAL prescription drugs, then you will not have a problem proving it !! . Would Universal HealthCare AND / OR Universal Health Insurance end up being like our Social Security system - THAT ELECTED POLITICIANS ARE NOT A PART OF, BECAUSE THEY HAVE AND SUPPORT their own Retirement system - - - the Congressional Retirement and Staffing Plan? SO, WHY would they WANT to FIX a government program that THEY are NOT REQUIRED to participate in?… .

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