Monday, November 29, 2010

Why is the health care bill being compared to car insurance?

No one is forced to drive, but we are forced to buy health insurance?
Even if you do have a car, you'd only have to purchase cheap casualty insurance should you injure another party, covering yourself and your own car is optional. Health insurance $500/month vs. $80/month car insurance. Yup, insurance companies had a big day as the bill they wrote and funded has passed, their stocks had closed highest in history last Friday anticipating this historic victory day for THEM (not the fools who are stuck paying them). -------- There will be 17,000 new IRS agents (if the bill says 16,500 you KNOW it's going to be at least triple that, more like 60K new IRS agents). It will be their new job to make sure everyone purchases their own health insurance 365 days of the year, they need to show proof of payment and coverage when they file their taxes (and if they don't file have to mail it in to the IRS). Things sound oh so good now, but if you have a slow month and have to choose between your rent, bills or health insurance, and are forced to choose health insurance to avoid the $2250 penalty, even if you can't afford it for 1 month, are you going to start stressing, feeling like your right to purchase and spend your money as you please has been stripped away because insurance companies paid $60 billion and WROTE a bill to benefit them? And if you don't pay the fine you get your wages garnished, bank accounts frozen (which the bill says the government will have access to without a court order on everyone's accounts) or else serve 3 months in jail).

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