Thursday, November 4, 2010

How do the candidates expect to make everyone buy health insurance?

Health insurance costs are extraordinary, Hillary and OBama want to force people to buy health insurance (and subsidize the costs for some) but they fail to address the reasons health insurance is so expensive. Medical malpractice insurance costs doctors more than most people make a year, and Insurance companies answer to their stockholders before their customers are two of the main reasons it is so expensive. It seems that insurance companies are the ONLY winners in the field of medicine. The democrat solutions to the "health care crisis" only masks the problem.
The problem I have with this is taxes. Where is the money going to come from, me the middle class. The middle class is what keep this country running. Besides, do you think this plan will really benefit all? Will this stop hospitals from closing their doors because illegals immigrants and American trash that go to the emergency room every time they have a cold and they never pay the bill resulting th the hospital having to eat the loss. Read up: 13 hospitals shut down in California as a direct result. Furthermore, this type of heath coverage will result in lower pay for doctors which will go elsewhere for higher paying jobs. The quality will drop and then we will be like Canada who has waiting list for surgeries and people dying as a result. this is madness and we shouldn't elect Hillary or Obama as a direct result.

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