Thursday, July 7, 2011

A hospital cannot afford to admit patients who do not have health insurance.?

.What are the potential problems of this and what is one way consumers, government and businesses could respond to it?
Potential Problems: Admission to the hospital in emergency cases is slowed down because the hospital staff has to confirm if you have insurance before they do anything. This could lead to other medical providers adopting similar policies. How bad would it be....if were suffering from a life threatening injury and the ambulance personnel had to confirm your health insurance was valid before they did anything? People would not get the needed medical care - resulting in untreated diseases and deaths. How to respond: Reform the health care system so that all parties have health insurance. Government subsides to help hospitals with the cost of care for uninsured. Tort Reform with a goal of reducing the cost of malpractice insurance for medical providers. This savings can be passed onto customers. Customers - take care of themselves. Exercise and eat right. This reduces the likelihood of illness. Businesses - provide health benefits for their employees and the families of their employees.

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