Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hey NObamas, do you really think that you only pay for your own health insurance now?

I keep reading comments about people not wanting to pay for anyone's health insurance but their own, for whatever reason--you make your money, you don't want to pay for someone who is lazy and without insurance. Who the h*** do you think pays for them now? The health fairy?
Insurance started out as an honest socialistic concept of paying in for the benefit of whomever suffered the consequences against which they were insuring themselves. Then it became a profitmaking racket for the benefit of whomever skimmed off the funding against eventualities. Is it any fugging wonder it no longer works? That's why we desparately need the socialism nobody's talking about. Well, that's not entirely true. The wacko right sees the dread socialism under their beds and in their closets when the lights go out, but mature, rational people can see that nobody except a few REAL Democrats are bothering with a single-payer plan to put the thieves out of business once and for all.

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