Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why do some Conservatives get so upset when you mention the 47000 that died due to no Health Care insurance?

When you mention this or Republican indifference to health care reform some Republicans have hissy fits! Is this some type of guilty conscious thing? Seems that Rep Grayson really spooked them with his speech?
LMAO......now they have adapted to the charge and are rationalizing the number saying that people die every day. Well let me tell you something, 47000 died specifically because they could not get health care or coverage for treatment to things like Cancer or Heart disease. Now this number was not pulled out of my *** but it the Mayo Clinics estimate as well as other qualified people in medicine. Rationalize all you want but expect to be called out on it again by people like Grayson and now that other Libs feel empowered I think that they too will be calling them out! The Republican policy is DON"T GET SICK AND IF YOU DO DIE QUICKLY! Live with it since you are responsible for 47000 deaths!

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